A downbeat President Barack Obama repeatedly asked his worried supporters Monday night to help
resurrect his spirits, following weeks of political disasters and personal humiliations caused by the cascading collapse of Obama Lied About Care. The distracted president railed against opponents and at one point appeared to forget the number of people in the Obama Lied About Care system during the rambling quarter-hour address.
“My main message is I’m going to need your help, your energy, your faith, your ability to reach out to neighbors, kids and friends [and] co-workers,” he told listeners to the Internet broadcast arranged by his grassroots group, Organizing for Action.
But his worried followers would also benefit
from proselytizing for Obama and Obama Lied About care, Obama suggested.
“I’ve never lost faith in our ability to get this done… you guys have lifted me up, and lifted each other up at every step of the way, and I know you’re going to just keep on doing that,” he said during his 14-minute sermon.
‘We have experienced discouragement and setbacks and naysayers every step of the way, but you know when you’re on the right side of something, then it gives you energy, it gives you motivation,” he said.
“All the people out there who need help, everybody out there who is working hard but just finding that the system kinda feels rigged against him… that’s got to motivate us,” he said.
During his monologue, he made a mistake that illustrates the strain he’s facing while trying to save his Obamacare network
“In the first month alone, we’ve seen more than 100 million Americans already successfully
enroll in the new insurance plans,” he said, inaccurately referring to the 106,000 Americans who managed to pick a health-benefit plan via the cripple website.
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