Obama is no kings don’t like to be constrained. But all government should be.Obama is Pathological Liar, He is an Ideological Liar because the true objectives of his fundamental transformation of the United States are incompatible with American democracy and tradition Obama devotion to the Machiavellian dictum of "the ends justify the means" and lying as an instrument of government policy have been the tools of political extremists throughout history.
Monday, September 18, 2017
Obama Raking It In From Wall Street

Do you remember when former president Barack Obama railed against Wall Street not too long ago, accusing them of making too much money?
How about in 2009, when he said, “I did not run for office to be helpin’ out a bunch of fat cat bankers on Wall Street.”

ut Obama went off the teleprompter and added some impromptu verbiage that revealed his true bias against the rich (as long as he wasn’t speaking about himself): "Now, what we’re doing, I want to be clear, we’re not trying to push financial reform because we begrudge success that's fairly earned. I mean, I do think at a certain point you've made enough money."
Friday, September 15, 2017
Our Iran Problems Run Deep, Thanks to Obama?
Trump White House has yet to roll out its much-anticipated, comprehensive, government-wide Iran policy review, but administration principals have met over the last few weeks to iron out details regarding the nuclear deal with Iran, also known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. On September 14, as expected, Trump renewed the waiver that provides sanctions relief to Iran under the JCPOA’s terms, while the Treasury Department at the same time imposed new sanctions targeting supporters of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
The Cruelty of Barack Obama: Isn't What He Says He Is on Immigration
Throughout his political life, Barack Obama has been hustling America on immigration, pretending to be one thing while doing another.
Now he’s at it again. Mr. Obama calls it “cruel” of Donald Trump both to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program that protected hundreds of thousands of people who came to the U.S. as children illegally—and to ask Congress to fix it. The former president further moans that the immigration bill he asked Congress to send him “never came,” with the result that 800,000 young people now find themselves in limbo.
Certainly there are conservatives and Republicans who oppose and fight efforts by Congress to open this country’s doors, as well as to legalize the many millions who crossed into the U.S. unlawfully but have been working peacefully and productively. These immigration opponents get plenty of attention.
What gets almost zero press attention is the sneakier folks, Mr. Obama included. Truth is, no man has done more to poison the possibilities for fixing America’s broken immigration system than our 44th president.
Mr. Obama’s double-dealing begins with his time as junior senator from Illinois, when he helped sabotage a bipartisan immigration package supported by George W. Bush and Ted Kennedy. Mr. Obama’s dissembling continued during the first two years of his own presidency, when he had the votes to pass an immigration bill if he had chosen to push one. It was all topped off by his decision, late in his first term, to institute the policy on DACA that he himself had previously admitted was beyond his constitutional powers.
Let this columnist state at the outset that he favors a generous system of legal immigration because he believes it is good for America. Let him stipulate too that a fair and reasonable solution to 800,000 children who are here through no fault of their own should not be a sticking point for a nation as large as America. But once again, here’s the point about Mr. Obama: For all his big talk about how much he’s wanted an immigration bill, whenever he’s had the opportunity to back one, he’s either declined or actively worked to scuttle it.
Start with 2007, when a coalition of Republican and Democratic senators came up with a bill that also enjoyed the support of the Bush White House. It wasn’t perfect, but it extracted compromises from each side—e.g., enhancements for border security, a guest-worker program, and the inclusion of the entire Dream Act, the legislation for children who’d been brought here illegally that Mr. Obama claims he has always wanted.
Sen. Obama opted to back 11th-hour amendments that Kennedy rightly complained were really intended as deal-breakers. At a critical point, Kennedy urged that President Bush ask then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to keep the Senate in session to get the last few votes the bill needed. Mr. Reid opted for the Obama approach: Concluding he’d rather have the political issue than actual reform, he adjourned the Senate for the July 4 recess.
A year later Mr. Obama was running for president. Before the National Council of La Raza, he vowed: “I will make [comprehensive immigration reform] a top priority in my first year as president.” Yet notwithstanding the lopsided Democratic majorities he enjoyed in Congress his first two years, he didn’t push for immigration legislation, which makes his promise to La Raza rank right up there with “if you like your health care plan you can keep it.”
Monday, September 11, 2017
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
Smoke.Obama.Out of the Bushes Where He’s Hiding
Just when it matters most, one brave soul is doing what Congress should have been doing all along: smoking ‘Resistance leader’ Barack Hussein Obama out of the bushes and bringing him into the clear view of the masses whose lives he risks ruining.
While senators and congress critters from both sides of the aisle pretend it isn’t happening, Obama, the Private Citizen continues to do what Obama, the President was doing for eight long, uninterrupted years: working to turn America over to the globalists desperate to rid the world of a strong USA in order to impose on the masses, the sick Utopia they call “One World Government”.
That one brave soul smoking out Obama is the Reed Irvine-trained reporter and masterful researcher Cliff Kincaid, President of America Survival Inc.
Kincaid’s recently launched book, ‘Comrade Obama Unmasked’: Marxist mole in the White House can be best described as a kick in the keester for the now ‘underground’ Obama, who refuses to let go of his obsessive dream for the destruction of America.
Even as self-serving politicians from both sides of the political aisle pretend not to see it, Obama’s resistance forces, (Black Lives Matter, Anti-FA! et all) continue their push for violence and anarchy.
Leaving Obama out there with a $60 million-plus book deal to propagandize his ‘Resistance’ and access to the millions raked in by Organizing for America is akin to springing French Revolution’ leader Maximilien Robespierre on society with millions of dollars at his disposal.
On Obama’s case from the get-go, Kincaid presents “the smoking gun evidence of Barack Hussein Obama’s deep personal relationship with suspected Soviet espionage agent Frank Marshall Davis in the real Russia-gate scandal.”
The outing of Obama, now that he operates freely under the cloak of anonymity is more important than it ever was
“In the time period of 2007-2008, two journalists—Trevor Loudon, a blogger from New Zealand, and America’s Survival President Cliff Kincaid—tried to interest the public and the media in the story of their lifetimes. It was how a first-term largely unknown Senator from Illinois was a covert communist with backing from Russia who was poised to win the presidency of the United States.” (RenewAmerica, Aug. 3, 2017)
“But the story of Obama’s Marxist revolution—the “fundamental transformation” of the United States—does not end there. Kincaid, Loudon and their co-authors, including a former Intelligence Community insider, also examine Obama’s on-going effort to organize “resistance” on a national and global level to President Donald J. Trump.“This important book, available from Amazon.com, looks at Obama’s financial master George Soros, Obama’s Catholic training and links to the Vatican and Colombian narco-terrorists, and even how the Obama Administration has created a marijuana counter-culture within U.S. borders. One explosive chapter looks at “Obama’s inspiration, South African President Nelson Mandela, who was exposed as a secret member of the South African Communist Party after his death.“America’s intelligence community, Kincaid argues in the book, must be retrained in the art of detecting subversion and preventing communist-inspired and radical Islamist violence. He says they failed to warn America in 2008 that Obama was a Marxist who couldn’t pass a basic background security check.”
The timing of the release of ‘Comrade Obama Unmasked’: Marxist mole in the White House couldn’t possibly be more critical now that Obama’s leftovers in office are ganging up on President Donald Trump.
“New York governor Andrew Cuomo served notice Monday that he will sue if President Trump ends the Obama-era program that allows illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. as children to stay. (FoxNews, Sept. 4, 2017)
“If he moves ahead with this cruel action, New York State will sue to protect the ‘dreamers’ and the state’s sovereign interest in the fair and equal application of the law,” Cuomo said.“Cuomo said the policy’s end would impact about 42,000 New York residents.“In New York, we are stepping up to protect immigrants,” he said.“President Obama established the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program in 2012 to young children who came to the U.S. without legal status.“According to data from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, about 790,000 people have been granted work permits under the program.
President Trump is expected to end the program soon, sources have told Fox News, giving Congress six months to figure out a way to replace it
While top Dems ripped President Trump’s DACA as “wrong, immoral and insulting” on Labor Day, a source close to Obama told Politico that the former president will speak out on Facebook and Twitter—where he has a combined 148 million followers and fans—if the current president pulls the plug on DACA.
For the safety and wellbeing of beloved America, Smoke. Obama. Out!
Obama, who has thus far run his ‘Resistance’ from the cover of shadows has not come out into the open. If he steps forward to save DACA, it will be his first public foray.
Here’s hoping that Kincaid’s Comrade Obama Unmasked’ leaves Hillary Clinton’s “What Happened?” in the dust by meeting the same fate as Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Sequel”, which was outsold on Kindle by climatologist Roy Spencer’s E-Book, “An Inconvenient Deception”.
It is high time to smoke out Private Citizen Resistance Leader Barack Obama from the bushes where he’s been hiding since January 20, 2017.
For the safety and wellbeing of beloved America, Smoke. Obama. Out!
Democrats left in a DACA Pickle by Deceitful ‘DACA Daddy’ Barack Obama
The mainstream media wants readers to buy into the lie that Barack Hussein Obama stepped out of the shadows for the first time since the 2016 presidential race yesterday to address the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), when, in reality, he merely spoke out from behind his digital green curtain on Facebook.
The sorry truth is that Obama never left the White House and only continued on as ‘Leader of the Resistance’ once fate took him out of office.
Obama has never spoken out “sparingly” in his post-presidency. He has screamed out in dozens of marches, letting angry activists do his speaking out for him
The ‘He’s not my president’ activists who marched in the Women’s Big March the day after the inauguration of President Donald J. Trump wore pink pussy caps in the name of Obama; the Snowflakes demanding “safe spaces” from nothing but their own imaginations on university campuses demonstrate in the name of Obama. Ditto for violent anarchists in the Black Lives Matter and Anti-FA! movements.
And the irrefutable truth is that Obama called the Trump administration’s decision to rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program “cruel” and “self-defeating” in a statement on Facebook Tuesday afternoon.
The first—and only—flesh and blood appearance of Obama since leaving office came last April before a select Chicago audience of young people.
“Just before leaving office in January, Obama told reporters during a news conference that he would speak out sparingly in his post-presidency. But he said revoking DACA was among the actions that would prompt him to weigh in.” (CNN, Sept. 5, 2017. )
Between then and now, Obama has never spoken out “sparingly” in his post-presidency. He has screamed out in dozens of marches, letting angry activists do his speaking out for him.
America’s Voice of Resistance is the voice of a rabble-rousing Community Organizer who worked for eight long years—and even before that—to pull America off its moorings.
When Obama took to the stage in Chicago in April, it was only to stoke the destructive activism that had become harsh reality on Jan. 21, 2017.
That was a flesh and blood Obama between super yacht hopping, rather than the omnipresent digital image perfected for him by tech staff before fate left him behind as Barack Obama, Private Citizen.
DACA’s ‘DECEITFUL DADDY’ is ex-president Obama and not President Donald Trump who ended DACA but gave Congress a 6-month window to save it.
Trump is telling Congress to do its job, and it’s high time that someone finally did.
There are some 800,000 ‘Dreamers’ out there, and since their protection was provided by a Barack Obama Executive Order, some have to wonder how many of them are out there protesting as Snowflakes, BLM or Anti-FA! activists.
This is how Obama describes the Dreamers:
“Some 800,000 young people stepped forward, met rigorous requirements, and went through background checks. And America grew stronger as a result.”
President Trump has managed to outfox Obama, the Democrats, the mainstream media and the Republican Never Trumpers once again
Contemplating Obama’s lofty words on Facebook yesterday, what he is up to should be all the more worrisome:
“These dreamers are Americans in heir hearts, in their minds, in every since way but one…on paper.“This is about whether we are a people who kick hopeful young strivers out of America, or whether we treat them the way we’d want our own kids to be treated. It’s about who we are as a people—and who we want to be.”“Americans in their hearts”?
How can they be?
Obama is their hero and Obama HATES all things American.
Do the Dreamers really love America, or like their Resistance Leader, love only the privileges to which they are subject by merely being in iAmerica?
Meanwhile, Democrats forced into hopeless exile by last November’s election must be frantic with worry. President Trump giving Congress a six-month window in which to come up with a solution takes them right into Mid-Terms—just when they don’t need voters to be reminded of what they stand for.
Even with all odds against him, President Trump has managed to outfox Obama, the Democrats, the mainstream media and the Republican Never Trumpers once again.
By Judi McLeod | February 16, 2017
The howls of the hounds can be heard running the latest fox to ground in Washington, D.C.
The howls of the hounds can be heard running the latest fox to ground in Washington, D.C.
The vociferous, blood-smelling hounds out on the loose are not Russian. They hunker down under the cover of anonymity right inside the White House, lying in wait for the next fox hunt ordered by the Barack Obama Shadow Government, still up and running three months after the election.
Why is Obama fundraising and why are corporations answering his cash call?
By Judi McLeod | Jul 16, 2017
By Judi McLeod | Jul 16, 2017
The burning question of our day: When will Barack Obama have made enough money?
When, for instance, will Obama turn off the money tap that is now pouring millions into the Obama Foundation?
http://canadafreepress.com/article/democrats-left-in-a-daca-pickle-by-deceitful-daca-daddy-barack-obama?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=democrats_left_in_a_daca_pickle_by_deceitful_daca_daddy_barack_obama&utm_term=2017-09-06 Sunday, September 3, 2017
See the personal letter that Obama left to Trump in the Oval Office on Inauguration Day
Recent presidential tradition includes leaving a handwritten letter in the Oval Office for the next man who takes the office. George H.W. Bush did it for Bill Clinton, Clinton did it for George W. Bush and the younger Bush did it for Barack Obama. So when President Donald Trump succeeded Obama on Jan. 20, Obama kept this tradition alive.
Trump has talked about the letter in public before, even once showing it in its envelope, but the letter has never been public until now. CNN exclusively obtained the letter and published it over the weekend.
The details
The letter is 275-words long and contains four pieces of advice:- First, Obama told Trump part of the responsibility of the presidency is to “build more ladders of success for every child and family that’s willing to work hard” because most aren’t as fortunate as them.
- Then Obama said that it’s up to Trump to “sustain the international order” because “American leadership in this world really is indispensable.”
- Third, Obama told Trump it’s up to him to guard the backbone of American democracy like “like rule of law, separation of powers, equal protection and civil liberties.” Obama said it’s the president’s responsibility to “leave those instruments of our democracy at least as strong as we found them.”
- Last, but certainly not least, Obama told Trump to take plenty of time for himself and his family because being president is a very demanding job. “They’ll get you through the inevitable rough patches,” Obama said.
Congrats, Mr. President
Despite being on the opposite political spectrum, Obama offered Trump congratulations and reminded him of his main responsibility as president.Trump loved the letter so much, according to CNN, that he tried to call Obama after reading it. However, Obama and his family were on their way to California for vacation and couldn’t take the call.
The presidents haven’t talked directly since Inauguration Day, CNN reported. CNN also reported that Obama’s letter was relatively long compared to the other presidential letters. In fact, it’s about twice as long.
Read the full letter
“Congratulations on a remarkable run. Millions have placed their hopes in you, and all of us, regardless of party, should hope for expanded prosperity and security during your tenure.This is a unique office, without a clear blueprint for success, so I don’t know that any advice from me will be particularly helpful. Still, let me offer a few reflections from the past 8 years.
First, we’ve both been blessed, in different ways, with great good fortune. Not everyone is so lucky. It’s up to us to do everything we can (to) build more ladders of success for every child and family that’s willing to work hard.
Second, American leadership in this world really is indispensable. It’s up to us, through action and example, to sustain the international order that’s expanded steadily since the end of the Cold War, and upon which our own wealth and safety depend.
Third, we are just temporary occupants of this office. That makes us guardians of those democratic institutions and traditions — like rule of law, separation of powers, equal protection and civil liberties — that our forebears fought and bled for. Regardless of the push and pull of daily politics, it’s up to us to leave those instruments of our democracy at least as strong as we found them.
And finally, take time, in the rush of events and responsibilities, for friends and family. They’ll get you through the inevitable rough patches.
Michelle and I wish you and Melania the very best as you embark on this great adventure, and know that we stand ready to help in any ways which we can.
Good luck and Godspeed,
Saturday, August 26, 2017
Should Obama pardon Kwame Kilpatrick? Obama, a U.S. senator from Illinois, met with Kilpatrick in Detroit in May 2007

His family has expressed interest in requesting a presidential pardon, but Kilpatrick won’t get one from Obama. That’s because federal prison inmates must wait five years before requesting a pardon. Kilpatrick was convicted and sentenced to prison in October 2013.
The two have crossed paths before.
Obama, a U.S. senator from Illinois, met with Kilpatrick in Detroit in May 2007 and sought the young mayor’s endorsement during his run for the presidential nomination.
The relationship cooled a year later. In September 2008, an Obama spokesman said Kilpatrick should resign amid the text-message scandal.
“(Obama) believes it is time for the mayor to step aside so that the city can move forward and get back to business,” Obama spokesman Brent Colburn said.
Kilpatrick was in jail when Obama was elected president in 2008.
In his memoir, Kilpatrick said he “hated on” Obama as he watched election coverage from his jail cell.
Kilpatrick wrote that he felt pride at seeing a fellow African-American win the historic election, but he writes that feeling later turned to enmity.
Kilpatrick writes he “hated on” Obama “a little, asking God, ‘Why? Why him and not me?’”
Pardon me? Obama’s record 1,023 commutations bypass Arizona so far
Arizona and Nevada have never had much in common with Vermont – until last month.
Those three are now the only states that have not been touched by President Barack Obama’s record-setting pace of prison sentence commutations, with 1,023 nonviolent federal criminals having their sentences reduced so far.
Experts say there’s likely nothing other than luck, or lack of it, behind the fact that the three states have been passed over.
“It’s more a function of what the prosecutors did 10 or more years ago than it is of there being some magic number for each state,” said Cynthia Roseberry, project manager at the Clemency Project.
The 1,023 commutations by Obama so far dwarf those of any preceding president and are more than the total of the previous 11 presidents combined, according to the White House. The commutations, in addition to 70 pardons issues by the president, are part of a larger administration effort on justice reform.
Many of those who have had their sentences shortened were nonviolent drug offenders sentenced to what would be considered overly harsh sentences today, of decades or life in prison under mandatory sentencing laws that were in place at the time.
Donna Hamm, executive director of Tempe-based Middle Ground Prison Reform, welcomed the administration’s emphasis on commutations.
“It seems the urgency for reform in our criminal justice system has never been higher,” Hamm said.
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Besides deserving a second chance after making “a mistake in their lives,” Obama has said that justice reform makes economic sense, noting that the U.S. spends $80 billion a year on prisons.
“Together we can make our communities safer, we can spend our taxpayer dollars more wisely and we can make sure that more of our citizens have a chance to become productive members of society,” Obama said in a 2015 White House video when commuting the sentences of 46 inmates.
“Their punishments didn’t fit the crime. If they had been sentenced under today’s laws nearly all of them would have already served their time,” Obama said in that video.
The federal Bureau of Prisons said there were 179,499 inmates in federal prisons as of September and 46.4 percent of them – or 83,271 – were being held for drug offenses.
Even though Obama has made a record number of commutations, he has only commuted the sentences of just under 0.6 percent of federal inmates.
It’s typical for presidents to grant pardons around the holidays and White House officials have said they expect more action from Obama before he leaves office. But Roseberry said administration officials have said the president sees commutations as a correction to a problem rather than a gift that is just doled out at the holidays.
Ramona Brant was one of those to receive an Obama commutation. Arrested for the first-time in 1995 for a non-violent drug offense, the western North Carolina resident was sentenced to life in prison but was granted clemency by Obama decades later, in 2015.
“It’s not to say that we were all totally innocent, but not guilty to the degree that we should be sentenced so seriously in the courts,” Brant said in a White House video on the commutations.
“We’re ready to persevere and become the citizens that we need to become,” she said after her release.
Advocates say criminal justice reform is key to reducing federal prison overcrowding. Roseberry said mandatory minimum sentencing for nonviolent offenses is one of the main drivers behind over-incarceration and overcrowding in the federal system.
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Roseberry, who is also on the board of the Charles Colson Task Force on Federal Corrections, said that group has “recommended to Congress that these mandatory minimum sentences be stopped; they are extremely harmful.”
The White House says the president will continue to use his clemency authority in the remaining weeks in his term. Hamm said she hopes the practice continues after that.
“With hope, the next administration will continue to realize the importance of a balanced criminal justice system,” she said.
Correction: An earlier version of this story failed to recognize one of the groups pushing for justice reform. When Cynthia Roseberry said, “We have recommended ... that these mandatory minimum sentences be stopped,” she was referring to the work of the Charles Colson Task Force on Federal Corrections, for which she is a board member.
Obama And Holder Pardon list
JANUARY 17, 2017
James Robert Adelman
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Conspiracy to embezzle by trustee or officer; embezzlement by trustee (five counts); making a false account (Northern District of Oklahoma)
12 years' imprisonment; $350,000 restitution (February 27, 1989)
John Clyde Anderson
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Conspiracy to import a controlled substance (Southern District of California)
Three years’ imprisonment, suspended; three years’ probation, conditioned upon six months’ confinement; two years’ special parole (August 21, 1972)
Zachary James Ray Anderson
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Conspiracy to defraud the United States by knowingly and without lawful authority producing false identification documents (Western District of Kentucky)
15 months' imprisonment; two years' supervised release (April 17, 2003)
Octavio Joaquin Armenteros, aka Octavio Joaquin Armenteros-Iglesias
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Conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute cocaine (Middle District of Florida)
46 months' imprisonment; three years' supervised release (November 3, 1995)
Stephen Lee Arrington
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Conspiracy to distribute cocaine; distribution of cocaine (Central District of California)
Three years' imprisonment, three years' special parole (September 2, 1983) (as amended July 24, 1985)
John R. Barker, aka Johnnie Ray Barker
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Illegal acquisition and possession of food stamp coupons (Northern District of Iowa)
Two years' probation; $250 restitution (November 23, 1983)
Yolanda DeAnn Beck
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Distribution of cocaine base (Central District of Illinois)
30 months' imprisonment; three years' supervised release; $100 restitution (June 2, 1995)
Lisa Ann Bell, fka Lisa Ann Link
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Misprision of conspiracy to possess cocaine with intent to distribute (Northern District of Georgia)
15 months' imprisonment; one year of supervised release, conditioned upon 80 hours of community service (February 10, 2003)
Herbert Eugene Bennett
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Mail fraud; making and subscribing to a false tax return (three counts) (Northern District of Texas)
Three years' probation, conditioned upon nine months' home confinement; $3,000 fine; $26,440.95 restitution (July 2, 1996)
Carrie Ann Burris
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Conspiracy to import 50 grams or more of a mixture and substance containing a detectable amount of methamphetamine (District of New Mexico)
Time served (114 days); five years' supervised release (November 15, 2007)
Mitchell Ray Campbell
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Distribution of cocaine (four counts); making a false income tax return (four counts) (District of Idaho)
Three years’ imprisonment; three years’ special parole (December 12, 1985)
Distributing cocaine and codeine (two counts); felon in possession of a firearm (District of Idaho)
Four years' imprisonment; six years’ special parole (consecutive) (June 4, 1986)
Robert Jay Carlton
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Conspiracy to smelt U.S. coins (Middle District of Florida)
Two years' imprisonment (April 1, 1970)
James Edward Cartwright
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False statements to federal investigators (District of Columbia)
Edward Casas
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Aiding and abetting smuggling (Central District of California)
Two years' probation; $1,000 fine (December 11, 2000)
Kurt David Christensen
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Conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute marijuana (District of Arizona)
60 months' probation (January 3, 2001)
James Gordon Christmas III
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Uttering worthless checks (23 specifications); wrongful use of cocaine (United States Army general court-martial convened at Fort Benning, Georgia)
12 months' confinement; forfeiture of $350 pay per month for 12 months; reduction in rank from E-4 to E-1; $1,000 fine; bad conduct discharge (June 23, 1988)
Kim Kathleen Drake, fka Kim Hahn and Kim Otto
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Bank embezzlement (District of Idaho)
One month of imprisonment; five years' supervised release, conditioned upon three months’ home confinement; $500 fine; $10,944.37 restitution (November 23, 1999)
Euphemia Lavonte Duncan, aka Euphemia Duncan-Stringer
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Bank fraud (Southern District of Florida)
Time served; 36 months' supervised release; $15,680 restitution (June 8, 2000)
Germeen Duplessis, fka Germeen Michael Hasson
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Conspiracy to launder money (District of New Mexico)
Three years' probation (March 6, 2007)
DeAnne Nichole Dwight, fka Deanne Nichole Bell
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Importation of a controlled substance (District of Arizona)
Time served; five years' supervised release (July 10, 2000)
Oladipo Oluwadare Eddo
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Conspiracy to distribute five grams or more of crack cocaine (Eastern District of Virginia)
46 months' imprisonment; three years' supervised release (March 12, 2004)
Trevor Chinweuba Ekeh, fka Chinweuba Trevor Ekeh
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Conspiracy to steal bank funds (District of Columbia)
Three years' probation; $2,882.46 restitution (May 12, 1999) (as amended January 3, 2000)
Andrew Dale Ellifson
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Conspiracy; fraud in connection with electronic mail-CAN-SPAM (District of Arizona)
One year of probation; $1,000 fine (October 9, 2007)
Claude Nathalie Eyamba Fenno, fka Claude-Nathalie Ebehedi Eyamba
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Misrepresentation of citizenship (Middle District of Louisiana)
Time served; one year of supervised release; $15,944 restitution (April 5, 2004)
Marvin Glyn Ferrell, Jr.
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Mail fraud (Eastern District of Missouri)
Seven months' imprisonment; two years' supervised release; $10,000 fine; $70,000 restitution (November 21, 1994) (as amended June 28, 1995)
Sheree Lynn Fox
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False bank entry (Eastern District of Virginia)
Three years' imprisonment, all but four months suspended; three years' probation, conditioned upon the performance of 400 hours of community service (January 31, 1983)
Arthur Martin Gilreath, aka Arthur Martin Gilbreath
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Conspiring to manufacture and possess with intent to distribute marijuana (Eastern District of Kentucky)
One year of imprisonment; four years' supervised release (February 14, 1992) (as amended January 8, 1993)
Ronald Earl Green
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Interstate transportation of property obtained by fraud (District of South Carolina)
Three years' probation, conditioned upon four months' home confinement (November 15, 2002)
Billy Lynn Greene
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Unlawful disposal of hazardous waste without a permit and causing a criminal act (Northern District of Oklahoma)
Five years' probation; $7,500 fine (June 1, 1999)
Peter Dwight Heidgerd
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Conduct unbecoming an officer (United States Army general court-martial convened at Fort Gordon, Georgia)
Forfeiture of all pay and allowances; confinement for one year; dismissal from service (July 17, 1989)
Fred Elleston Hicks
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Acquiring and possessing food stamps in an unauthorized manner (Eastern District of Wisconsin)
One year of probation; $250 fine; $305 restitution (September 16, 1983)
Charles D. Hinton
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Accessory after the fact (Middle District of Georgia)
30 months’ imprisonment, suspended; three years' probation (April 11, 1972)
Robert Kevin Hobbs, aka Kevin Hobbs
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Conspire, confederate to commit wire fraud; aid and abet to devise a scheme and artifice to defraud Thornton Oil Corp. of money and property, cause funds to be transmitted, by means of wire in interstate commerce; engage in monetary transactions in criminally derived property that is of a value greater than $10,000 and derived from specified unlawful activity; aid and abet to engage in monetary transactions affecting interstate commerce in criminally derived property over $10,000 derived from wire fraud (Western District of Kentucky)
One year of probation (December 6, 1999)
LeAnton Sheldon Hopewell, Sr.
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Aiding and abetting theft from interstate shipment (District of Columbia)
Three years' probation, conditioned upon 250 hours of community service (March 12, 1990)
Joseph William Hopkins
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Distribution of cocaine (Northern District of Texas)
Five years' probation, conditioned upon 120 days’ halfway house confinement; three years’ special parole term (December 14, 1984)
Michelle Breazeale Horton, fka Michelle Diane Mulkey and Michelle Diane Breazeale
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Conspiracy to commit mail fraud (District of South Carolina)
Five years' probation, conditioned upon six months' home confinement; $11,633.98 restitution (May 17, 2004)
Mark Eugene Ivey
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Aiding and abetting altering odometer (10 counts) (Western District of Kentucky)
Five years' probation, conditioned upon two months' community confinement (April 20, 1992)
Lisa Ann Jandro, aka Joline Marie Herman
| |
Conspiracy to commit money laundering; money laundering (District of Hawaii)
33 months' imprisonment; three years' supervised release; $7,500 fine (April 3, 2000)
Annis Page Kilday-Douthat, fka Page Kilday Tino
| |
Aiding and abetting mail fraud (12 counts); aiding and abetting monetary transactions/interstate commerce (six counts); aiding and abetting money laundering/interstate commerce (23 counts) (Eastern District of Tennessee)
26 months' imprisonment; three years' supervised release; $10,000 fine; $28,334.08 restitution (May 31, 1994) (as amended March 20, 1996)
Brian Seiji Kito
| |
Conspiracy to distribute and possess with intent to distribute cocaine (District of Hawaii)
One year and one day of imprisonment; four years' supervised release; $10,000 fine (November 19, 1990) (as amended May 21, 1991)
Matthew Steeves Lamb, aka Matthew Steves Lamb
| |
Aggravated identity theft (Western District of Texas)
24 months' imprisonment; one year of supervised release; $56,926 restitution (April 4, 2008)
Taquilla Monyetta Love
| |
Importation of cocaine into the United States (Eastern District of New York)
Four years' probation (December 19, 1995)
Darryl Pernell Loveless
| |
Conspiracy to import cocaine; conspiracy to distribute cocaine and cocaine base; importation of cocaine; possession with intent to distribute cocaine (Western District of Washington)
Five days' imprisonment, with credit for time served; five years' supervised release, conditioned upon 300 hours of community service (February 11, 1994)
Randy Wayne Maxwell
| |
Conspiring to manufacture and possess with intent to distribute marijuana (Eastern District of Kentucky)
One year of imprisonment; four years' supervised release (February 14, 1992) (as amended January 8, 1993)
Jack Donald McAlister
| |
Conspiracy to transport stolen property; interstate transportation of stolen property (two counts) (District of Vermont)
Three years' probation (May 30, 1975) (as amended October 14, 1975)
Willie L. McCovey
| |
Willfully make and subscribe a false federal income tax return (Eastern District of New York)
Two years' probation; $5,000 fine (June 10, 1996)
Patricia Marie McNichol
| |
Bank embezzlement (District of Delaware)
Three years' imprisonment, all but three months suspended; five years' probation; $16,160 restitution (November 1, 1978)
Michele Mellor, fka Michele Kotansky– Hazelton, PA
| |
Health care fraud (Middle District of Pennsylvania)
Two years' probation, conditioned upon 50 hours of community service; $1,227 restitution (September 21, 2001)
Miriam Ortega
| |
Importation of cocaine; possession of cocaine with intent to distribute (Southern District of Florida)
Five years' probation, conditioned on 300 hours of community service (November 23, 1981) (as amended June 21, 1983)
Roger Burel Patterson
| |
Possession with intent to distribute marijuana (Northern District of Georgia)
24 months' imprisonment; three years' supervised released; $5,000 fine; $970 restitution (January 14, 1999)
Mary Frances Perez, fka Mary F. Pena
| |
Conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute 100 kilograms or more of marijuana (District of New Mexico)
24 months' imprisonment; four years' supervised release (January 20, 2000)
Jimmy Wayne Pharr
| |
Conspiracy to distribute marijuana; possession with intent to distribute marijuana; use of a communication facility to arrange delivery of marijuana (two counts) (Northern District of Mississippi)
Six months' imprisonment; five years' supervised release (February 2, 1990)
Jimmy Alton Pierce
| |
Conspiracy to distribute and possess with intent to distribute cocaine and marijuana (Eastern District of North Carolina)
48 months' imprisonment; five years' supervised release (September 5, 1995) (as amended September 15, 1997)
Cynthia Ann Raffensparger, fka Cynthia Ann Grange Hansen
| |
Fraudulent issuance of money orders; theft of government property (District of Utah)
Two years’ imprisonment, suspended; four years’ probation; unspecified restitution (March 21, 1985)
False statement in a loan application (District of Utah)
Two years' imprisonment, suspended; five years' probation (concurrent) (January 29, 1986)
Corinda Rushelle Salvi
| |
Conspiracy; aiding and abetting use of a counterfeit access device; aiding and abetting attempted use of a counterfeit access device (Eastern District of Pennsylvania)
Three years' probation; $500 fine; $93.91 restitution (September 14, 2005)
Ian Schrager
| |
Willfully attempt to evade income taxes due to the United States for fiscal years 1977 and 1978 by filing a false income tax return (Southern District of New York)
20 months’ imprisonment; five years’ probation; $20,000 fine (January 18, 1980) (as amended December 18, 1980)
Diana Simmons, fka Diana Bingaman and Diana Lopez
| |
Conspiracy to distribute methamphetamine (Middle District of Tennessee)
30 months' imprisonment; five years' supervised release (July 24, 1998)
Jennifer Lynn Smith, fka Jennifer Hanscom
| |
Possession with intent to distribute and aiding and abetting possession with intent to distribute a Schedule II controlled substance (District of Maine)
60 months' imprisonment; four years' supervised release (January 24, 1997)
Kevin Sharod Smith
| |
Importing a quantity of marijuana (Western District of Texas)
18 months' imprisonment; three years' supervised release, conditioned upon the performance of 200 hours of community service (December 1, 1999)
Danny Ray Softley, aka Dan R. Softley
| |
Conspiracy to distribute methamphetamine (District of Nebraska)
30 months' imprisonment; three years' supervised release, conditioned upon 200 hours of community service (April 12, 2001)
Brian Keith Solum
| |
Knowingly and intentionally possessing with intent to distribute and distributing cocaine HCI (District of North Dakota)
36 months' imprisonment; four years' supervised release, conditioned upon the performance of 150 hours of community service (April 19, 1993)
Michael Anthony Tedesco
| |
Conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute and distribute in excess of 5 kilograms of cocaine and quantities of marijuana (Western District of Pennsylvania)
12 months' imprisonment; five years' supervised release (December 7, 1990)
Crystal Jo Varner, fka Crystal Woodard
| |
Conspiracy to distribute cocaine (as amended April 8, 1996) (Northern District of Ohio)
60 months' imprisonment; five years' supervised release (December 20, 1989) (as amended April 8, 1996)
Thomas Eric Wahlstrom
| |
Conspiracy to distribute cocaine (Western District of Michigan)
Six months' imprisonment; three years' supervised release; $5,000 fine (July 17, 1995)
DECEMBER 19, 2016
Ryan Michael Ashbrook
| |
Possession with intent to distribute approximately 56 pounds of marijuana
Southern District of Texas; September 8, 2000
Three years' probation, conditioned upon six months' home confinement and performance of 200 hours of community service
Robert Spencer Baines
| |
Conspiracy to possess, possession with intent to distribute over 1,000 pounds of marijuana
District of Maine; July 31, 1986
Six years' imprisonment
Roy Darrell Benson
| |
Bank fraud
District of Oregon; January 30, 1995
18 months' imprisonment; three years' supervised release; $50,000 restitution
Theresa Marie Bishop, aka Teresa Clark
| |
Knowingly disposing of a firearm to a person convicted of a crime punishable by a term of imprisonment exceeding one year (three counts); falsification of firearms purchase forms (two counts)
Western District of Pennsylvania; December 8, 2006
Three years' probation, conditioned upon one year of home detention
Tavia Dion Blume
| |
Possession of methamphetamine with intent to distribute; use of a firearm in relation to a drug trafficking offense
District of Montana; May 21, 1999
42 months' imprisonment; three years' supervised release (as amended July 12, 1999)
Bob Edward Bone
| |
Conspiracy to manufacture in excess of 500 grams of methamphetamine
Eastern District of Missouri; May 2, 2006
One year and one day of imprisonment; two years' supervised release
Philip Stephen Brown, aka Phil Brown
| |
Conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute and distribution of methamphetamine
District of Wyoming; May 11, 2000
Five months' imprisonment; three years' supervised release, including five months' home confinement
Jesse Daniel Burgher, aka Jessie Burgher
| |
Possession with intent to distribute at least 100 kilograms of marijuana
Southern District of Florida; September 8, 1989
60 months' imprisonment; four years' supervised release
Caryn Lynn Camp, fka Caryn Lynn Camp-Kenworthy
| |
Wire fraud (10 counts); mail fraud (two counts); conspiracy to steal trade secrets; conspiracy to transport stolen goods; interstate transportation of stolen goods
District of Maine; December 7, 1999
Three years' probation; $7,500 restitution
Randy Dale Cantu
| |
Conspiracy; falsely making and forging endorsement on government bonds
Southern District of Georgia; February 8, 1978
Five years' probation; $169.80 restitution
James Randolph Carter
| |
Possession of methamphetamine with intent to distribute
Northern District of Oklahoma; May 30, 1991
60 months' imprisonment; five years' supervised release (as amended May 15, 1997)
Dolly Ann Chamberlain, aka Dolly Ann Taylor
| |
Conversion of government money
Eastern District of California; September 23, 2002
36 months' probation, including 180 days of home confinement; $3,000 fine; $82,673.06 restitution
Tietti Onette Chandler, aka Tietti Chandler-Shelton
| |
Embezzlement of mail matter by a postal employee
Northern District of Mississippi; April 1, 1999
Three years' probation, conditioned upon the performance of 150 hours of community service
Larry Wayne Childress, Jr.
| |
Conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute methamphetamine (two counts)
Eastern District of Arkansas; March 6, 1997
One day of imprisonment; four years' supervised release, including 12 months' home detention (as amended November 13, 1997)
Kristi Lynn Coe, aka Kristi Lynn Coe-Hagan, fka Kristi Hinshaw
| |
Mail fraud (mistakenly listed in the judgment as mail theft)
Middle District of North Carolina; October 11, 2001
Five years' probation, conditioned upon four months’ home confinement; $17,785.72 restitution
Melissa Rae Conley, fka Melissa Faith
| |
Aiding and abetting distribution of a detectable amount of methamphetamine
Western District of Texas; January 24, 2007
18 months' imprisonment; three years' supervised release
Christopher John Darville
| |
Making false statements to a federally insured financial institution
Middle District of Louisiana; November 27, 2001
One day of imprisonment; three years' supervised release conditioned on three months' home detention; $2,000 fine
Amanda Kucharski DeBlauw, fka Amanda Richmond
| |
Distribution of heroin
District of New Hampshire; November 29, 1999
Five months' imprisonment; three years' supervised release, conditioned upon 11 months’ home detention
Lehi Victoria Dickey, aka Lahi Dickey, fka Lehi Dickey Bryant
| |
Bank embezzlement
Northern District of California; September 13, 1985
Three years' probation; $1,000 fine
Ronald Lee Eyler
| |
Conspiracy to distribute and possession with intent to distribute in excess of one kilogram of a mixture or substance containing a detectable amount of cocaine
District of Maryland; March 9, 1992
Two years' imprisonment
Michael Anthony Facchiano, Jr.
| |
Mail fraud (two counts)
Western District of Pennsylvania; February 22, 1985
Six months' imprisonment; five years' probation; $2,000 fine
Theresa Renee Gardley, fka Theresa Renee Naper, fka Theresa Renee Thornton
| |
Unlawful use of an unauthorized access device
Southern District of Texas; December 9, 1988
Three years’ imprisonment, suspended; five years' probation, conditioned upon 200 hours of community service; $6,411 restitution
Karim Riad Georgy
| |
Acquiring and possessing controlled substances by fraud, deception, or subterfuge
Middle District of Florida; November 6, 2001
Three years' probation; $1,500 fine; $1,000 restitution (as amended January 28, 2002)
Donald Lee Gilbert
| |
Interstate transportation of a stolen motor vehicle
District of Maine; October 19, 1964
Two years' probation
Pamela Ann Golemba
| |
Conspiracy to export cocaine
District of Connecticut; December 15, 1989
Three years' probation, including six months' house arrest; $2,500 fine
Richard Allen Graham
| |
Destruction of mail matter by a postal employee
Middle District of Florida; December 19, 2008
One year of probation, including 25 hours of community service
Bobby Joseph Guidry, aka Bob Guidry
| |
Conspiracy to import marijuana; conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute marijuana
Southern District of Mississippi; March 4, 1988
Three years' imprisonment; five years' probation; $1,000 fine
Edward John Hartman
| |
Conspiracy (submitting false and fraudulent documents to FHA and VA)
District of New Jersey; July 11, 1986
Four months' imprisonment; three years' probation; $3,000 fine; unspecified restitution
William Bernie Heckle, Jr., aka Billy Heckle
| |
Falsifying medical prescriptions and illegally dispensing controlled substances (Schedule II through Schedule V); dispensing prescription medication without a legitimate written order from a prescribing physician
District of South Carolina; December 4, 1996
18 months' imprisonment; three years' supervised release
Juleen Nicole Henry
| |
Conspiracy to distribute marijuana
Eastern District of Michigan; April 23, 2001
Time served (115 days’ imprisonment); two years' supervised release
James Ralph Hoeckelman
| |
Conspiracy to distribute and possess with intent to distribute marijuana
Western District of Pennsylvania; April 10, 1992
30 months' imprisonment; three years' supervised release (as amended April 18, 1997)
Ralph Allen Hoekstra, aka Ralph Alan Hoekstra
| |
Importing wildlife contrary to law
Central District of California; January 19, 2005
One year of probation; $5,000 fine
Samuel Wesley Howze, aka Sala Udin
| |
Unlawfully transporting firearms; possession of untaxpaid distilled spirits
Western District of Kentucky; November 20, 1970
Five years' imprisonment
Herman Lamont Jackson
| |
Possession with intent to distribute cocaine base and cocaine (two counts)
Northern District of Ohio; March 29, 1999
63 months' imprisonment; three years' supervised release; $2,000 fine
Mark Edward Johnson
| |
Conspiracy to import more than 100 kilograms of marijuana
Western District of Texas; April 6, 2004
24 months' imprisonment; three years' supervised release, conditioned upon 200 hours of community service
Cathy Mae Jones, aka Cathy Mae Bennett
| |
District of New Mexico; September 14, 2006
Time served (nine days' imprisonment); five years' supervised release; $1,423.50 restitution
Fabius Romero Jones
| |
Theft from interstate shipment
Northern District of California; August 24, 1977
One year of probation; $100 fine
Ricky Eugene Jones
| |
Conspiracy to manufacture 5 grams or more of methamphetamine; attempt to manufacture 5 grams or more of methamphetamine; maintaining a place for manufacture of methamphetamine; possession with intent to distribute less than 5 grams of methamphetamine
District of New Mexico; September 14, 2006
Time served (42 days' imprisonment); five years' supervised release; $1,423.50 restitution
James Harold Keaton
| |
Possession of a stolen firearm
Western District of Virginia; November 9, 2007
30 months' probation, conditioned upon 50 hours of community service
Dean Robert Kondo
| |
Possession of counterfeit currency
Northern District of California; July 19, 2000
12 months and one day of imprisonment; three years' supervised release
Mary Ann Krauser, fka Mary Ann Iron Shield
| |
Involuntary manslaughter
District of North Dakota; June 1, 1982
Three years' imprisonment, suspended; five years' probation
Emmanuel Gabriel Leeper
| |
Possession with intent to distribute marijuana
Eastern District of Missouri; April 9, 1993
151 months' imprisonment; five years' supervised release
Keith Alan Little
| |
Interception of electronic communications
Western District of Texas; June 14, 1990
Five years' probation, including four months in a halfway house; $10,000 fine
Victoria Hunter Lowe
| |
Conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute methamphetamine
Western District of Texas; July 18, 2006
46 months' imprisonment; three years' supervised release
Dawn Mascari, fka Dawn Steponavich
| |
Aiding and abetting in illegal gambling operation
District of Connecticut; April 23, 2002
Three years’ probation, conditioned upon two months' home confinement; $2,000 fine
James Willie McGrady, Jr.
| |
Distribution of cocaine and aiding and abetting; distribution of cocaine in excess of 500 grams and aiding and abetting; possession of a firearm in the commission of a drug trafficking crime
Eastern District of North Carolina; April 11, 1989
37 months' imprisonment; four years' supervised release; $5,000 fine; $1,000 restitution (as amended May 3, 1990)
John Frederick McNeely, Jr.
| |
Receiving counterfeit government obligations
Central District of California; July 27, 1970
Three years' probation
Kenneth Shannon Meadows, aka Kenny Shannon Meadows
| |
Manufacture, assemble, modify, sell and distribute electronic devices for the unauthorized decryption of direct-to-home satellite television services
Western District of Kentucky; August 25, 200
Three years' probation, conditioned upon six months' home confinement; $36,424 restitution (3)
Roger Delos Melius
| |
Conspiracy to submit false statements
District of South Dakota; October 11, 2007
Three years' probation; $87,712.91 restitution (as amended December 17, 2007)
Samuel Nyamongo Mongare
| |
Possession of false identification documents with intent to defraud the United States
Western District of Texas; March 27, 2001
Four months' imprisonment; three years' supervised release
Steven Odell Moon
| |
Conspiracy to distribute and possess phenylacetic acid
Northern District of Texas; January 24, 1991
60 months' imprisonment; three years' supervised release
George Bernard Moran
| |
Conspiracy to import a substantial amount of marijuana into the United States; conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute an amount of marijuana over 1,000 pounds; subscribing to a false United States Income Tax Return
District of Maine; May 11, 1984
Eight years' imprisonment
Thomas Whitfield Morris, Jr.
| |
Conspiracy to import cocaine into the United States
District of South Carolina; August 26, 1992
Five years' probation, conditioned upon 300 hours of community service
Christopher Muratore
| |
Devising a scheme to defraud the United States of money and property and devising a scheme to deprive the United States Bankruptcy Court and the citizens of the United States of honest services
Middle District of Florida; September 25, 2001
36 months' probation, including six months' home detention; $107,850 restitution
Serena Denise Nunn
| |
Aiding and abetting in the attempt to possess with intent to distribute cocaine; possession with intent to distribute cocaine base; conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute cocaine
District of Minnesota; April 11, 1990
188 months' imprisonment; five years' supervised release (sentence commuted)
Francis Joseph O'Hara, Sr.
| |
Conspiracy to restrain, suppress and eliminate competition by rigging bids; conspiracy with others to knowingly and willfully make and use false documents containing false statements in matters within the jurisdiction of the Defense Personnel Support Command
District of Maine; September 13, 1991
Six months' imprisonment; two years' supervised release; $200,000 fine; $950,000 restitution
James Allen Palmatier
| |
Possession with intent to distribute cocaine (mistakenly listed in the judgment as possession of cocaine)
Northern District of Alabama; September 21, 1989
97 months' imprisonment; four years' supervised release, conditioned upon 300 hours of community service
Allen Wayne Parker
| |
Officer of U.S. stealing property of another
Western District of Arkansas; May 1, 1991
Three years' probation, conditioned upon an undetermined term of home confinement and five weekends of intermittent confinement; $1,000 fine
Robert Allen Petty
| |
Distribution of methamphetamine
Western District of Oklahoma; April 4, 1994
33 months' imprisonment; three years' supervised release
Benjamin Ramos
| |
Conspiracy to transport and sell stolen goods (two counts)
Southern District of New York; September 21, 2000
Four years' probation; $5,000 restitution
Erica Renee Ramos, fka Erica Renee DeVore, fka Erica Renee Ramirez
| |
Use of a communication facility to facilitate a drug felony
Middle District of Florida; February 20, 2003
Two years' probation
Doretha Doreen Rhone
| |
District of Columbia; March 14, 1989
Three years' probation; $3,060 restitution
Adam Philip Ricciardiello
| |
Conspiracy to distribute marijuana
District of Vermont; July 1, 2002
Time served; three months’ residence in a community confinement center; four years' supervised release, conditioned upon 200 hours of community service; $5,000 fine (as amended July 3, 2002 and January 28, 2003)
Ramon Escalera Sanchez
| |
Possession of less than 500 grams of cocaine with intent to distribute
Eastern District of Washington; September 19, 2003
27 months' imprisonment; three years' supervised release
Bryan Scot Sandquist
| |
Felon in possession of a firearm
District of Oregon; November 4, 2002
40 months' imprisonment; three years' supervised release
Heidi Kay Schmidt, fka Heidi Kay Watt
| |
Conspiracy to distribute controlled substance
District of Nebraska; June 30, 2005
30 months' imprisonment; five years' supervised release, conditioned upon 250 hours of community service (as amended April 12, 2006)
Allen Thompson Sherwood
| |
Conduct unbecoming an officer (shoplifting)
United States Air Force general court-martial convened at Barksdale Air Force Base, Louisiana; January 24, 1990
Dismissal from service; four months’ confinement; forfeiture of $500 pay per month for four months; $5,000 fine
Kaseen Lathell Simmons, aka Ceno Smith
| |
Possession with intent to distribute less than 50 kilograms of marijuana
District of New Mexico; May 17, 1999
21 months' imprisonment; two years' supervised release
Brenda Lorene Sinclair, fka Brenda Lorene Pontius
| |
Receiving, possessing, concealing and disposing of stolen money
District of Oregon; October 27, 1986
Ten years’ imprisonment; five years' probation; $1,986 restitution
Michael Slavinsky
| |
Misdemeanor illegal supplementation of salary by an employee of the United States
District of Columbia; January 7, 1998
Three years' probation, conditioned upon performance of 50 hours of community service; $10,000 restitution
Richard Earl Smout
| |
Possession of stolen mail
District of Utah; November 20, 2001
Time served (77 days' imprisonment) and two years' supervised release
Robin Shelley Soodeen
| |
Bank embezzlement
District of Columbia; October 2, 2001
Eight months' halfway house confinement; five years' supervised release; $49,000 restitution
Pamela Joy Stokes
| |
False Statement
Eastern District of Michigan; May 3, 2006
Two years' probation, conditioned upon 120 days’ home confinement
Joseph Eugene Swies
| |
Forgery of postal money orders
Western District of Wisconsin; July 27, 1984
Three years’ probation; $1,259.71 restitution
Shari Dee Trompke
| |
Conspiracy to distribute methamphetamine
District of Nebraska; April 17, 1997
36 months' imprisonment; five years' supervised release
Jessica Ann Tyson, fka Jessica Ann Martin
| |
Conspiracy to commit bank fraud
Western District of Michigan; December 2, 1997
Two years' probation; $1,200 restitution
Robert Steven Warden
| |
Simple possession of approximately two grams of heroin
Central District of California; December 4, 1972
One year of probation
Vera Mae Yurisich
| |
Eastern District of Washington; April 30, 2007
Three months' imprisonment; three years' supervised release
JANUARY 16, 2016
Khosrow Afghahi | |
Offenses: | Conspiracy to violate the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, 50 U.S. C. §1705; violation of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, 50 U.S.C. § 1705; conspiracy to commit money laundering, 18 U.S.C. §§ 1956(a)(2)(A), (a)(2)(B)(1), & (h); money laundering 18 U.S.C. § 1956(a)(2)(A) and (B)(1) |
District: | Southern District of Texas |
Terms of Grant: |
Pardon recipient is granted a full pardon for the above charged offenses, conditioned upon the following terms: 1) the pardon recipient shall waive and release any and all claims, demands, rights, and causes of action of whatsoever kind and nature against the United States of America, its agents, servants, and employees, including any actions challenging his convictions or sentence; and 2) the pardon recipient shall not accept or otherwise receive any financial benefit, directly or indirectly, in any manner or amount, from any book, movie, or other publication or production, in any form or media, about his situation.
Tooraj Faridi | |
Offenses: | Conspiracy to violate the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, 50 U.S. C. §1705; violation of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (two counts), 50 U.S.C. § 1705 |
District: | Southern District of Texas |
Terms of Grant: | Pardon recipient is granted a full pardon for the above charged offenses, conditioned upon the following terms: 1) the pardon recipient shall waive and release any and all claims, demands, rights, and causes of action of whatsoever kind and nature against the United States of America, its agents, servants, and employees, including any actions challenging his convictions or sentence; and 2) the pardon recipient shall not accept or otherwise receive any financial benefit, directly or indirectly, in any manner or amount, from any book, movie, or other publication or production, in any form or media, about his situation. |
Nima Golestaneh | |
Offenses: |
Wire fraud (four counts),18 U.S.C. §§ 2 and 1343; conspiracy to access a computer without authorization, 18 U.S.C. § 371; accessing a computer without authorization, 18 U.S.C. §§ 2, 1030(a)(2) & (c)(2)(B)(iii)
District: | District of Vermont |
Terms of Grant: | Pardon recipient is granted a full pardon for the above charged offenses, conditioned upon the following terms: 1) the pardon recipient shall waive and release any and all claims, demands, rights, and causes of action of whatsoever kind and nature against the United States of America, its agents, servants, and employees, including any actions challenging his convictions or sentence; and 2) the pardon recipient shall not accept or otherwise receive any financial benefit, directly or indirectly, in any manner or amount, from any book, movie, or other publication or production, in any form or media, about his situation. |
Bahram Mechanic | |
Offenses: | Conspiracy to violate the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, 50 U.S. C. §1705; violation of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (eleven counts), 50 U.S.C. § 1705; conspiracy to commit money laundering, 18 U.S.C. §§ 1956(a)(2)(A) & (B)(1) and 1956(h); money laundering (eight counts), 18 U.S.C. §§ 1956(a)(2)(A) and (B)(1); willful failure to file Reports of Foreign Bank and Financial accounts (FBARs), 31 U.S. C. §§ 5314 and 5322 |
District: | Southern District of Texas |
Terms of Grant: | Pardon recipient is granted a full pardon for the above charged offenses, conditioned upon the following terms: 1) the pardon recipient shall waive and release any and all claims, demands, rights, and causes of action of whatsoever kind and nature against the United States of America, its agents, servants, and employees, including any actions challenging his convictions or sentence; and 2) the pardon recipient shall not accept or otherwise receive any financial benefit, directly or indirectly, in any manner or amount, from any book, movie, or other publication or production, in any form or media, about his situation. |
DECEMBER 18, 2015
Jon Dylan Girard | S.D. OH | 2002 | Making counterfeit obligations, 18 U.S.C. § 471 |
Melody Eileen Homa, fka Melody Eileen Childress | E.D. VA | 1991 | Aiding and abetting bank fraud, 18 U.S.C. §§ 1344 and 2 |
DECEMBER 17, 2014
DECEMBER 19, 2013
William Ricardo Alvarez,aka William Ricardo Alvarez Carrasquillo | D.P.R. | 1979 | Conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute heroin, 21 U.S.C. §§ 841(a)(1) and 846; conspiracy to import heroin, 21 U.S.C. § 963 |
Charlie Lee Davis, Jr. | M.D. Ala. | 1995 | Possession with intent to distribute and distribution of cocaine base, 21 U.S.C. § 841(a)(1); use of a minor to distribute cocaine base, 21 U.S.C. § 861 |
Ronald Eugene Greenwood | D.S.D. | 1996 | Conspiracy to violate the Clean Water Act, 18 U.S.C. § 371, 33 U.S.C. § 1319(c)(2) and (c)(4) |
Little Joe Hatch, aka Joe Hatch, Sr.
| S.D. Fla. | 1990 | Possession with intent to distribute marijuana, 21 U.S.C. § 841(a)(1) |
Martin Alan Hatcher | S.D. Ala. | 1992 | Distribution and possession with intent to distribute marijuana, 21 U.S.C. § 841(a)(1) |
Derek James Laliberte | D. Me. | 1992 (as amended in 1993) | Money laundering, 18 U.S.C. §§ 1956(a)(1)(A)(i), 1956(c)(4)(A)(i), 1956(c)(1), 1956(c)(5)(i), 1956(c)(7)(A), 1961(1)(D), and 2 |
Alfred J. Mack | Superior Court of the District of Columbia | 1982 |
Unlawful distribution of a controlled substance, 33 D.C. Code § 441(a)(1)
Robert Andrew Schindler | D. Utah |
1. 1996
1. Conspiracy to commit wire
fraud, 18 U.S.C. §§ 371 and 1343 |
2. 1996 | 2. Conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud, 18 U.S.C. §§ 371, 1341, and 1343 | ||
Willie Shaw, Jr. | D.S.C. | 1974 | Armed bank robbery, 18 U.S.C. § 2113(d) |
Kimberly Lynn Stout, fka Kimberly Lynn Cooley
| W.D. Va. | 1993 | Embezzlement of bank funds, 18 U.S.C. § 656; making false entries in bank records, 18 U.S.C. § 1005 |
Bernard Anthony Sutton, Jr. | E.D. Va. | 1989 | Theft of personal property within the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States, 18 U.S.C. §§ 661 and 7 |
Chris DeAnn Switzer, fka Chris DeAnn Rasco
| D. Neb. | 1996 | Conspiracy to violate narcotics laws (methamphetamine), 21 U.S.C. § 846 |
Miles Thomas Wilson | S.D. Ohio | 1981 | Mail fraud, 18 U.S.C. §§ 1341 and 2 |
MARCH 1, 2013
Robert Leroy Bebee | S.D. Iowa | 1979 | Misprision of a felony |
James Anthony Bordinaro | E.D. Pa. | 1991 | Conspiracy to restrain competition in violation of the Sherman Act, and conspiracy to submit false statements |
Kelli Elisabeth Collins | M.D. La. | 1994 | Aiding and abetting wire fraud |
Edwin Futch, Jr. | S.D. Ga. | 1976 | Theft of an interstate shipment |
Cindy Marie Griffith, fka Cindy Marie Schafer | N.D. W. Va. | 2000 | Distribution of satellite cable television decryption devices |
Roy Eugene Grimes, Sr. | E.D. Tenn. | 1961 | Altering a United States money order; passing, uttering, and publishing the altered and forged money order |
Jon Christopher Kozeliski | C.D. Ill. | 1994 | Conspiracy to traffic counterfeit goods |
Karen Ragee | C.D. Ill. | 1994 | Conspiracy to traffic counterfeit goods |
Jimmy Ray Mattison | D.S.C. | 1969 | Conspiracy to transport and cause the transportation of altered securities in interstate commerce; transporting and causing the transportation of altered securities in interstate commerce |
An Na Peng | D. Haw. | 1996 | Conspiracy to defraud the INS |
Michael John Petri | D.S.D. | 1989 | Conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute cocaine |
Jamari Salleh | E.D. Va. | 1989 | Submitting a False Claim to the United States |
Alfor Sharkey | D. Neb. | 1994 | Unauthorized acquisition of food stamps |
Donald Barrie Simon, Jr. | E.D. Tenn. | 1982 | Aiding and abetting in theft of interstate shipment |
Lynn Marie Stanek | D. Ore. | 1986 | Unlawful use of a communication facility to distribute cocaine |
Larry Wayne Thornton | M.D. Ga. | 1974 | Possession of an unregistered firearm; possession of a firearm lacking a serial number |
Donna Kaye Wright | W.D. Tenn. | 1983 | Embezzlement and misapplication of bank funds |
NOVEMBER 21, 2011
Lesley Claywood Berry, Jr. | D. Minn. | 1988 |
Conspiracy to manufacture, possess with intent to distribute, and distribute marijuana, 21 U.S.C. §§ 841 and 846
Dennis George Bulin | M. D. Ala. | 1987 | Conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute in excess of 1,000 pounds of marijuana, 21 U.S.C. §§ 841(a)(1) and 846 and 18 U.S.C. § 2 |
Ricky Dale Collett
| E. D. Ky. | 2002 | Aiding and abetting in the manufacture of 61 marijuana plants, 21 U.S.C. § 841(a)(1) and 18 U.S.C. § 2 |
Martin Kaprelian | N. D. Ill. | 1984 | Conspiracy to transport stolen property in interstate commerce, 18 U.S.C. § 371; transporting stolen property in interstate commerce, 18 U.S.C. § 2314; concealing stolen property that was transported in interstate commerce, 18 U.S.C. § 2315 |
Thomas Paul Ledford | E. D. Tenn. | 1995 | Conducting and directing an illegal gambling business, 18 U.S.C. § 1955 |
MAY 20, 2011
Randy Eugene Dyer | W. D. Wash. | 1975 |
Conspiracy to import marijuana (hashish); conspiracy to remove baggage from the custody and control of the U.S. Customs Service and convey false information concerning an attempt to damage a civil aircraft, 21 U.S.C. § 963 and 18 U.S.C. § 371
Danny Alonzo Levitz | N. D. Ind. | 1980 | Conspiracy, 18 U.S.C. § 371 |
Michael Ray Neal
| E. D. Va. | 1991 | Manufacture, assembly, modification and distribution of equipment for unauthorized decryption of satellite cable programming, 47 U.S.C.§ 605(e)(4) |
Edwin Alan North | N. D. Ind. | 1980 | Transfer of a firearm without payment of transfer tax, 26 U.S.C. § 5861(e) |
Allen Edward Peratt, Sr. | D. S.D. | 1990 | Conspiracy to distribute methamphetamine, 21 U.S.C. §§ 841(a)(1) and 846 |
Christine Marie Rossiter | D. Neb. | 1992 | Conspiracy to distribute less than 50 kilograms of marijuana, 21 U.S.C. §§ 841(a)(1) and 846 |
Patricia Ann Weinzatl | W. D. Wis. | 2001 | Structuring transactions to evade reporting requirements, 31 U.S.C. § 5324(a)(3) |
Bobby Gerald Wilson | S. D. Ga. | 1985 | Aiding and abetting the possession and sale of illegal American alligator hides (Lacey Act), 16 U.S.C. § 3373(d)(1)(B) and 18 U.S.C. § 2 |
DECEMBER 3, 2010
James Bernard Banks | D. Utah | 1972 | Illegal possession of government property (misdemeanor), 18 U.S.C. § 641 |
Russell James Dixon | N. D. Ga. | 1960 | Felony liquor law violation, 26 U.S.C. § 5604(a)(1) |
Laurens Dorsey | D. N. J. | 1998 | Conspiracy to defraud the United States by making false statements to the FDA, 18 U.S.C. §§ 371 and 1001 |
Ronald Lee Foster | E. D. N. C. | 1963 | Mutilation of coins, 18 U.S.C. § 331 |
Timothy James Gallagher | D. Ariz. | 1982 | Conspiracy to distribute and possess with intent to distribute cocaine, 21 U.S.C. § 846 |
Roxane Kay Hettinger | N. D. Iowa | 1986 | Conspiracy to distribute cocaine, 21 U.S.C. §§ 841(a)(1) and 846 |
Edgar Leopold Kranz, Jr. | U.S. Air Force general court-martial | 1994 | Wrongful use of cocaine, adultery, and writing three insufficient fund checks, Articles 112a and 134, U.C.M.J. |
Floretta Leavy | D. Kan. | 1984 | Distribution of cocaine, conspiracy to distribute cocaine, possession of marijuana with intent to distribute, and possession of cocaine with intent to distribute, 21 U.S.C. §§ 841(a)(1), (a)(2) and 846, 18 U.S.C. § 2 |
Scoey Lathaniel Morris | W. D. Tex. https://www.justice.gov/pardon/obama-pardons | 1999 | Passing counterfeit obligations or securities, 18 U.S.C. §§ 472 and 2 |
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Recent presidential tradition includes leaving a handwritten letter in the Oval Office for the next man who takes the o...