Obama is no kings don’t like to be constrained. But all government should be.Obama is Pathological Liar, He is an Ideological Liar because the true objectives of his fundamental transformation of the United States are incompatible with American democracy and tradition Obama devotion to the Machiavellian dictum of "the ends justify the means" and lying as an instrument of government policy have been the tools of political extremists throughout history.
Monday, November 30, 2015
Saturday, November 28, 2015
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Texas Law “Forcing” Women to Abort Their Own Babies, Want A Coat Hanger To Help? Kill Your Baby?
The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear arguments challenging a Texas abortion law that went into effect two years ago. The law, in part, requires doctors who perform abortions to have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles of their clinic. Since going into effect, the number of Texas abortion clinics has dwindled from 42 to only 19. Abortions declined 13 percent. And the law’s champions say that it has improved the standard of women’s healthcare in the Lone Star State.
But the law’s opponents – abortionists, primarily – say that the law is leading to disaster. They tout a new study which says that women are being forced to wait longer and travel further to get their abortions. The study also concludes that the law has forced more than 100,000 women to attempt self-abortion using herbs and illegal medications.
“Poverty, limited resources, and local facility closures limited women’s ability to obtain abortion care in a clinic setting and were key factors in deciding to attempt abortion self-induction,” said the Texas Policy Evaluation Project.
In a statement, Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards said, “This important new research paints an alarming picture of what the future may be like for women across the country if the Supreme Court does not block this cruel law.”
Right. So let’s examine this.
Because media brainwashing and cultural rot cause us to forget about what we’re really talking about, sometimes it’s helpful to frame it in another way.
- See more at: http://patriotnewsdaily.com/texas-law-forcing-women-to-abort-their-own-babies/#sthash.31GpZLWx.dpuf
Obama Is Dangerously Nonchalant About ISIS Threats, May Be Obama Should Stop Listening April Wine, I Do Care What They Say About You Any-More And Don't Care What You Want TO Do?
The leader of the free world urged a broader assault on Islamic State yesterday and called for more nations to join forces to crush the enemy. In response, President Obama said he would think about it.
The upside-down quality of the meeting between Obama and French President François Hollande was painful to watch. The attacks in Paris have energized and emboldened Hollande, but Obama again oozed an air of “this too shall pass.” A week after he shamefully called the Paris slaughter a “setback,” he’s still in a fog of his own making.
Obama: We Must Not Show Fear? Liar Obama You Say That Ted Cruz IS Scared “Widows and Orphans?

the week since the Paris terrorist attacks, President Obama has – on
occasion – sounded as though it was his sworn duty to fend off serious
American concerns with snark and comedy. He has accused Republican
lawmakers and candidates of being scared of “widows and orphans” – a
reference to concerns about the Syrian refugee program. He has referred
to ISIS as a “bunch of killers with good social media.” And while
millions have questioned his commitment to defeating ISIS, he has
maintained that the American strategy is working.
On Sunday, speaking in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Obama revealed a bit of a psychology behind the way he’s been carrying on. “The most powerful tool we have to fight ISIL is to say that we’re not afraid,” he said. “To not elevate them. To somehow buy into their fantasy that they’re doing something important.”
So at least that makes some modicum of sense, which is more than we’ve seen in some time from this administration. It doesn’t make it right, but it does have some reasoning behind it. That’s a step in the right direction at least. It at least tells us that there is a method to the madness, even if the bottom line remains…well, madness.
- See more at: http://www.fixthisnation.com/conservative-breaking-news/obama-we-must-not-show-fear/#sthash.8ESLlj8V.dpuf
On Sunday, speaking in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Obama revealed a bit of a psychology behind the way he’s been carrying on. “The most powerful tool we have to fight ISIL is to say that we’re not afraid,” he said. “To not elevate them. To somehow buy into their fantasy that they’re doing something important.”
So at least that makes some modicum of sense, which is more than we’ve seen in some time from this administration. It doesn’t make it right, but it does have some reasoning behind it. That’s a step in the right direction at least. It at least tells us that there is a method to the madness, even if the bottom line remains…well, madness.
- See more at: http://www.fixthisnation.com/conservative-breaking-news/obama-we-must-not-show-fear/#sthash.8ESLlj8V.dpuf
the week since the Paris terrorist attacks, President Obama has – on occasion – sounded as though it was his sworn duty to fend off serious American concerns with snark and comedy. He has accused Republican lawmakers and candidates of being scared of “widows and orphans” – a reference to concerns about the Syrian refugee program. He has referred to ISIS as a “bunch of killers with good social media.” And while millions have questioned his commitment to defeating ISIS, he has maintained that the American strategy is working. On Sunday, speaking in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Obama revealed a bit of a psychology behind the way he’s been carrying on. “The most powerful tool we have to fight ISIL is to say that we’re not afraid,” he said. “To not elevate them. To somehow buy into their fantasy that they’re doing something important.” So at least that makes some modicum of sense, which is more than we’ve seen in some time from this administration. It doesn’t make it right, but it does have some reasoning behind it. That’s a step in the right direction at least. It at least tells us that there is a method to the madness, even if the bottom line remains…well, madness. -
the week since the Paris terrorist attacks, President Obama has – on
occasion – sounded as though it was his sworn duty to fend off serious
American concerns with snark and comedy. He has accused Republican
lawmakers and candidates of being scared of “widows and orphans” – a
reference to concerns about the Syrian refugee program. He has referred
to ISIS as a “bunch of killers with good social media.” And while
millions have questioned his commitment to defeating ISIS, he has
maintained that the American strategy is working.
On Sunday, speaking in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Obama revealed a bit of a psychology behind the way he’s been carrying on. “The most powerful tool we have to fight ISIL is to say that we’re not afraid,” he said. “To not elevate them. To somehow buy into their fantasy that they’re doing something important.”
So at least that makes some modicum of sense, which is more than we’ve seen in some time from this administration. It doesn’t make it right, but it does have some reasoning behind it. That’s a step in the right direction at least. It at least tells us that there is a method to the madness, even if the bottom line remains…well, madness.
- See more at: http://www.fixthisnation.com/conservative-breaking-news/obama-we-must-not-show-fear/#sthash.8ESLlj8V.dpuf
On Sunday, speaking in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Obama revealed a bit of a psychology behind the way he’s been carrying on. “The most powerful tool we have to fight ISIL is to say that we’re not afraid,” he said. “To not elevate them. To somehow buy into their fantasy that they’re doing something important.”
So at least that makes some modicum of sense, which is more than we’ve seen in some time from this administration. It doesn’t make it right, but it does have some reasoning behind it. That’s a step in the right direction at least. It at least tells us that there is a method to the madness, even if the bottom line remains…well, madness.
- See more at: http://www.fixthisnation.com/conservative-breaking-news/obama-we-must-not-show-fear/#sthash.8ESLlj8V.dpuf
the week since the Paris terrorist attacks, President Obama has – on
occasion – sounded as though it was his sworn duty to fend off serious
American concerns with snark and comedy. He has accused Republican
lawmakers and candidates of being scared of “widows and orphans” – a
reference to concerns about the Syrian refugee program. He has referred
to ISIS as a “bunch of killers with good social media.” And while
millions have questioned his commitment to defeating ISIS, he has
maintained that the American strategy is working.
On Sunday, speaking in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Obama revealed a bit of a psychology behind the way he’s been carrying on. “The most powerful tool we have to fight ISIL is to say that we’re not afraid,” he said. “To not elevate them. To somehow buy into their fantasy that they’re doing something important.”
So at least that makes some modicum of sense, which is more than we’ve seen in some time from this administration. It doesn’t make it right, but it does have some reasoning behind it. That’s a step in the right direction at least. It at least tells us that there is a method to the madness, even if the bottom line remains…well, madness.
- See more at: http://www.fixthisnation.com/conservative-breaking-news/obama-we-must-not-show-fear/#sthash.8ESLlj8V.dpuf
On Sunday, speaking in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Obama revealed a bit of a psychology behind the way he’s been carrying on. “The most powerful tool we have to fight ISIL is to say that we’re not afraid,” he said. “To not elevate them. To somehow buy into their fantasy that they’re doing something important.”
So at least that makes some modicum of sense, which is more than we’ve seen in some time from this administration. It doesn’t make it right, but it does have some reasoning behind it. That’s a step in the right direction at least. It at least tells us that there is a method to the madness, even if the bottom line remains…well, madness.
- See more at: http://www.fixthisnation.com/conservative-breaking-news/obama-we-must-not-show-fear/#sthash.8ESLlj8V.dpuf
the week since the Paris terrorist attacks, President Obama has – on
occasion – sounded as though it was his sworn duty to fend off serious
American concerns with snark and comedy. He has accused Republican
lawmakers and candidates of being scared of “widows and orphans” – a
reference to concerns about the Syrian refugee program. He has referred
to ISIS as a “bunch of killers with good social media.” And while
millions have questioned his commitment to defeating ISIS, he has
maintained that the American strategy is working.
On Sunday, speaking in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Obama revealed a bit of a psychology behind the way he’s been carrying on. “The most powerful tool we have to fight ISIL is to say that we’re not afraid,” he said. “To not elevate them. To somehow buy into their fantasy that they’re doing something important.”
So at least that makes some modicum of sense, which is more than we’ve seen in some time from this administration. It doesn’t make it right, but it does have some reasoning behind it. That’s a step in the right direction at least. It at least tells us that there is a method to the madness, even if the bottom line remains…well, madness.
- See more at: http://www.fixthisnation.com/conservative-breaking-news/obama-we-must-not-show-fear/#sthash.8ESLlj8V.dpuf
On Sunday, speaking in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Obama revealed a bit of a psychology behind the way he’s been carrying on. “The most powerful tool we have to fight ISIL is to say that we’re not afraid,” he said. “To not elevate them. To somehow buy into their fantasy that they’re doing something important.”
So at least that makes some modicum of sense, which is more than we’ve seen in some time from this administration. It doesn’t make it right, but it does have some reasoning behind it. That’s a step in the right direction at least. It at least tells us that there is a method to the madness, even if the bottom line remains…well, madness.
- See more at: http://www.fixthisnation.com/conservative-breaking-news/obama-we-must-not-show-fear/#sthash.8ESLlj8V.dpuf
the week since the Paris terrorist attacks, President Obama has – on
occasion – sounded as though it was his sworn duty to fend off serious
American concerns with snark and comedy. He has accused Republican
lawmakers and candidates of being scared of “widows and orphans” – a
reference to concerns about the Syrian refugee program. He has referred
to ISIS as a “bunch of killers with good social media.” And while
millions have questioned his commitment to defeating ISIS, he has
maintained that the American strategy is working.
On Sunday, speaking in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Obama revealed a bit of a psychology behind the way he’s been carrying on. “The most powerful tool we have to fight ISIL is to say that we’re not afraid,” he said. “To not elevate them. To somehow buy into their fantasy that they’re doing something important.”
So at least that makes some modicum of sense, which is more than we’ve seen in some time from this administration. It doesn’t make it right, but it does have some reasoning behind it. That’s a step in the right direction at least. It at least tells us that there is a method to the madness, even if the bottom line remains…well, madness.
- See more at: http://www.fixthisnation.com/conservative-breaking-news/obama-we-must-not-show-fear/#sthash.8ESLlj8V.dpuf
On Sunday, speaking in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Obama revealed a bit of a psychology behind the way he’s been carrying on. “The most powerful tool we have to fight ISIL is to say that we’re not afraid,” he said. “To not elevate them. To somehow buy into their fantasy that they’re doing something important.”
So at least that makes some modicum of sense, which is more than we’ve seen in some time from this administration. It doesn’t make it right, but it does have some reasoning behind it. That’s a step in the right direction at least. It at least tells us that there is a method to the madness, even if the bottom line remains…well, madness.
- See more at: http://www.fixthisnation.com/conservative-breaking-news/obama-we-must-not-show-fear/#sthash.8ESLlj8V.dpuf
Sunday, November 22, 2015
The biggest chunk of the $59.7 trillion in debt belongs to the US?
Jeff Desjardins at Visual Capitalist broke down how much of the world's sovereign debt each country holds.
The biggest chunk of the $59.7 trillion in debt belongs to the US, which holds 29.05% of all of it. Europe has a high frequency of large debts, with 7 of the top 15 countries coming from the continent, Desjardins noted.
Desjardins also notes an interesting, and possibly troubling, fact about the second-largest debt holder Japan.
"Japan makes up only 6.18% of total economic production, but has amounted 19.99% of global debt," he wrote.
The data comes from the IMF and does not include household or corporate debt. Additionally, the graph shows the debt to GDP ratio for each country based on the shade of the piece. All debt was converted to USD for the graph.
Saturday, November 21, 2015
Friday, November 20, 2015
Obama Mocks The Bible And Christianity For Three Minutes Straight? Tell Me Obama All About Your NEVER-ENDING DEFENSE OF ISLAM ENSURES MORE BOMBING ATTACKS?
In Search of a Commander-in-Chief: How the Paris Attacks and Terrorism Are Reshaping the 2016 Campaign

Foreign policy is becoming more central to the 2016 campaign in the wake of the Paris attacks and Americans’ growing understanding that terrorism is a threat in the U.S.
Hillary Clinton‘s speech Thursday was an artful effort to address last week’s rampage in Paris and the threat from Islamic State without walking away from President Barack Obama‘s strategies on major issues, such as the deployment of ground forces. She injected more urgency into the fight against ISIS and articulated things more clearly than the White House has. Still, there was a Goldilocks aura around her: not too hot, nor too cold–and no closer to finding the just-right policy.
Democrats face a different, more complex foreign-policy challenge than Republicans, especially if Mrs. Clinton becomes the party’s nominee. She will seek to make the case that in today’s dangerous world, we need a president who knows her way around. Mrs. Clinton is a formidable opponent in any debate. In addition to her common sense and familiarity with an atlas, she has a commanding knowledge of facts and concepts. Can other presidential candidates confidently explain the difference between Sunni, Shiites, and Alawites? With the possible exception of Sen. Marco Rubio, who gives the impression that he’s comfortable and savvy with matters of national security and foreign policy, nobody else really impresses.
But Mrs. Clinton’s experience plays against her, too. Republicans will hammer some of her decisions as secretary of state, particularly her use of a private e-mail server, Benghazi, and not following up on efforts to stabilize a post-Qadhafi Libya. If none of those issues gain traction, opponents will argue that she endorsed Mr. Obama’s withdrawal from Iraq and the nuclear deal with Iran. Mrs. Clinton’s gentle steps to distance herself from the president–endorsing a “no-fly zone” in Syria and being tough with Vladimir Putin–hang on whether Republican efforts to portray Mr. Obama as abdicator in chief have already stuck with voters, particularly independents.
Well before Paris, Republicans across the spectrum had seized on what they deem President Obama’s risk-aversion, naivete, lack of leadership, and/or penchant for coddling U.S. enemies and alienating friends. They have sought to paint the president as weak for heading to the exits in Iraq too soon, the vanishing “red line” over use of chemical weapons in Syria, the deep freeze in relations with Israel, and the Iran nuclear deal.That Russia and France appear to be acting more boldly than the U.S. in the wake of the Paris attacks continues to provide ammunition for criticism.
Thursday, November 19, 2015
Obama says Syrian refugees are no bigger threat to U.S. than ‘tourists’
Obama said Thursday that Syrian refugees are no more dangerous to the U.S. than tourists, and he accused Republican presidential candidates of stoking fears about the refugees and closing the Guantanamo Bay terrorist detention center to score political points.
Speaking to reporters at a summit in the Philippines, Mr. Obama said the “overwhelming numbers” of Syrians who are applying for entry to the U.S. “are children, women, families — themselves victims of terrorism.” He said they are already subject to rigorous vetting by U.S. security officials.
“The idea that somehow they pose a more significant threat than all the tourists who pour into the United States every single day just doesn’t jive with reality,” Mr. Obama said. “So my expectation is after the initial spasm of rhetoric, the people will settle down, take a look at the facts, and we’ll be able to proceed.”
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Does Obama And Jed Bush Common Core hurt minority students the most?
Proponents of the Common Core national standards have claimed from the beginning that a major goal of the initiative is to reduce the “achievement gap”between white and minority students. Common Core test scores in California andNew York suggest that the opposite is occurring. And now we have confirmation from what could be called the premier Common Core state in the country – Kentucky.
Prompted by an education establishment enamored of the progressive theories underlying Common Core (as well as by federal Race to the Top bribe money), Kentucky was the first state to adopt the national standards. In fact, formal adoption occurred before even the draft standards were issued, much less the final standards. The state fully implemented the standards and began administering the aligned state assessments during the 2011-2012 school year.
Kentucky thus has the nation’s longest experience with Common Core, and its results may be a bellwether for the rest of the country. Especially for minority students, the early signs are troubling.
Kentucky just released its 2014-2015 eighth grade scores on the EXPLORE and PLAN college-readiness tests. Those tests are aligned with the ACT college-entrance examination and have a long, reliable history of assessing college-readiness. These Kentucky scores are perhaps the best indicator anywhere in the nation of the effect of Common Core teaching.
What is it about Common Core that disproportionately harms minority students?
And the news is bad. As explained by Richard Innes of the Bluegrass Institute, “In every single case [in all tested subjects (English, math, reading, and science)] the white minus black achievement gaps for both EXPLORE and PLAN have increased since Kentucky adopted Common Core aligned state tests in the 2011-2012 school year.” Since 2011-12, the smallest EXPLORE achievement-gap increase was 1.1 percent for English, and the largest increase was 3.7 percent in math. PLAN’s smallest gap increase was a change of 0.4 percent in math, with the largest at 2.7 percent in English.
Even more dismal are the percentages of black students meeting EXPLORE and PLAN benchmarks. In five of the eight categories (each test includes four subjects), black student performance declined from the 2012 test results. In two of the other three categories, performance increased only slightly over previously deplorable scores, and in the third, it remained the same.
The results from Kentucky – the state that is further down the Common Core road than any other – strongly suggest that Common Core is hurting the very students it was supposed to elevate.
Innes sums it up: “EXPLORE and PLAN show Kentucky is grossly leaving its major minority population behind and the situation is generally worse now than when Common Core started. After 25 years of expensive education reform efforts in Kentucky, only around one in ten black students is getting the math education needed, and only about one in five is getting the even more critical reading skills that are essential for almost any career today. These numbers are a disgrace.”
Why is this happening? What is it about Common Core that disproportionately harms minority students?
Perhaps one answer lies in pedagogy. Common Core embraces student-centered “discovery” learning, where the teacher acts as (to use the popular cliché) a “guide on the side” rather than a “sage on the stage.” In other words, the teacher is supposed to teach less and “facilitate” more. Especially for disadvantaged students, that pedagogy does not work. Project Follow Through, the largest and most expensive government education study in history, proved this by following 79,000 Head Start participant children for years to determine the best means of educating them.
Moreover, Common Core math locks children into a slowed-down progression that ultimately leaves children unprepared for higher education. As Marina Ratner, professor emerita of mathematics at Cal-Berkeley, argued last year in the Wall Street Journal, “students taught in the way that these standards require would have little chance of being admitted to even an average college and would certainly struggle if they did get in.” And the leading expert on K-12 English standards, Dr. Sandra Stotsky, testified in Utah that “… Common Core’s ELA standards fall farbelow what other English-speaking nations or regions require of college-intending high school graduates.”
Such defects disproportionately hurt students from disadvantaged backgrounds. That’s not rocket science. Wealthier families have the wherewithal to work around Common Core by hiring tutors, giving their children private supplemental courses, or moving them to private schools. Disadvantaged students simply will not receive what they need from the schools. They will fall further and further behind.
Continuation of these bankrupt educational strategies is not rational; it’s a matter of almost religious devotion that this must work because it sounds so good. And it’s almost certain that the zealots in the education establishment will resort to cover-ups before they betray their faith. ACT has already announced it will phase out EXPLORE and PLAN, and the College Board has dumbed down the SAT to align with Common Core. The chances of further embarrassing testing data are thus diminished.
And inevitably, colleges and universities will bow to the pressure and just convert their remedial courses into basic freshman courses, masking these Common Core-trained students’ lack of preparedness for authentic college coursework. Kentucky State University has already announced it’s dropping remedial courses, substituting redesigned credit-bearing courses for students who formerly would have needed remediation. Whether these students can succeed in these new “accelerated” courses, or if the courses will be watered down from the former credit-bearing courses, remains an open question.
This mostly looks like more depressing evidence that the Common Core scheme will require increasing levels of fraud to hide its failure. The students who suffer the most will be the students who face the most obstacles as it is. This is nothing short of a national scandal.
Emmett McGroarty is the Director of Education at American Principles Project. Emmett and his colleague, Jane Robbins, authored "Controlling Education from the Top: Why Common Core Is Bad for America," which was co-published by American Principles Project, Pioneer Institute, Pacific Research Institute, and Washington Policy Center. He is a co-founder of TruthInAmericanEducation.com, a nationwide network of individuals and organizations that sheds light on the Common Core system.
Obama We're Not Islamophobic, We Just Don't Want to Get Blown Up? , I Have A Message For Obama And Council for American Relations Take The Word Islamophobia.And Shove It Your Ass
Republican and Democratic governors are thwarting President Obama’s plan to move thousands of Syrian refugees into your neighborhood.
It is a prudent measure to take – especially in the aftermath of the Islamic terrorist attack in Paris. And it is especially prudent now that ISIS has warned that America will be next.
That’s shameful,” the president said, referring to suggestions that only Syrian Christians be allowed to enter the United States. “That’s not American. That’s not who we are. We don’t have religious tests to our compassion.”
CAIR went on to say that such actions were "driven by fear and Islamophobia."
Well, if wanting to keep the radical Islamists out of our nation makes me an extremist, then so be it.
Republican Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee delivered the harshest critique of President Obama’s response to the Paris terrorist attacks, calling it wimpish.
“We have a Cub Scout for Commander in Chief,” he said. “It’s embarrassing when a left-wing socialist French President shows strength and determination to eradicate animals who are slaughtering innocent civilians while our president lectures us on the moral necessity to open our borders to tens of thousands of un-vetted people from the Middle East.
But President Obama remains steadfast in his defense of the Muslim faith. He said the world has a terrorist problem, not a Muslim problem.
“The overwhelming majority of victims of terrorism over the last several years, and certainly the overwhelming majority of victims of ISIL, are themselves Muslims,” he said. “ISIL does not represent Islam. It is not representative in any way of the attitudes of the overwhelming majority of Muslims.”
I really want to believe that Islam is the religion of peace. I really do. But it’s hard to do when there is not overwhelming condemnation of the terrorist attacks from the majority of Muslims.
Where are the voices of the Muslims outraged that their faith has been hijacked? Where are the thousands of Muslims marching in the streets denouncing the terrorists? Where are they? Why have they chosen to remain silent?
“We need to take ISIS at their word,” Franklin Graham wrote on Facebook. “Their goal is world domination. They want to control us – they want to destroy us.”
I'm all for welcoming the huddled masses yearning to be free. It's the ones yearning to wage jihad that I'm worried about.
What's going to happen when one of those Syrian refugees opens fire in a Chick-fil-A or launches a chemical attack at Disney World or explode a pressure cooker at Cafe DuMonde in the French Quarter?
We are not Islamophobic, Mr. President. We are not un-American. We just don't want our kids to get blown up.
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Recent presidential tradition includes leaving a handwritten letter in the Oval Office for the next man who takes the o...