You can’t! It will drive you crazy if you try. If you have an IQ that is even slightly higher than that of a donkey, you will try to use logic, reason, and reality. All of those concepts are lost on the Liberals.
Monday, I watched Obama address the Nation; and if I didn’t know better, I would have thought it was a comedy show. It reminded me of the old Mork and Mindy sitcom from about 1975. Nothing Obama was saying had anything to do with the real world. It was like he was watching one show and we were watching a different show, but he just assumed that everyone always watched the same shows that he does. He had been watching and was talking about “Snow White”, but we had been watching “The Three Little Pigs”.
For example, he said that Congress has never blocked the raising of the debt ceiling like the Republicans are doing now. He went on to say that even when it was a Republican trying to raise the debt ceiling, the Democrats did not offer any resistance. DUH! Of course they didn’t. The Democrats have never had a debt ceiling they didn’t want to raise.
I’m sure you noticed that he didn’t say that the Democrats have never fought a Republican President about the debt ceiling, but he said the Democrats have never fought a President when he wanted to raise the debt ceiling.
So if you try to understand Obama and the Liberal mindset, you cannot use your logic, reason, or sense of reality if you want to remain a Conservative. Because once you stop using logic, reason, and reality, you become just another Democrat.
I am going to try and explain the Debt Ceiling so a little child or a Democrat can understand it.
A conversation between a dad and his just-out-of-school son.
Son: “Dad, I need to borrow your credit card because I am out of gas, but I need to get to work.”
The dad loans his card to his son; but a little while later, the son calls his dad.
Son: “Dad, I found this really nice Stereo, so I need to use your card.”
Dad: “No son; we cannot afford a stereo for your car, so bring my card back to me.”
Son: ”Dad, I found this really nice big screen TV, so I need to use your card.”
Dad: “No son; we cannot afford a big screen TV, so bring my card back to me.”
Son: “Dad, I want to go to Hawaii with my girlfriend, so I need to use your card.”
Dad: “NO! We can’t afford for you to go to Hawaii. BRING MY CARD BACK!”
A few days later, the dad receives a phone call from his credit card’s bank. The nice man from the bank tells him that he is over his credit limit, then tells him it was because of a car stereo, a big screen TV, and an elaborate trip to Hawaii. The dad tells the bank that he didn’t buy those things, and the bank tells the dad that his son signed for those things. The dad explains that he did not authorize his son to buy those things. The nice man from the bank explains that because the dad let the son use the card for gas, he is responsible for all of the purchases.
Son: ”Dad, I am out of gas again, and I need to get to work. I need to borrow your card.”
Dad: “Son, because you were so irresponsible with my card in the past, we are over the limit’ and the bank won’t let me use the card.”
Son: “Dad, all you have to do is call the bank and ask them to raise your credit limit.”
Dad: “Son, you need to pay for the stuff that you bought last month so I can pay down my card, and I won’t need to have the bank raise my credit limit.”
Son: “But Dad, how will I get to work?”
Dad: “Walk to work!”
Son: “Dad, if you don’t call the bank and have them raise your credit limit so I can use your card, I am going to tell all of your friends that you are a bad father and you refused to help me.”
The country spends more than it makes:
1: Democrat: “Get a bigger credit card.”
2: Republican: “Stop spending so much.”
Someone breaks into a school and shoots a teacher and some students.
1: Democrat: ”Make sure that the teacher can’t get a gun so she cannot protect herself and the children, and more children will be shot.”
2: Republican: ”Make sure that the teacher has a gun so she can protect herself and the children in her care, and no children will be shot.”
Democrat: Knee-jerk, feel-good stupidity. Do something even if it is wrong.
Republican: Be logical, apply reason, look at reality, and do what needs to be done.
So you can see what they do, assume what they must be thinking, or know that they don’t know how to think; but don’t even try to understand the Liberal mindset.
Ever wonder why the Democrats selected a donkey as their symbol?
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