Obama is no kings don’t like to be constrained. But all government should be.Obama is Pathological Liar, He is an Ideological Liar because the true objectives of his fundamental transformation of the United States are incompatible with American democracy and tradition Obama devotion to the Machiavellian dictum of "the ends justify the means" and lying as an instrument of government policy have been the tools of political extremists throughout history.
Saturday, January 28, 2017
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Obama: America is 'Better, Stronger' Than When I Took Office, Five Illegal Aliens Arrested After Shooting White Woman 13 Times, Say Police
Police in George, Washington State, have arrested five illegal aliens wanted in connection with the murder of a woman allegedly shot 13 times.
Investigators with the Grant County Sheriff’s Office working in connection with deputy U.S. Marshalls and the Interagency Narcotics Enforcement (INET) task force arrested five illegal aliens who allegedly murdered Jill Sundberg. The woman had been in an argument with one of the alleged shooters shortly before she was killed, KNDO NBC23 reported.Sheriff’s officials reported the following arrests:
• Gustavo Tapia Rodriguez, and alleged shooter, age 39, charged with murder in the first degree and kidnapping in the first degree;
• Ambrosio Mendez Villanueva, age 25, charged with murder in the first degree and kidnapping in the first degree;
• Julio Mendez Villanueva, age 25, charged with murder in the first degree and kidnapping in the first degree;
• Fernando Marcos Gutierrez, age 33, been charged with being a material witness along with immigration charges;
• Salvador Espinoz a Gomez, age 24, charged with being a material witness, and possession of a firearm, drug charges, as well as immigration charges.The Grant County Sheriff confirmed that all five were in the U.S. illegally, KHQ’s Patrick Erickson Tweeted.
Witnesses told police Sundberg was arguing with Rodriguez on the evening of December 21. The report does not disclose what the argument was about. Shortly after the argument, Sundberg was kidnapped and taken to the location where her body was eventually discovered.
“This was an immense collaborative effort between responding
agencies,” Sheriff Tom Jones told reporters. “Our sincerest thanks to
all and continued prayers to the Sundberg family for their senseless
The five arrested were seen leaving the RV park where the argument took place. Sundberg’s hands were allegedly being held behind her back by Varona, FiberOne reported.
The suspects and the material witnesses drove her to a rest area alongside a highway, according to the police report. Varona was seen kicking the back of one of her legs, forcing her to the ground. Rodriguez then allegedly shot her at least 13 times in the head.
After shooting the woman, Mendez Villenueva reportedly wrote a note in Spanish on a piece of carboard and placed it on her back. He secured the message in place by stabbing it into her back with a knife, the report obtained by FiberOne revealed.
The group then fled the scene, traveling to a convenience store where they purchased some beer.
The Pacific Northwest has experienced crime from foreign nationals in the past.
Back in 2015, Breitbart Texas’ Editor-in-Chief Brandon Darby reported how a massive methamphetamine drug operation was being run by a Mexican cartel throughout Oregon, California, and Texas. At the time, some 24 suspects were charged with their involvement in the cartel, and many were illegal immigrants.Sundberg’s body was found on December 22.
Bob Price serves as associate editor and senior political news contributor for Breitbart Texas. He is a founding member of the Breitbart Texas team. Follow him on Twitter @. BobPriceBBTX.
John Binder is a contributor for Breitbart Texas. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder.
The five arrested were seen leaving the RV park where the argument took place. Sundberg’s hands were allegedly being held behind her back by Varona, FiberOne reported.
The suspects and the material witnesses drove her to a rest area alongside a highway, according to the police report. Varona was seen kicking the back of one of her legs, forcing her to the ground. Rodriguez then allegedly shot her at least 13 times in the head.
After shooting the woman, Mendez Villenueva reportedly wrote a note in Spanish on a piece of carboard and placed it on her back. He secured the message in place by stabbing it into her back with a knife, the report obtained by FiberOne revealed.
The group then fled the scene, traveling to a convenience store where they purchased some beer.
The Pacific Northwest has experienced crime from foreign nationals in the past.
Back in 2015, Breitbart Texas’ Editor-in-Chief Brandon Darby reported how a massive methamphetamine drug operation was being run by a Mexican cartel throughout Oregon, California, and Texas. At the time, some 24 suspects were charged with their involvement in the cartel, and many were illegal immigrants.Sundberg’s body was found on December 22.
Bob Price serves as associate editor and senior political news contributor for Breitbart Texas. He is a founding member of the Breitbart Texas team. Follow him on Twitter @. BobPriceBBTX.
John Binder is a contributor for Breitbart Texas. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder.
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Senate Democrats propose $1 trillion infrastructure plan? 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act All Over Again!
Democrats on Tuesday offered a plan to spend $1 trillion on transportation and other infrastructure projects over 10 years, challenging President Donald Trump to join them on an issue where they hope to find common ground.
Democrats estimate their plan would create 15 million jobs. The plan includes $210 billion to repair aging roads and bridges and another $200 billion for a "vital infrastructure fund" to pay for a variety of transportation projects of national significance.
An example of the types of projects that could be eligible for financing from the fund is the Gateway Program to repair and replace rail lines and tunnels between New York and New Jersey, some of which are over 100 years old and were damaged in Superstorm Sandy in 2012. The project, which would double the number of trains per hour using the tunnels and help enable high-speed Amtrak service, is estimated to cost about $20 billion.
Republican leaders are unlikely to embrace the Democratic plan. It's not clear where Democrats would get the money for their proposal.
Infrastructure was raised at a meeting Monday between Trump and lawmakers from both parties. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said Democrats pitched their plan to Trump and asked for his support. Schumer said he also warned Trump that doing so would mean he'd have to "go against" elements of the Republican Party. Trump acknowledged that and seemed open to working with Democrats, he said.
A White House spokesman didn't immediately reply to a request for comment.
Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., told reporters he doesn't want another infrastructure plan that is effectively an economic stimulus program like the one Congress passed in 2009 at former President Barack Obama's behest. He said Republicans are waiting to see what the Trump administration proposes and he hopes it is paid for in "a credible way."
Democrats "thought that was an area maybe to find common ground, and then Sen. McConnell made the important point it needs to be paid for because we've got $20 trillion in debt," Sen. John Cornyn of Texas, the No. 2 Senate Republican leader, who was at the meeting.
Trump bemoaned the state of America's roads, bridges, airports and railways during the presidential campaign and promised to generate $1 trillion in infrastructure investment, putting people to work in the process. But Trump has offered few specifics. Administration officials have indicated they expect Trump to offer details this spring.
"Senate Democrats are walking the walk on repairing and rebuilding our nation's crumbling infrastructure," Schumer said. "We ask President Trump to support this common sense, comprehensive approach."
Besides transportation, the plan includes money for expanding broadband access in rural areas, water treatment and sewer construction, veterans' hospitals and schools.
Charging tolls for roads and bridges is often unpopular. A recent Washington Post poll found that 66 percent of the public opposes granting tax credits to investors who put their money into transportation projects in exchange for the right to charge tolls.
Transportation industry lobbying groups want a hike in direct federal spending instead of tax credits. What is needed most, they say, is money to address the growing backlog of maintenance and repair projects, most of which are unsuitable for tolling.
An infrastructure bill that relies on tax credits risks providing a windfall to investors and wouldn't be acceptable to Democrats, Schumer said.
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
Deadly MLK Weekend in Obama's Chicago: 10 Killed and 29 Shot And Al Capone Laughing!

At least 39 people were shot throughout Chicago over the Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday weekend, leaving ten people dead.
In 2016, nearly 60 people were shot over the Christmas weekend and 11 people were killed. In October of 2016, at least 3,475 people had been shot in the city of Chicago. Compared to the same time as the year before, only 2,441 people had been shot, according to the Chicago Tribune.
During the Labor Day weekend of 2016, six people were killed and 14 were wounded from Friday afternoon to Saturday morning; from Saturday morning to Sunday morning, one person was killed and 17 were wounded; and from Sunday to just past midnight Monday, one person was killed and at least nine others were wounded.
President-elect Donald Trump demanded that Chicago's elected leadership request federal aide to help with the crisis. And last week, Chicago's Chairwoman of the Police Board responded to Trump's message.
"We need to have more federal gun prosecutions in Chicago. Our federal partners from the U.S. attorney’s office, the ATF, the FBI need to be much more invested in this overall strategy. Chicago Police Department cannot tackle this issue by itself," Lori Lightfoot said.
Nearly 800 people were killed in Chicago in 2016, along with over 4,300 people shot.
Meanwhile, Obama plans to seek refuge in Palm Springs, California immediately after he leaves his position on Friday, skipping out on war torn Chicago.
The city who elected Obama to the United States Senate is looking more and more like a failed social experiment that no one wants to take responsibility for.
Thursday, January 12, 2017
Obama: When Minorities ‘Wage Peaceful Protest, They’re not Demanding Special Treatment’
Obama’s farewell address in Chicago, he talked about race relations. He remarked that “the effects of slavery and Jim Crow didn’t suddenly vanish in the ’60’s.” He also said that when minority groups voice discontent or wage peaceful protest, they’re not doing so to get special treatment. They’re only demanding the equal treatment that the founding fathers promised. Here’s what he said:
“Going forward, we need to uphold laws against discrimination – in hiring, and in housing, and in education, and in the criminal justice system. That is what our Constitution and highest ideals require.
“But laws alone won’t be enough. Hearts must change. They won’t change overnight. Social attitudes oftentimes take generations to change. But if our democracy is to work the way it should in this increasingly diverse nation, then each one of us need to try to heed the advice of a great character in American fiction Atticus Finch, who said, ‘You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view…until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.’
“For blacks and other minority groups, that means tying our own very real struggles for justice to the challenges that a lot of people in this country face – not only the refugee, the immigrant, the rural poor, the transgender American, but also the middle-aged white guy, who from the outside may seem like he’s got advantages but has seen his world upended by economic, and cultural, and technological change. We have to pay attention and listen.
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
Obama: America is 'Better, Stronger' Than When I Took Office,Man on PCP beating female police officer
Published on Oct 14, 2016
Chicago police released dash cam and body camera footage of an arrest in which an officer was beaten by a suspect but did not fire her weapon because she feared community backlash.
The hidden message in Obama's 'farewell' speech
Five days into the 1993 calendar – 15 days before his White House stay concluded – George H.W. Bush traveled to West Point for one last presidential address.
The event was short on bells and whistles. Gray-uniformed Army cadets provided the backdrop. The event opened with the National Emblem March and wrapped up with the West Point March. Bush’s reward for making the trek up the Hudson River: a cadet parka – a curious bit of clothing for a Navy man.
Bush 41 was all business that solemn day. He chose the venue to impart wisdom on what role the attending future warriors would play in global theatres. He chose not to pat himself on the back for peacefully concluding the Cold War and humiliating Saddam Hussein, but instead outlined America’s commitments as a triumphant superpower in a reshaped world.
Fast-forward 14 years and five days to Chicago’s Lakeside Center at McCormick Place and President Obama’s Tuesday evening “farewell address” before an effusive crowd – the second time, now, that an outgoing president said goodbye in a venue beyond the nation’s capital.
Obama chose the moment and the setting (it’s where he gave his victory speech on Election Night 2012) to bask in idolatry rather than say much that will stand the test of time.
Two things you should know about Obama’s last hurrah:
First, it wasn’t so much “farewell” as “to be continued”.
Come a week from Friday, Obama will be the first ex-president since Woodrow Wilson to stay in Washington once his administration ends.
On Tuesday night, Obama made it clear that, unlike the enfeebled Wilson (or the gracious George W. Bush, for that matter), he plans to be quite vocal – on everything from illegal immigration, replacing ObamaCare, climate change, and the Iran nuclear deal – if he feels the necessity.
Second, Obama chose the moment and the setting (it’s where he gave his victory speech on Election Night 2012) to bask in idolatry rather than say much that will stand the test of time.
As such, it was a disappointing finale to a presidency that, too often and in too many different ways, placed too high of a premium on celebrity status and cult of personality – an American colossus ruled by Narcissus.
Here’s a list of presidential farewell addresses, from the pre-modern written versions to this generation’s televised goodbyes.
They include our nation’s first President George Washington establishing a peaceful transfer of power, Andrew Jackson showcasing populism, Dwight Eisenhower warning of a “military-industrial complex” and Ronald Reagan embracing of a “shining city on a hill”.
Those and most other presidential farewell tended to be futuristic in their substance. Big-picture speeches.
And Obama?
He did go big-picture in the beginning, tapping the Founding Fathers and the concept of a more perfect union and a republic defined by generational embraces of American exceptionalism. And he lamented the current “state of democracy” – Americans needing to set aside their differences for the good of the nation’s solidarity.
However, too much of the 54-minute address was devoted to a recitation and defense of a progressive record.
Obama talked up the broadening the definition of marriage, rebooting relations with Cuba and what he claims to be a healthier economy with poverty on the wane.
On the topic of inequality, he referenced “a new social compound” that’s, in effect, a back door to more unionization, more social-program spending and higher taxation of the affluent.
Get used to more of this. Part of Obama’s post-presidency will include revamping Organizing for Action, a group born from his campaign machine and tasked with candidate recruitment.
Obama also claimed that race relations have improved over the recent decades, arguably his wobbliest words as (a) he removed his presidency from the equation and (b) in a city fraught with intra-racial homicides, it was just five days ago that four black Chicagoans were arrested for torturing a white special-needs teen live on Facebook.
However, the topic of race was also one of Obama’s stronger moments: calling on white Americans to better understand minority struggles with equality; minorities learning to better appreciate white struggles with a changing economy. “We all have to try harder,” he neatly surmised.
Still, Obama couldn’t resist the subtle dig at his successor (“science and reason matter”) and the loyal opposition (“how can elected officials rage about deficits when we propose to spend money on preschool for kids, not when we’re cutting taxes for corporations?”), even if it was cloaked in a nobler call for both parties to stop engaging in double standards.
Not until nearly midway into his remarks did the only president to serve an entire two terms with a nation at war delve into terrorism.
Not that it was much a deep dive.
The former constitutional law professor rolled ISIS into a big ball of human rights, women’s right and LBGT rights – and from there, naturally, protecting voting rights and a closing passage in which Obama called for his countrymen to became a nation of community organizers.
Add it up and, for one last time, America was witness to the Obama paradox. Twice, this very personable man was elected to the nation’s highest office. He’ll leave office with healthy approval numbers.
Yet on three separate occasions – two midterm elections and Hillary Clinton’s ill-fated stab at “hope” and “change” – the American people rejected the man’s ideas and ideology.
One good thing about star power, as Obama showed this one last time as president: it means not going unnoticed.
Back in 2009, George W. Bush’s press minions had to grovel for airtime for their boss’s farewell address from the East Room of the White House. This time around, none of the three major television networks balked at granting Obama coverage live and in primetime.
And good television it was.
As per usual, the words were melodic. The crowd was spellbound; a fawning media will swoon over the passages.
But with Obama it’s always been a temporary high – a long, rhetorical nitrous oxide hit before returning to the sobering realities of a sluggish economy, flawed health care reform, a socially divided nation and a world stage dotted with bad actors.
Despite the lofty language, the kind optics and the man’s cool presence on stage, Obama’s party paid a terrible price down-ticket in congressional, gubernatorial and state legislative numbers. Last November, the electorate handed the presidency to a man who’s the anti-Obama in taste, temperament, experience and execution.
Saying farewell can be hard – especially when one’s party has been left in the dust.
Saturday, January 7, 2017
U.S. Intelligence Agencies: Putin Ordered Interference Campaign To Help Trump Win? But Were Liberal's Bashing Obama Over, Justice Department Spied Extensively On Fox News Reporter James Rosen in 2010
The Justice Department spied extensively on Fox News reporter James Rosen in 2010, collecting his telephone records, tracking his movements in and out of the State Department and seizing two days of Rosen’s personal emails, the Washington Post reported on Monday.
In a chilling move sure to rile defenders of civil liberties, an FBI agent also accused Rosen of breaking anti-espionage law with behavior that—as described in the agent's own affidavit—falls well inside the bounds of traditional news reporting. (Disclosure: This reporter counts Rosen among his friends.)
UPDATE: Fox News responds with a blistering statement that asserts Rosen was "simply doing his job" in his role as "a member of what up until now has always been a free press.”
The revelations surfaced with President Barack Obama’s administration already under fire for seizing two months of telephone records of reporters and editors at the Associated Press. Obama last week said he makes “no apologies” for investigations into national security-related leaks. The AP's CEO, Gray Pruitt, said Sunday that the seizure was "unconstitutional."
The Obama administration has prosecuted twice as many leakers as all previous administrations combined.
“The president is a strong defender of the First Amendment and a firm believer in the need for the press to be unfettered in its ability to conduct investigative reporting and facilitate a free flow of information,” White House press secretary Jay Carney insisted last week. “He also, of course, recognizes the need for the Justice Department to investigate alleged criminal activity without undue influence.”
The details of the government's strategy against Rosen sound like something out of a spy novel.
Investigators looking into disclosures of sensitive information about North Korea got Rosen’s telephone records and a warrant for his personal emails but also used his State Department security badge to track his movements in and out of that building, the Post reported, citing court documents.
The case began when Rosen reported on June 11, 2009, that U.S. intelligence believed North Korea might respond to tighter United Nations sanctions with new nuclear tests. Rosen reported that the information came from CIA sources inside the hermetic Stalinist state.
Investigators zeroed in on State Department arms expert Stephen Jin-Woo Kim, who was among a small group of intelligence officials to receive a top-secret report on the issue the same day that Rosen's piece ran online.
But FBI agent Reginald Reyes wrote that there was evidence Rosen had broken the law, “at the very least, either as an aider, abettor and/or co-conspirator,” the Post said.
And just what did Rosen do? Here's Reyes in an affidavit to support his request for a search warrant:
“From the beginning of their relationship, the Reporter asked, solicited and encouraged Mr. Kim to disclose sensitive United States internal documents and intelligence information about the Foreign Country," the FBI agent wrote. "The Reporter did so by employing flattery and playing to Mr. Kim’s vanity and ego.”
"Much like an intelligence officer would run an clandestine intelligence source, the Reporter instructed Mr. Kim on a covert communications plan," Reyes said, explicitly comparing reportorial tactics to espionage.
Here is how the Post described another section of Reyes' report:
Using italics for emphasis, Reyes explained how Rosen allegedly used a “covert communications plan” and quoted from an e-mail exchange between Rosen and Kim that seems to describe a secret system for passing along information.
In the exchange, Rosen used the alias “Leo” to address Kim and called himself “Alex,” an apparent reference to Alexander Butterfield, the man best known for running the secret recording system in the Nixon White House, according to the affidavit.
Rosen instructed Kim to send him coded signals on his Google account, according to a quote from his e-mail in the affidavit: “One asterisk means to contact them, or that previously suggested plans for communication are to proceed as agreed; two asterisks means the opposite.”
He also wrote, according to the affidavit: “What I am interested in, as you might expect, is breaking news ahead of my competitors” including “what intelligence is picking up.” And: “I’d love to see some internal State Department analyses.”
The communications system is a bit cloak-and-dagger, but it's not clear from the Post report or the affidavit that Rosen did anything outside the bounds of traditional reporting. People who know Rosen will smile at the Butterfield reference: The tenacious Fox News reporter is known as a Beatles fanatic, Tom Wolfe devotee and Watergate obsessive.
U.S. Intelligence Agencies: Putin Ordered Interference Campaign To Help Trump Win? But Were Liberal's Bashing Obama Over PRISM is a system the NSA uses to gain access to the private communications of users of nine popular Internet services.

We know that PRISM is a system the NSA uses to gain access to the private communications of users of nine popular Internet services. We know that access is governed by Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which was enacted in 2008. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper tacitly admitted PRISM's existence in a blog post last Thursday. A classified PowerPoint presentation leaked by Edward Snowden states that PRISM enables "collection directly from the servers" of Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Facebook and other online companies.
What do the Internet companies who allegedly participate in this program have to say about it?
In a Friday post titled "What the ...?" Google CEO Larry Page stated that "any suggestion that Google is disclosing information about our users’ Internet activity on such a scale is completely false."
In a weekend follow-up, Google chief architect Yonatan Zunger wrote that "the only way in which Google reveals information about users are when we receive lawful, specific orders about individuals." He said that "it would have been challenging — not impossible, but definitely a major surprise — if something like this could have been done without my ever hearing of it." He said that even if he couldn't talk about such a program publicly, he would have quit Google rather than participate. "We didn't fight the Cold War just so we could rebuild the Stasi ourselves," he concluded.
"The notion that Yahoo! gives any federal agency vast or unfettered access to our users’ records is categorically false," wrote Yahoo's Ron Bell on Saturday. "Of the hundreds of millions of users we serve, an infinitesimal percentage will ever be the subject of a government data collection directive."
Thursday, January 5, 2017
Obama's long goodbye: President touts record, shares regrets in farewell leg

Obama does not hate long goodbyes.
The outgoing commander-in-chief is saying farewell over a series of essays, memos and addresses that started with a closing national security speech in Tampa a month ago and will continue through his official farewell address in his hometown of Chicago next Tuesday.
In the interim, the president filed his latest installment Thursday, publishing a letter to the American people outlining his proudest accomplishments and biggest regrets from his eight years in office. It was accompanied by 27 individual “exit memos” from top Cabinet and other administration officials.
To boot, the president authored a detailed, 56-page article for the Harvard Law Review – the publication he once led as a law student – on criminal justice reform. And on Wednesday, he said goodbye to the Armed Forces during a ceremony at nearby Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall, after making what could be a parting visit to congressional Democrats on Capitol Hill.
In his letter Thursday to the American people, Obama once again touted his administration’s work helping the country recover from the 2008 financial crisis.
“Eight years later, an economy that was shrinking at more than 8 percent is now growing at more than 3 percent. Businesses that were bleeding jobs unleashed the longest streak of job creation on record,” he wrote.
Obama also touted gains in the number of insured Americans under the Affordable Care Act, a reduction in dependence on foreign oil, an increase in the high school graduation rate, and a decrease in the poverty rate.
“Meanwhile, over the past eight years, no foreign terrorist organization has successfully planned and executed an attack on our homeland. Plots have been disrupted. Terrorists like Usama bin Laden have been taken off the battlefield,” he wrote, before going on to tout diplomatic milestones like the Iran nuclear deal and the thaw with Cuba.
The letter glosses over the sustained Republican resistance to and concerns about the Iran deal – as well as the spread of Islamic State affiliates and other terror groups that still threaten the U.S. and its allies, though Obama did acknowledge in his speech a day earlier that President-elect Donald Trump will face the challenge of quashing ISIS when he takes office.
In his letter, Obama did cite a few regrets, including a failure to pass sweeping gun legislation and immigration reform.
[F]or all that we've achieved, there's still so much I wish we'd been able to do, from enacting gun safety measures to protect more of our kids and our cops from mass shootings like Newtown, to passing common sense immigration reform that encourages the best and brightest from around the world to study, stay and create jobs in America,” he wrote. “And for all the incredible progress our economy has made in just eight years, we still have more work to do for every American still in need of a good job or a raise, paid leave or a dignified retirement.”
Trump tapped into such widespread economic concerns in his successful presidential campaign, during which he blamed government regulations, bad trade deals and other factors for a hollowing of the middle class and challenged administration claims that the economy has surged back from the 2008 crisis.
As he did on Capitol Hill Wednesday, though, Obama used his goodbye letter to warn Republicans against rolling back his signature health care law – something the incoming administration has made its first order of business.
“What won't help is taking health care away from 30 million Americans, most of them white and working class; denying overtime pay to workers, most of whom have more than earned it; or privatizing Medicare and Social Security and letting Wall Street regulate itself again -- none of which middle-class Americans voted for,” Obama wrote.
Republicans, citing rising premiums and other factors, had a different take on the health law in a press conference Wednesday.
“Families are hurting. [Democrats] broke the health care system,” House Speaker Paul Ryan said. “So we're going to make sure that we have an orderly transition to a better system so it can get back to what we all want, which is lower-cost health care, more choices so that families can actually get affordable health care at a decent price with more choices, more competition and not a costly government takeover.”
On Thursday, Trump tweeted that ObamaCare “was a lie from the beginning,” citing the faulty vow that anyone who liked their doctor could keep their doctor.
Trump tweeted: “time for Republicans & Democrats to get together and come up with a health care plan that really works -- much less expensive & FAR BETTER!”
Wednesday, January 4, 2017
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
Monday, January 2, 2017
Sunday, January 1, 2017
Report: 2016 was Obama Chicago’s deadliest, most violent year in nearly 20 years , Al Capone IS So Proud! Of Obama
It doesn’t appear that strict gun control laws are working in Chicago.
According to the Chicago Tribune, in 2016, Chicago saw it’s deadliest month in 23 years, its deadliest day in 13 years, more than 4,300 people shot and more than 750 homicides — all staggering numbers.
Because of skyrocketing violent crime rates, the city has even earned the nickname of “Chiraq” an ode to the violence in the Middle Eastern country of Iraq.
More from the Tribune:
Through Dec. 26, 754 people were slain in Chicago compared with 480 during the same period last year, an increase of 57 percent, according to official Police Department statistics. The last time Chicago tallied a similar number of killings was in 1997, when 761 people were slain. Shooting incidents also jumped by 46 percent this year to 3,512 from 2,398, the statistics show.
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Recent presidential tradition includes leaving a handwritten letter in the Oval Office for the next man who takes the o...