Saturday, December 31, 2016

Biblical Prophecy Exposes the “Two State Solution” as Absolute Nonsense And is Dead Ever Going to Happen

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It is hard to imagine a body of anti-Semites sitting in a nation that is allied to Israel working so hard to destroy that sovereign nation. But this is the UN, an innocuous group of one world thinkers, supported largely by the United States taxpayer, who ignore scripture, are void of all prophetic knowledge and the plan God has for his very special people—the Jews.
When the British met the Minutemen at Lexington it made history in what has been coined “The shot heard round the world.” Not since then has there been anything like it—but wait—now there’s Obama’s parting shot against the nation of Israel, our strongest Middle Eastern ally.

This is also history, howbeit, grossly profane.
After being labeled us all gun toting, Bible clinging and angry citizens; Mr. Obama has remained true to form. In his final act of disdain for our history and heritage he called for our representative to the UN to abstain from the vote, which essentially puts Israel at the mercy of the rest of the world—a world with even less knowledge of the prophetic destiny of Israel than our outgoing president.
We believe that history is made wholly by nations acting out their part in a developing world, but scripture say that nations create history based on their ignorance and rejection of the prophetic message of the bible. The immutable maxim here is that when politics meets prophecy, politics always loses.
Prophecy is the pre-determinate will and counsel of the Living God and it cannot be altered by men.
Examples abound. The world thinks it will come to a place that by applying itself to discourse and a bit of wishful thinking we will all sit down and talk our way into world peace.
The bible is not so naïve and tells us the hard truth. Men will continue to war and fight until the day when Christ enters our history again. (Mk 13: 7)

The “Two State Solution” is the pipe dream of warring and troubled nations that need to look much closer to the mess in their own backyard

In fact, beside the wars and rumors of war taking place around the world there will be a final lunge toward Israel by many Arab nations that will utterly fail and a final gathering of all the armies of the world in what is well known as the battle of Armageddon. That battle will end with the annihilation of every single participant in that conflict. (Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39) (Rev 16: 16)
World peace brokered by the UN - do not hold your breath.
In the interim we can only hope that after the inauguration of President-elect Trump, he will remedy the infamous vote of the U.N. by whatever means needed, including defunding them to keep them from interfering with our allies.
It is a sad day when we have to hear Sephardic Chief Rabbi, Yitzhak Yosef declare that the “US has forsaken Israel” and that now they must all stand alone with the help of God alone. While that is surely enough, it doesn’t say much for our trustworthiness throughout the world and it speaks volumes about the worst presidential administration in our entire history as a nation.
The “Two State Solution” is the pipe dream of warring and troubled nations that need to look much closer to the mess in their own backyard.
If this all sounds hopeless—not to despair, the entire world will be plunged into peace, but not until the rightful ruler, the Lord Jesus Christ, returns to take his throne. He is - “The Prince of Peace.” (Isaiah 9: 6)

Obama’s “Evidence” Against Russia Falls Flat

The Democrats have been saying that there’s proof that the Russians hacked into Democratic Party computers for the purpose of obtaining and planting information that would help elect Donald J. Trump as president. But the proof wasn’t provided when President Obama issued an executive order and announced the expulsions of Russians from the U.S., and sanctions against Russian officials.

Obama team disregarded the threat of Russian hacking in the past “because they were confident that Secretary Clinton would win.”

Still, our media were almost unanimous in saying that President Obama has proved his case and that Trump was out-of-step with what the evidence clearly showed.
For his part, Trump seemed in no hurry to come to any rash conclusions, saying he would meet with “leaders of the intelligence community” next week in order to be “updated on the facts of this situation.”
The facts were certainly in short supply when the media jumped to conclusions about the “evidence” released by the Obama administration.
A big question was timing. Kevin D. Freeman, an expert on economic and financial warfare between nations, has commented that the evidence indicates that the Obama team disregarded the threat of Russian hacking in the past “because they were confident that Secretary Clinton would win.” He called that “stunning.”
According to this line of reasoning, the Obama administration decided to blame the Russians only after Trump won the election, perhaps for the purpose of complicating the foreign relations priorities of the President-elect.

Joint Analysis Report on alleged “Russian malicious cyber activity”

Whatever the motivation, the Obama administration’s “Joint Analysis Report” on alleged “Russian malicious cyber activity” is very weak and vague in key respects.
It would have been nice if reporters had read the pathetically thin report before concluding that there was substance to it, and that Trump was somehow derelict in not accepting what Obama had to offer.
Only four-and-a-half pages of the 13-page report purport to examine alleged Russian hacking activities. The rest of the report gives advice on how to provide security for computer networks.
It looked like the report was padded in order to make it seem more authoritative than it really was.
A separate White House press release went into some more detail, alleging that “the disclosures of alleged hacked e-mails on sites like and WikiLeaks are consistent with the Russian-directed efforts.” But being “consistent with” is not proof.
WikiLeaks released the emails from the account of Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta. The website was responsible for the embarrassing disclosures from within the George Soros network of organizations.
 The new Obama report, described as “the result of analytic efforts between the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI),” includes a “DISCLAIMER” stating that it is “for informational purposes only,” and that the DHS “does not provide any warranties of any kind regarding any information contained within.”
It sounded like the kind of warning that comes with a possibly defective product.
There’s no question that the Russians engage in cyber warfare. But the “facts” in the Obama report seemed unusually vague. It states that “The U.S. Government confirms that two different RIS [Russian civilian and military intelligence Services] actors participated in the intrusion into a U.S. political party,” but doesn’t even mention the Democrats.
The term “confirms” sounds authoritative. But how the “facts” were confirmed and by whom was not explained. The report, however, does include some fancy color diagrams and a list of names under which the Russian hackers supposedly operated.
The report says this alleged Russian campaign, designated as “GRIZZLY STEPPE,” was an activity by Russian civilian and military intelligence services and was “part of an ongoing campaign of cyber-enabled operations directed at the U.S. government and private sector entities.”
If it was ongoing, why did it take so long for Obama to take action?
The report refers to one alleged Russian campaign that had “compromised the same political party,” again without saying it was the Democrats, and “was able to gain access and steal content, likely leading to the exfiltration of information from multiple senior party members.” The fancy term “exfiltration” means the unauthorized transfer of data from a computer. “The U.S. Government assesses that information was leaked to the press and publicly disclosed,” the report states, without saying who in the press was given the information and who or what leaked it.
“This activity by RIS is part of an ongoing campaign of cyber-enabled operations directed at the U.S. government and its citizens,” the report states. “These cyber operations have included spearphishing campaigns targeting government organizations, critical infrastructure entities, think tanks, universities, political organizations, and corporations leading to the theft of information.”
The term “spearphishing” refers to emails that appear to be from individuals or businesses that a person knows, but which are actually from criminal hackers. The recipient is fooled into resetting a password on the account, enabling the hackers to extract credit card and bank account numbers, passwords, and other personal or financial information.
This appears to be what happened in the case of Clinton campaign chairman Podesta.
“Russia’s cyber activities were intended to influence the election, erode faith in U.S. democratic institutions, sow doubt about the integrity of our electoral process, and undermine confidence in the institutions of the U.S. government,” the White House claimed. “These actions are unacceptable and will not be tolerated.”
But Obama’s “evidence” raises questions about the worth and value of the intelligence agencies that apparently provided it.
No wonder Trump wants to wait and see.

Russians Mock “Angry and Shallow-Brained” Obama Over Sanctions and Unproven Hacking Claims


In his latest abuse of power, President Obama issued an executive order to heighten tension with Russia over unproven hacking claims perpetuated by the Obama administration. This executive order continues the Obama administration pattern of making claims of Russian interference in the 2016 election without offering a shred of proof to support it’s claims that Russia “tampering with, altering, or causing a misappropriation of information with the purpose or effect of interfering with or undermining election processes or institutions.”

he House Intelligence committee has still not been briefed on the specific proof, which likely does not exist, that links Russian espionage agencies to the hacking of Democrat’s official’s emails according to multiple media reports. The committee was told they had to wait for “more definitive proof”.

In comments made about the lack of proof offered by the Obama administration, Representative Ron Johnson said, “It is disappointing that the CIA would provide information on this issue to the Washington Post and NBC but will not provide information to elected members of Congress” after being denied requests to the CIA for proof of Russian involvement.

The Russian response this morning has been, predictably, not amused by Obama’s antics. “We think that such steps by a U.S. administration that has three weeks left to work are aimed at two things: to further harm Russian-American ties, which are at a low point as it is, as well as, obviously, to deal a blow to the foreign policy plans of the incoming administration of the president-elect,” Russian spokesperson Peskov told reporters in Moscow. He labeled Obama’s unilateral decision as “unpredictable” and “aggressive foreign policy.”

Russian foreign minister’s spokesperson Maria Zakharova went much, much further in a series of comments which reveal no confidence in the current American President:

“‘The American people are being humiliated by their own President” in what she described as the Cold War-style measures against Moscow. “‘They are the group of foreign policy losers, angry and shallow-brained,’ she said.
This time Washington got a slap in the face from its own master and it increased the urgent agenda of the incoming Donald Trump team to its maximum level.”
“Everybody, including the American people, will be glad to see the last of this hapless administration.”
‘The whole world, from the stalls to the upper balcony, is watching the smashing blow on American prestige and its leadership made by Barack Obama and his illiterate foreign policy team, that disclosed its top secret to the world – their exceptional nature was a mask for their helplessness.”
“No single enemy could do more harm to the USA than it’s own President.”

Obama: 'Islam Has Been Woven Into the Fabric of Our Country Since Its Founding'Thomas Jefferson v. Barack Obama on Islam"

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Islamic terrorism isn't new; Thomas Jefferson created and sent in the United States Marine Corps to deal with it. Obama wants to hold hand and read the Koran.

CHARLOTTE, N.C., February 10, 2016 — One of President Obama’s favorite talking points during the last seven years has been Thomas Jefferson and the Quran he had in the White House library. The president tells this story with such conviction that nobody ever challenges its historical accuracy.
The third president of the United States would be appalled at the accounts given by the 44th president of what actually took place in the 18th and 19th centuries, but Jefferson died 190 years ago. Why worry about a few factual errors in order to make the point more convincing today, as Obama has done?
The Barbary Pirates were Muslim thugs who terrorized ships in the Mediterranean and a vast chunk of the North Atlantic at their height in the 18th century. The word “terror” is the right one. Islamic extremists were every bit as active two centuries ago as they are today.

Before the American Revolution, U.S. merchant ships were protected by Great Britain, but when independence was declared in 1776, the country turned to France for security on the high seas.
Following the war, the newly formed nation had to protect its own shipping fleet, which led to the establishment of the United States Navy.
In 1778, the Islamic pirates of the Barbary nations had become so much of a problem that the Treaty of Amity and Commerce between France and the United States specifically decreed that France would intervene diplomatically to protect captured American sailors and to stop Muslim attacks on our ships.
In 1784, seventeen years before Thomas Jefferson took office as president, he was the United States minister to France. In that same year, Congress chose appeasement rather than war with the Muslim marauders, thus following in the footsteps of European countries that were paying huge bribes to the Barbary States.
The next year, after Algerian pirates captured more American ships, the Dey of Algiers demanded a huge ransom for that era—$60,000. Though Jefferson opposed further payments and proposed a coalition of nations to fight the Islamic forces, Congress voted to pay the extortion money instead.


Friday, December 30, 2016

Terror Expert: World On Fire Because Obama Created Global Chaos For 8 Years

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Terror Expert: World On Fire Because Obama Created Global Chaos For 8 Years

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Terror Expert: World On Fire Because Obama Created Global Chaos For 8 Years

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(Bizpac Review) – A terrorism expert says President Obama‘s failed policies have set the world on fire.
Dr. Sebastian Gorka, a national security expert and the author of “Defeating Jihad,” slammed Obama for creating “global chaos” during his eight years as president. Gorka told Fox News Obama has left a trail of bedlam in every corner of the world:
The Obama Administration has created global chaos. The world is on fire wherever you look: north, south, east and west. In Europe, you see Russia invade Ukraine. In Asia, you see China build fake islands and then put military installations on them.
Then you see disaster after disaster in the Middle East: the rise of ISIS, the rise of Boko Haram, on and on and on.
As if that’s not bad enough, Gorka said Obama put the cherry on top of his chaotic globalist sundae by stabbing Israel in the back just weeks before leaving office.

George Soros in Panic Mode, Calls Trump ‘Con Artist’ and “Dictator” Really? WE Called Obama This For The Last Eight Years!

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George Soros in Panic Mode, Calls Trump ‘Con Artist’ and “Dictator” Really? WE Called Obama This For The Last Eight Years!

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if you want to read a breathtaking exercise in arrogance, hypocrisy and shameless self-glorifying propaganda, read this alarmist screed written by George Soros, who seems to be in a full-on panic because he knows that if he can’t stop President Trump (whom he dubs a “con artist” and “would-be dictator”), his jig is up.
As you would expect from a spectacularly wealthy leftist globalist with access to hordes of speech writers, what he says sounds good upon a passive reading, but any critical assessment that compares Soros’ actual history with his palliative spin reveals the lies.
“I find the current moment in history very painful,” Soros writes. “Open societies are in crisis, and various forms of closed societies – from fascist dictatorships to mafia states – are on the rise. How could this happen? The only explanation I can find is that elected leaders failed to meet voters’ legitimate expectations and aspirations and that this failure led electorates to become disenchanted with the prevailing versions of democracy and capitalism. Quite simply, many people felt that the elites had stolen their democracy.”
Either Soros is a facile spinner of tales — likely — or he’s truly clueless about how his money is spent — highly unlikely. That disenchantment with democracy and capitalism he bemoans gets a kick into high gear in the U.S., Europe and other places around the world thanks in part to his generous funding of Marxist, anarchist and Progressive groups.
For instance, Soros’ Open Society Institute saw the rioting in 2015 in Baltimore as an opportunity to spread the Soros Doctrine, and wrote a whopping $650,000 check to Black Lives Matter, which used it to fund further racial agitation and, according to an Open Society report, influence the presidential election.
His Soros Fund Management gave more than $10 million to Hillary Clinton‘s election campaign. (I know you’re thinking giving that much money to a candidate must be illegal, and it is, but people like Soros and Clinton “make it legal,” to quote Darth Sidious, through PACs, local committees and countless other workarounds.)
Scrolling through the list of groups to which Soros contributes, consistent themes among the various causes include redistribution of wealth, expansion of government, promotion of abortion, voting rights for felons, spreading communism, gay rights, battling conservatism, criticizing Israel, radical environmentalism, etc., etc. — basically any cause that aims to disrupt, destroy or reshape civilized society is welcome at the Soros trough.
An essential part of the Soros stable is the collection of media outlets, both old and new, he can summon to his cause — groups like Think Progress, Media Matters, Foundation for National Progress (publisher of Mother Jones) and more than 30 major news organizations, from ABC to the New York Times, not to mention the various “fact checkers” so popular today. The connections range from direct contributions to funding of various boards or charities on which journalists serve. It all comes together as a giant net that Soros has thrown around American news coverage. You can probably figure out who in the media is in Soros’ pocket because they’re usually the ones whining about “fake news” since Hillary’s loss.
Soros’ writing includes a thinly veiled threat to oppose Trump and try to block actions needed to repair the damage done to the United States done by eight years of Soros’ puppet, President Obama.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

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Obama Hate Israel.

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Obama Hate Israel.

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Obama Hate Israel.

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Obama Hate Israel.

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Obama Hate Israel.

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Obama Hate Israel.

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Obama Hate Israel.

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Obama Hate Israel.

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Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Obama Lied About Pushing The Anti-Israel UN Resolution. Over And Over And Over Again.

Obama Lied About Pushing The Anti-Israel UN Resolution. Over And Over And Over Again.

Working behind the scenes to push last week’s anti-Semitic United Nations resolution stating that the Western Wall and Temple Mount are not historic Jewish territory, the Obama administration has spent virtually all of this week lying about it. On Wednesday, the State Department denied that a leaked document showed their manipulation of the UN vote; that document showed a meeting between Secretary of State and Easter Island head John Kerry and National Security Advisor Susan Rice just a week and a half before the UN Security Council vote on the resolution. According to the document, as The Hill reports, “Kerry and Rice said the US would abstain from the vote if the resolution was balanced.”
But Ned Price, spokesman for the US National Security Council, said that the meeting was a “total fabrication” and “never occurred.”

There was just one problem: the State Department website shows a meeting scheduled between Kerry and Palestinian official Saeb Erekat on precisely the date the document showed.
Israel has long maintained that the US was behind the resolution. The Obama administration, meanwhile, continues to lie.
That’s not a shock – the Obama administration wanted to undercut Israel, hamper President-elect Trump, and avoid culpability. Democrats aren’t interested in Obama’s anti-Israel agenda – Steny Hoyer, the House Minority Whip, came out today and bashed Kerry for his upcoming speech on Israel. Democrats understand that Israel is historically popular in the United States, and they’re not willing to go along with Obama’s kamikaze politics. So Obama pretends he’s not behind an operation he clearly supported.
But he’s a liar. And so all of it will come out anyway.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Red Christmas: Nearly 60 People Shot, 11 Killed In Obama Chicago Over Holiday Weekend

In the Windy City, nearly 60 people were shot over the Christmas weekend. Eleven people were killed. Not even on the holidays did the carnage subside for what became another very bloody weekend for Chicago. The homicide rate currently stands at 763 people killed. There were 492 homicides for all of 2015. As the city’s murder rate rapidly approaches 800, the number of residents shot has soared to 4,307 people shot so far this year.
The Chicago Police Department said that many of the shootings were in neighborhoods fraught with gang activity (via Chicago Tribune):
Thirteen people wounded in shootings Monday morning and afternoon brought to more than 50 the number of people shot since Christmas weekend began Friday afternoon.
Eleven of the 57 people shot between about 4:50 p.m. Friday and about the same time Monday died from their wounds. More than a dozen others were listed in serious or critical condition.
The city has seen eight multiple-victim shootings, including two double homicides. One was an attack in the East Chatham neighborhood that left five dead and two wounded, and an attack in the Austin neighborhood left two dead.
Much of the violence happened in areas "with historical gang conflicts on the south and west side of Chicago," said Anthony Guglielmi, a spokesman for the Chicago Police Department. He also referenced the department's "strategic subject list," which is generated daily from a computerized algorithm and assigns a score from 1 to 500 based on such factors as a person's arrests and the activities of his associates. Those people with a score in the upper 200s or higher are considered in danger of being shot or of shooting someone else.

‘Legacy’: 10 Ways Barack Obama Broke the American System

Much ink has been spilled, and much bandwidth spent, on describing Donald Trump’s 2016 victory as a populist revolt. Less attention has been paid to what voters were rebelling against.

There were economic grievances — in the Upper Midwest in particular — but the economy as a whole is slowly recovering. (As Alexis de Tocqueville observed, revolutions tend to occur in times of rising expectations.)
But at its core, the revolution of 2016 was an attempt at restoration — at fixing a broken system.
What broke it? Both parties acquiesced in bank liberalization, open-borders immigration, and Wall Street bailouts.
But the most acute challenge was Barack Obama’s direct attack on the constitutional framework itself. Obama sought to transform America, and believed that the ends would justify the means.
Republicans, hypnotized by race and cowed by the media, put up little fight. So voters took matters into their own hands.
Here are ten of the most serious ways Obama broke the system.
1. The stimulus. On the campaign trail, Obama promised a $50 billion stimulus and criticized George W. Bush for building up the national debt. In office, Obama passed a nearly $1 trillion stimulus, over Republican objections, that failed to keep unemployment from below 8% (as promised), and went largely to pet projects and state and local governments. The profligate spending shocked voters who feared that the country was now on an irreversible path to fiscal ruin. The Tea Party was born.
2. Fast and Furious. The Obama administration smuggled guns across the Mexican border, ostensibly to trace them to drug cartels. Unlike the Bush administration’s Wide Receiver, Obama’s Operation Fast and Furious happened without the Mexican government’s knowledge. The likely goal was to create a pretext for reducing gun ownership in the U.S. It led to the murders of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry and hundreds of Mexicans. Afterwards, Obama used “executive privilege” to cover it up.
3. Betraying allies. Obama picked public fights with Israel in a deliberate effort to establish “distance” between the allies. He also broke agreements with the Czechs and the Poles on missile defense, infamously informing the Polish prime minister on the 70th anniversary of the Katyn Massacre. He snubbed the British in ways small (returning a Churchill bust) and big (using the Argentinian term “Malvinas” for the Falklands). And he spied on foreign allies, including Germany’s Angela Merkel.
4. Obamacare. The sweeping plan for “universal” health insurance sought, fundamentally, to make individuals dependent on the state, the better to open the door to even more sweeping changes. But it was the process of passing the bill that caused the real damage. To pass Obamacare, Obama bent and broke procedural rules; lied, repeatedly, about the policy; disguised a tax as a fee; and bullied the Supreme Court into compliance. It was the first major entitlement passed without bipartisan support.
5. Debt ceiling. Few of the Republicans who rode the Tea Party wave in 2010 made an issue out of the debt ceiling. But the Obama administration believed that a confrontation would help it regain full control of Congress. So it picked a fight over the debt, and forced a confrontation in the summer of 2011 that brought the country to the brink of default. Obama scuttled a “grand bargain” with Republicans by demanding higher taxes. The result: a hated budget “sequester” and a credit downgrade.
6. Benghazi. Presidents had lied to the country before about national security incidents: the Iran-Contra scandal, for example, left a stain on Ronald Reagan’s legacy. But no previous American president had abandoned Americans to die abroad without putting up a fight or making a serious effort to punish the perpetrators. In fact, in the heat of battle, Obama went to sleep and flew to a political fundraiser in Las Vegas the next day. It was an unprecedented abdication of his commander-in-chief role.
7. IRS scandal. Encouraged by Obama’s attacks on “dark money” and conservative political donors, the Internal Revenue Service began singling out conservative non-profit organizations for excessive scrutiny, denying them the ability to operate during the crucial 2012 elections, and trying to pry loose private information on their donors, their meetings, and even the content of their prayers. To this day, no Obama administration official has been punished for that horrific abuse of power.
8. AP scandal. Despite the media’s ongoing love affair with Obama, the administration targeted journalists for harassment, surveillance and prosecution. In one case, the Department of Justice seized phone records from the Associated Press; in another, the DOJ searched the emails of Fox News reporter James Rosen and his family. Congress later found Attorney General Eric Holder misled it when he told them in May 2013 he had not been involved in potential prosecution of the media.
9. Iran deal. After resisting sanctions on Iran, and holding off on any real action against the Iranian regime when it faced mass protests in 2009, Obama made a deal with Iran in 2015 that removed most sanctions in exchange for a mere temporary slowdown in the Iranian nuclear program. Worse, he refused to submit it to the Senate for ratification in accordance with the Constitution’s Treaty Clause, and Democrats blocked a weaker effort to submit the deal to an overall congressional vote.

10. Executive action on immigration. Obama abused prosecutorial discretion in 2012 in announcing “Deferred Action for Children of Americans” (DACA) in 2012, even after Congress declined to pass legislation on “Dreamers.” But the real offense came after the 2014 elections, when Obama defied the electorate and announced an “executive amnesty” — “Deferred Action for Parents of Americans” (DAPA) — that he himself said dozens of times was unconstitutional (he lost in the courts).

Obama, Gun-Controlled Chicago Fast-Approaching 800 Homicides for 2016!

At first, the 2016 murder figures for gun-controlled Chicago drew attention by hitting 500, which was 32 higher than the total number of murders in 2015. Then the number of murders rose to 700, followed by a Chicago Tribune report that the number of murders between January 1, 2016, and December 6, 2016, hit 731.

Think about it–731 murders had been committed in Chicago with 25 days remaining in 2016.
Now the figure sits at 768 and gun-controlled Chicago is fast-approaching 800 murders for the year.
For those paying attention, the carnage–and the possibility for more carnage–in Chicago has been evident for quite some time. After all, Chicago is a gun control experiment gone wrong; a city which enacted a total handgun ban in 1982, thereby guaranteeing that the only people who had handguns were the criminals. Law-abiding citizens were reduced to using baseball bats, sticks, pitchforks, etc., for self-defense.  And the results were easy to predict–the Tribune reported the decade following the implementation of Chicago’s ban saw “murders [jump] by 41 percent, compared with an 18 percent rise in the entire United States.”
The Supreme Court forced Chicago to end that ban via McDonald v. Chicago (2010), but the vestiges of gun control remain and burdensome regulations–like limits on the number of gun stores allowed and strict rules on the locations of those stores–mean law-abiding citizens still have trouble getting the guns they need for defense of home and self.
Moreover, gun control remains the go-to solution for Chicago city leaders and many state politicians who refuse to admit it is actually gun control’s failure that caused this death epidemic to begin with. So state representatives like Sonya Harper (D-6th) react to 2016’s relentless murder spree by sponsoring a bill that would require serial numbers to be placed on every bullet and bullet casing. Would Harper’s plan reduce crime or murder? No. But it would drive up the price of ammunition, thereby putting one more burden in the way of law-abiding citizens trying to acquire the tools they need to defend their lives.
Sadly, this is the Chicago way. More laws on top of other laws that never delivered on the promises of making the city safer.
Consider these figures from the Tribune: there were 437 murders in Chicago in 2011, there were 506 in 2012, 420 in 2013, 416 in 2014, and 468 in 2015. And now the city is on the brink of 800 murders in one calendar year.
Seventy individuals were shot over Thanksgiving weekend and, more recently, over 40 were shot during the Christmas weekend. In fact, the murder rate in Chicago is so high that it is skewing national murder figures for 2016. Yet the media is largely mum on the soaring death rate, as covering it honestly would mean admitting that gun control has actually endangered lives, rather than saved them.

AWR Hawkins is the Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and host of “Bullets with AWR Hawkins,” a Breitbart News podcast. He is also the political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at

Thursday, December 8, 2016

What do Joseph Stalin, Vladimir Lenin, and Margaret Sanger have in common?

You and I know how insidious Stalin and Lenin were in their day.  Well today these monsters of the past may be as dangerous as ever because they presently share one horrific thing in common.

Millennials are completely ignorant of them!

A recent article in the Washington Examiner, shows we are doomed to repeat history because most Millennials are completely ignorant of the likes of Stalin and Lenin as well as the catastrophic philosophies and policies!

We’re finding the same lack of knowledge when we talk to young people (even pro-lifers) about Margaret Sanger! They either don’t know who she was OR they’ve been fed the false narrative that she’s some kind of women’s lib heroine.
And while the death grip of Communism has seemingly loosened in recent times, Margaret Sanger’s deadly, destructive, and oppressive legacy carries on through her very own Planned Parenthood, an organization responsible for ending more than 300k innocent lives each year through abortion.

This dreadful lack of knowledge about Sanger and the murderous repercussions of her work ends today!

ALL’s Culture of Life Studies Program (CLSP) is working overtime to coordinate a showing of our Who Was the Real Margaret Sanger? video series on many of the buses headed to Washington, D.C., this January for the annual March for Life.
To date, we have commitments from 148 buses…that’s more than 6,000 people (most of them teens) who will learn the truth about Margaret Sanger and the nefarious origins of Planned Parenthood!

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Liar, Liar Liar, Islamist Terrorist Plots and Attacks Against US Homeland Rise to 92? Obama Says No Foreign-Planned Terror Attacks on U.S. in 8 Years.,

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#91 Ahmad Khan Rahami Carries Out Multiple Bombings in New Jersey and New York
On the morning of Sept. 17, a pipe bomb exploded in Seaside Park, New Jersey, along the route for a U.S. Marine Corps charity run. The bomb was believed to be on a timer and, due to delays in starting the run, exploded before anyone was in the area.

the soon to be former commander-in-chief touted what he deems to be his national security accomplishments. At one point in the speech, Obama claimed that during his tenure no foreign terrorist organization "has successfully planned and executed an attack on our homeland."
"We should take great pride in the progress we’ve made over the last eight years," Obama declared. "No foreign terrorist organization has successfully planned and executed an attack on our homeland."

What A Liar! Obama Blames Bush For Rise Of ISIS? Obama Says He Was Surprised By ISIS, Despite Being Warned By President Bush

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What A Liar! Obama Blames Bush For Rise Of ISIS? Obama Says He Was Surprised By ISIS, Despite Being Warned By President Bush

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What A Liar! Obama Blames Bush For Rise Of ISIS? Obama Says He Was Surprised By ISIS, Despite Being Warned By President Bush

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Obama blamed former President George W. Bush for the rapid rise of Islamic State terrorists, and says the terrorist group is a consequence of the Iraq war.

 In January 2014 President Obama referred to ISIS, one of the most vicious terror armies to ever exist, of being a "JV team."

“The analogy we use around here sometimes,and I think is accurate, is if a JV team puts on Lakers uniforms, that doesn’t make them Kobe Bryant,” Obama told the New Yorker at the time.

After that comment the group marched from Syria to Iraq, taking large swaths of territory, pillaging and raping along the way and slaughtering thousands.

Now with just a month left in his presidency, President Obama is saying he was surprised by the capability of ISIS to control major parts of the region, becoming a world wide threat.
"The ability of ISIL to not just mass inside of Syria, but then to initiate major land offensives that took Mosul, for example, that was not on my intelligence radar screen," Obama told CNN's Fareed Zakaria in an interview airing Wednesday night.

There was no reason for Obama or those in his administration to be surprised, after all, they were warned about the consequences of rapidly leaving Iraq and did it anyway.

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