Obama is no kings don’t like to be constrained. But all government should be.Obama is Pathological Liar, He is an Ideological Liar because the true objectives of his fundamental transformation of the United States are incompatible with American democracy and tradition Obama devotion to the Machiavellian dictum of "the ends justify the means" and lying as an instrument of government policy have been the tools of political extremists throughout history.
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
White House Insists Obama Has Lived up to Ideals of Nobel Prize
Barack Obama’s record of peace as president, after reporters questioned the Nobel Peace Prize award bestowed on him in 2009.
“I feel confident in telling you that the president feels that he’s lived up to the standard he set up for himself in that speech,” he said.
Earnest cited Obama’s willingness to meet with activists and opposition figures around the world, supporting the cause of peace around the world.
“The president is quite proud of his record,” Earnest replied, despite Obama’s continued commitment to military combat in Afghanistan and Iraq as well as his drone program to wipe out terrorists.
He admitted that although there were doubters that Obama deserved the prize after getting elected president, but they could now look at Obama’s record as president as proof.
“The president is quite proud of his record,” Earnest concluded.
Obama is meeting with the 2016 class of Nobel laureates at the White House later Wednesday afternoon. Singer and songwriter Bob Dylan, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in literature, is not attending the meeting, but several other winners are taking the opportunity to meet the president.
Obama met with Dylan in 2012, at a ceremony awarding him the Medal of Freedom.
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
911-Moans, Screams Heard From Botched Abortion Victim At Carhart's NE Cl...
Published on May 23, 2012
March 31, 2012, at 1:05 PM the first of 2 calls to 911 were placed by a receptionist at LeRoy Carhart's Abortion and Contraception Clinic of Nebraska. Clinic workers are slow to give information to the dispatcher while the patient moans and screams in the background
Desperate 911 Call Scared Teen Forced to Get Abortion in Wichita
Published on Dec 1, 2015
Nov. 11, 2015: Mom calls 911 because estranged father was forcing her teenage daughter to get an abortion she did not want. Police respond to check on her welfare, but are obstructed by the clinic;s owner. Teen texted mom and aunt telling them she was scared and did not want the abortion. http://operationrescue.org
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Obama Says He's Had A Scandal-Free Administration. Here Are 11 of His Scandals?
Barack Obama—who isn't going away after he leaves office—just unleashed this massive whopper:
This is demonstrably false. Obama's presidency has been mired with numerous scandals that would be blared on the news 24/7 if he were a Republican. But because he's a Democrat, too many people buy Obama's argument that his presidency has been scandal-free. Here are 11 of Obama's scandals.
1. Operation Fast and Furious. This egregious example of a reckless government endangering lives and then scrambling to cover it up has haunted Obama for years. As Daily Wire has explained, "Operation Fast and Furious involved the Obama administration arming drug cartels and thugs south of the border as a means to undermine the Second Amendment. The program resulted in the death of U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry. One of the Islamic terrorists in the Garland, Texas, attack also used a gun that was obtained through the Fast and Furious program."
The attempt to cover up the fatal program resulted in Obama's first AG being held in contempt of Congress:
Then-Attorney General Eric Holder was held in contempt of Congress for stonewalling investigations into Operation Fast and Furious, and President Barack Obama further stonewalled the investigations by wrongly asserting executive privilege. On Tuesday, a federal judge threw out Obama's executive privilege assertion on the grounds that the Justice Department "has already publicly revealed the sum and substance of the very material it is now seeking to withhold. Since any harm that would flow from the disclosures sought here would be merely incremental, the records must be produced."It has also been revealed that Joaquin Guzman, better known as the drug lord "El Chapo," acquired a .50 caliber rifle as a result of Fast and Furious.
2. Benghazi. The terror attacks in Benghazi, Libya resulted in four brave Americans dying despite the fact that help could have been sent, but wasn't. Requests for security prior to the attack were repeatedly denied, and after the attack Obama and Hillary Clinton falsely blamed it on a video considered offensive to Muslims. During the election, Benghazi became associated with Clinton—and rightly so—but it is also Obama's scandal as well. It is still not known what Obama was doing that night.
3. The IRS targeted conservative organizations. In 2013, Lois Lerner, who directed the Internal Revenue Service's Exempt Organizations Unit, admitted that Tea Party organizations were targeted under the agency, but blamed it on lower-level employees. Such organizations were heavily scrutinized with invasive questions. Since then, Lerner and IRS commissioner John Koskinen have denied any wrongdoing and have stonewalled congressional efforts to investigate the matter, citing computer crashes for being unable to turn over related emails.
Meanwhile, a federal court concluded in August that conservative groups might still be facing targeted scrutiny from the IRS. It has also been reported that the Department of Justice (DOJ) knew about the IRS's targeting of conservative groups as early as 2011.
4. The DOJ seized Associated Press phone records as well as phone and email records from Fox News reporter James Rosen. In the AP's case, the DOJ was investigating a story involving "a CIA operation in Yemen that foiled an al-Qaeda plot in the spring of 2012 to set off a bomb on an airplane headed to the United States," according to the Washington Post. The DOJ seized two months of phone records from the AP without informing the news outlet.
"There can be no possible justification for such an overbroad collection of the telephone communications of The Associated Press and its reporters," Gary Pruitt, president of the AP wrote to Holder at the time. “These records potentially reveal communications with confidential sources across all of the newsgathering activities undertaken by the AP during a two-month period, provide a road map to AP’s newsgathering operations, and disclose information about AP’s activities and operations that the government has no conceivable right to know.”
In the Rosen case, the DOJ was investigating a story Rosen did involving North Korea and tracked "his movements and conversations," according to Fox News, including phone numbers belonging to Rosen's parents. The DOJ had listed Rosen as a "co-conspirator" under the Espionage Act in regards to the story—allegedly pressing a source for classified information. Rosen was never charged with a crime.
Fox News executive Michael Clemente called the DOJ's actions against Rosen "downright chilling." "We will unequivocally defend [Rosen’s] right to operate as a member of what up until now has always been a free press," Clemente said in a statement, per the Washington Post.
5. The NSA conducted mass surveillance against American citizens without a warrant. Thanks to leaking from former government contractor Edward Snowden, it was revealed that the National Security Agency had been conducting mass surveillance against American citizens—a clear violation of the Fourth Amendment. In 2015, the NSA eventually ended their bulk data collection of phone records.
6. The Obama administration paid ransom to Iran for hostages, and lied to the American people about it. As the Daily Wire has explained, the Obama administration claimed that they were giving a total of $1.7 billion to Iran to settle a failed arms deal with the previous Iranian regime, and it just happened to coincide with the release of four American hostages. The Obama administration also didn't reveal the details of the agreement to Congress. It was obvious though that it was a ransom deal and the Obama administration lied about it.
7. Hillary's email scandal. Clinton's use of a private email server that was unapproved and unsecured has been written about extensively, but it is also Obama's scandal as well, since it has been revealed that not only did Obama know about her private email server, he also communicated with her under the use of a pseudonym. If their email exchanges involved classified information, then Obama also would have violated the Espionage Act.
8. The Environmental Protection Agency poisoned a Colorado river. The EPA breached the Gold King mine in the state and "mistakenly dug at the bottom" as well as didn't test for pressure—both of which were mistakes that led "three million gallons of toxic mine waste," according to The Daily Caller. The EPA has not been held accountable for this.
9. The EPA also broke federal law in promoting a regulation. The Daily Wire reported in 2015 that the nonpartisan Government Accountability Office concluded that the EPA broke the law in using Thunderclap to tout their "Waters of the United States" regulation as well as their use of "hyperlinks to the [Natural Resources Defense Council] and Surfrider Foundation webpages provided in the EPA blog post."
10. The GSA scandal. The General Services Administration was busted in 2012 for spending $823,000 on an extravagantly decadent conference in Las Vegas, and it became a shining example of government waste. Several people in the agency were fired, with one facing an indictment. Despite the scandal, lavish spending still occurred within federal agencies under the Obama administration.
11. The Secret Service scandal. The Secret Service was caught in 2012 engaging with prostitutes during a trip to Cartegena, Columbia, with one Secret Service agent emailing another:
"Swagg cologne-check/Pimp gear-check/ Swagg sunglasses-check/Cash fo dem hoes-check." They "also left sensitive government documents unprotected in their Cartagena rooms," according to The Daily Caller.
Monday, November 21, 2016
Obama Claims Electoral System Rigged in Favor of Republicans, Obama Admits To Rigged Elections Back In 2008?,
Barack Obama is complaining about aspects of the country’s electoral system that he says favored Republicans in 2016.
“As long as Wyoming gets the same number of senators as California, there’s going to be some tilt towards Republicans when it comes to congressional races,” he explained, pointing out that most Democratic voters were “bunched up in big cities.”
During a press conference in Peru, Obama grumbled that Republicans took advantage of “political gerrymandering” after winning wide majorities in that helped them lock in a majority in Congress.
“More votes have been cast for Democratic congressional candidates than Republican,” Obama said. “And yet you end up having large Republican majorities.”
He cited “bad luck” as the reason Republicans swept back into power in 2010, blaming the economic downturn he inherited from former president Bush and not having enough time for his policies to take root.
Obama appeared to realize that he was complaining about the rules, admitting that the electoral system has “structural problems” that the Democratic party has to accept.
“But, look, you can’t make excuses about the rules,” he said. “That’s the deal, and we got to do better.”
Sunday, November 20, 2016
The President of the United States of America is responsible for the safety of any President Elect, via his Department of Homeland Security Chief, who also now runs the Secret Service.
In essence, via his DHS, the President also runs the Secret Service, and they are charged with protecting a President Elect.
t is widely reported and documented that the Secret Service under Chief Jeh Johnson, and President Barack “Barry Soetoro” Obama has been gutted, deprived of funding, subjected to morale-blasting and disastrous “supervision,” and is not “the Super Bowl team” it once was.
NOTICE: to President Barack “Barry Soetoro” Obama; if any harm should maybe come to Donald Trump under your watch and protection, the 60,000,000 people who voted for him could be inconsolable.
By the way. I can’t find any evidence that the President ever legally changed his name from Barry Soetoro to “Barack Hussein Obama;” his personally chosen, three, Arabic names.
Did he? Change his name, legally? I don’t know.
Oh…I wonder if you take an Oath of Office under a phony name, are you still obligated to uphold that Oath? So…if his name is really Barry Soetoro, is that a “phony name?” I don’t know. And, if he took the Oath as “Barack Hussein Obama,” and that’s not his legal name, is he still obligated to uphold that oath?
I don’t know.
Does that have anything to do with the reported fact that nobody outside his “family is allowed to ever call him Barack”?
I don’t know.
Vengeful, spiteful, arrogant, lying, narcissistic, shifty-eyed, creepy, Barack “Barry Soetoro” Obama refuses to call off his anti-Trump attack dogs |
However—this President—the outgoing, apparently vengeful, spiteful, arrogant, lying (“You can keep your doctor”), narcissistic, shifty-eyed, creepy, Barack “Barry Soetoro” Obama. He refuses to call off his anti-Trump attack dogs. He even seems to encourage their violent mauling and bloodying of innocent, white Trump supporters.
From Breitbart.com:
‘Outgoing President Obama refused to condemn the disruptive demonstrations erupting across the country against President-Elect Donald Trump and the violent attacks on his supporters.‘“I would not advise people who feel strongly or are concerned about some of the issues that have been raised over the course of the campaign, I would not advise them to be silent,” he said, Thursday‘“I’ve been the subject of protests during the course of my eight years. And I suspect that there’s not a president in our history that hasn’t been subject to these protests,” he added.‘Rioters across the country smashed windows, vandalized cars, set fires, torched American flags, attacked police officers, shut down major freeways, looted businesses, and more after Trump’s decisive electoral victory.‘Anti-Trump rioters have also violently attacked Americans—some in what appear to be racially-motived assaults—who voted for the Republican presidential nominee.’
Is that so?
The president said, “I’ve been the subject of protests during the course of my eight years. And I suspect that there’s not a president in our history that hasn’t been subject to these protests….”
Hey. Barry. NObody beat people up or burned down businesses and cars when you got elected twice, you lying, creepy, wild-eyed, “Saul Alinsky” (Rules For Radicals, 1971).
Why is the President like a “Saul Alinsky?”
What did the President and Saul Alinsky reportedly believe in? Have in common? What are the rules for radicals they each reportedly followed as, “community organizers”?
Continued below...
Saul Alinsky’s 12 “Rules For Radicals”:
- Stay alert, watchful, and informed. Be vocal. Be bastions, proponents, and nurturers of Truth, Justice, and the American Way. Gather to you, those of like mind, hopes, and aspirations.
- “Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.” Power is derived from 2 main sources – money and people. “Have-Nots” must build power from flesh and blood.
- “Never go outside the expertise of your people.” It results in confusion, fear and retreat. Feeling secure adds to the backbone of anyone.
- “Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy.” Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty.
- “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules.
- “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.
- “A good tactic is one your people enjoy.” They’ll keep doing it without urging and come back to do more. They’re doing their thing, and will even suggest better ones.
- “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.” Don’t become old news.
- “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.” Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new.
- “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.” Imagination and ego can dream up many more consequences than any activist.
- “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.” Violence from the other side can win the public to your side because the public sympathizes with the underdog.
- “The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.” Never let the enemy score points because you’re caught without a solution to the problem.
- Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.
The American people seem to have had enough of President Obama and his leftist, Islamist, Alinsky ways. I believe they have been too scared of him—those eyes—to say anything until now.
And now is the time to say something. Before he maybe scorches the Earth, as he MAYBE leaves office; or maybe touches off a nuclear war, so he can hold power; or maybe sees Trump eliminated or blocked, so he can hold power.
Or maybe he just holds power.
Now is the time for the 60,000,000 people who voted for Trump to let the Masters of the Universe know, the people have had enough and they’re “not gonna take it anymore!”
Because, while one narcissistic, lying man might have lunatic designs on holding or keeping power, those others who created him, and have borne and supported him—THEY are not stupid enough to defy 60,000,000 people.
No. They—the foreign trillionaires, the real Masters and Rulers of Earth—they have no use for such a man. His reign is over. The Masters will retreat into their castles, lairs, and holes. And they will emerge at a later time to take up their lost refrain of World Domination. When they think the time is right. When things have “calmed down.”
When they think you have all gone back to sleep.
So. Don’t “sleep.” This time, stay awake.
Stay alert, watchful, and informed. Be vocal. Be bastions, proponents, and nurturers of Truth, Justice, and the American Way. Gather to you, those of like mind, hopes, and aspirations.
Because nobody else can do it for you.
Oh…and, yes, I know that on the dedication page of his book, Saul Alinsky “acknowledged Lucifer.” And I also know Alinsky is deceased.
With Lucifer?
Thursday, November 17, 2016
Monday, November 14, 2016
Sunday, November 13, 2016
IN THE NEW SPIRIT OF DEMOCRAT COOPERATION? But Never Forget This: They Do Not Go Away; They Never Quit; And They Won’t Ever Stop Until All Of Us Are Enslaved or Dead
Let’s see….
- Total Democrat Party failure
- Total Democrat-controlled Media failure
- Total failure of “spontaneous” riots in Democrat-run cities
- Total failure of a whining, weeping, recriminating Democrat Left
Hmmmm…why, this all seems to spell…well…failure, am I right?
Of course I’m right. Yes, and if the major revision decisions have not yet already been made, then I guarantee that they soon will be made. The Marxist, Islamist, Fascist World Evil Axis Powers’ strategic and tactical goals are being reassessed and reorganized. Every moment of every day and every last piece of silver is aimed at salvaging, reorganizing, and continuing—no matter how long it may take—their dreamed-of Global coup.
Such have been around forever. Nero’s secret police were never fully disbanded; no, they went on to work for Caligula, Vespasian, Diocletian, and then beyond those rulers and despots.
Even buyers and sellers of the ancient version of “liquid gold”–olive oil—functioned as an Imperial spy organization. It never actually went away. Why would it? It was too useful to ever be disbanded or abolished. It just transformed, melted into the Earth, and carried on as it always had, in one form or another.
We are talking here about highly skilled intelligence operators and organizers. Hole and corner boys; secret agents; spies. They never go away. They are much too useful to the real Game of Earth, which is always played out in the shadow world of false realities.
No, I’m not talking about lizard kings, Illuminati, or space aliens who run the world. I’m talking about clandestine operations run by dictators, globalists, foreign billionaires, One Worlders, the CIA, NSA, and all the rest. It’s just common sense. And “everybody does it.”
So what? In some forms these are strategically valuable assets to any Nation, even the USA at its most virtuous and noble. These services are indispensable.
But that’s what they said when they co-opted the Nazi “medical” science the Nazis obtained by torturing captured US and Russian soldiers, sailors, and airmen. These “subjects” were burned, frozen, shot, bayonetted, infected, thrown out of air planes, and otherwise tested for the “glory of the Reich.”
And then later, for the glory of America.
What can be done? Nothing, really. How do you avoid that? You can’t, really.
The crack Nazi intelligence units were never disbanded. They went on to become the OSS’s and new CIA’s vaunted partners under a new name of The Gehelen Organization. This group was run in Germany by a former Nazi officer named Gehelen. See how it works?
Well-organized evil never goes away. And there are always things for it to do, no matter who is in charge for the moment. Until it’s next incarnation.
Right now, the hidden, foreign billionaires and dark global forces who pushed the failed Obama-Clinton coup; the Islamist invasion; the banishment of American borders, culture, and its language; they are gathered in secret to reassess, reorganize, regroup, and try again.
Because evil and the goat-like, mad lust for POWER, it never goes away.
So. Donald. I know you’re a seasoned street guy, and a wise-guy in your own sense, but—vato: please be careful, and watch your back.
And have somebody watch you watching your back. Because the evil sonzab[tches are everywhere, and some of them are not under discipline of the Cabal.
If I’m right, and I believe I am, you will soon see all of these politicians, media, and “community leaders” soon retreat to a “civil, rational, Obama-like neutrality and spirit of cooperation,” in an attempt to make us forget their evil.
And to try again, when they choose and think the time is right.
But never forget this: they do not go away; they never quit; and they won’t ever stop until all of us are enslaved or dead
The Deportation Machine Obama Built for Trump Trump Says He Will Immediately Deport Or Jail Up To 3 Million illegal Immigrants

Obama doubled the number of people being prosecuted for reentry by expanding Bush’s border-court system, Operation Streamline, which tries up to 70 people per day in a cattle line of sentences. https://www.thenation.com/article/the-deportation-machine-obama-built-for-president-trump/

Obama doubled the number of people being prosecuted for reentry by expanding Bush’s border-court system, Operation Streamline, which tries up to 70 people per day in a cattle line of sentences. https://www.thenation.com/article/the-deportation-machine-obama-built-for-president-trump/
President-elect Donald Trump says he will deport or incarcerate 2 or 3 million undocumented immigrants who have criminal records.
“What we are going to do is get the people that are criminal and have criminal records, gang members, drug dealers…we are getting them out of our country or we are going to incarcerate,” Trump told CBS’s “60 Minutes” in his first television interview since Tuesday’s election, to air Sunday night.
Once the border is secure and “everything gets normalized” his administration will determine what to do about other people in the U.S. illegally “who are terrific people,” he said.
Read more here: http://www.sacbee.com/latest-news/article114539433.html#storylink=cpy
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