The pro-life position has been characterized by opponents as lacking in rational arguments and relying solely on religious ideology. Here you will find powerful pro-life arguments based upon secular, medical, legal and scientific facts. However, since this site is Christian in nature, we refute any attempt to reinterpret the Bible's strong stance against abortion or to minimize its declaration of the sanctity of human life. We also take the pro-life position that any attempts to promote eugenics or restrict reproduction of minorities is evil.
- Abortion - Life, Right, Choice?- Secular Arguments Against Abortion (
440 KB MS PowerPoint file)
The Bible and Abortion - The biblical basis of the prolife position.
- "After Birth Abortion": Infanticide (Killing Babies) is Okay According to Doctors - Doctors show that arguments used to support abortion also support the killing of newborns.
- Early Church Fathers and Abortion (offsite)
- Abortion and the Early Christian Church by F. J. Roos.
- Science and Abortion - The scientific basis of the prolife position.
- Is Abortion or Childbirth Safer for a Woman? The abortion industry's claim that abortion is safer than childbirth is shown to be false.
- Why Pro-Abortion Is Anti-Science by Nancy Pearcey.
- Confessions of a Pro-Life Atheist - Why Abortion Rights is not a Religious Question
- D & X (Partial Birth) Abortions - They are never medically necessary
- Do Fetuses Feel Pain During An Abortion? - A new scientific study shows that cortical brain responses to pain occur in infants as young as 25 weeks gestational age.
The Law and Abortion - Why the law is logically inconsistent.
- North Carolina's "Woman’s Right to Know Act": Informed Consent for Abortion? - Why don't the abortionists want women to know what they are aborting?
- Modern Eugenics- How Abortion is Getting Rid of 'Undesirables' A new study finds that abortion is a good way to get rid of minorities and poor people who might have children (God forbid!) who commit crimes.
- Forced Abortion in America by the Elliot Institute (offsite)
- Bella DVD/Movie Review - A touching and well-done pro-life movie.
- What's the Problem With Yale Student, Aliza Shvarts, and "Abortion as Art"?
- Men are Responsible for the Abortion Problem - What Christians can do about it
- Flipsyde's "Happy Birthday" Even a rapper can understand the reality of abortion!
Planned Parenthood Gets Caught Protecting Child Molesters - Taped telephone conversations reveal the real agenda of Planned Parenthood
- The Reality of "Choice on Earth" - Planned Parenthood's Insult to Christianity - In a good example of poor taste, Planned Parenthood insults Christianity and its founder, Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace (not "choice")
- Testimony of Gianna Jessen, Hearing on H.R. 4292, the "Born-Alive Infants Protection Act of 2000", House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, July 20, 2000
- Testimony of Jill L. Stanek, RN, Hearing on H.R. 4292, the "Born-Alive Infants Protection Act of 2000", House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, July 20, 2000
- Testimony of Jill L. Stanek, RN, U. S. House of Representatives Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution Hearing "Born Alive Infants Protection Act of 2001", July 12, 2001
- An Open Letter From the Parents of Holly Patterson - Death by RU-486 - Because of California's lack of parental consent laws, Holly's parents did not know that their daughter was dying from complications due to abortion drug, RU-486.
- It's okay to kill a baby in the womb when...
Stem Cell Research
- What is Wrong With Embryonic Stem Cell Research? Although embryonic stem cell research has been promoted as being the best way to pursue cell-based therapies, in fact, it is unacceptable for therapy because they spontaneously form tumors when transplanted into a compatible host.
- Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPS) from Human Skin: Probable Replacement for Embryonic Stem Cells The new technique allows ordinary human stem cells to be converted into embryonic-like stem cell lines without killing human embryos.
- Stem Cell Research/Cloning: Status and Ethics (
1.2 MB PowerPoint File)
- Noah and the Flood - How Noah Markham was rescued from a flooded hospital in New Orleans.
- Prolife Newsletter Links - The news that secular sources don't want to publish!
- Prolife Signs - Make people think about the "choices" they are making
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