In 1987, the Pro-Life Action League hosted the first Meet the Abortion Providers Conference. We invited former abortionists to tell their stories publicly for the first time. They revealed what led them into the abortion business, how their work killing babies impacted their lives and what eventually led them out of abortion.
Since then we have hosted four more Meet the Abortion Providers conferences, allowing former abortion doctors, nurses, clinic owners and others directly involved in abortion to tell their stories. Many of these stories are available on two videos produced from these conferences, Meet the Abortion Providers and Abortion: The Inside Story, both available on one DVD.
Abortion: The Inside Story
Meet the Abortion Providers
Read the Testimonies
Testimonies by the courageous former abortion providers below are available for you to read.
Carol Everett had an abortion in 1973, starting her down the path to operating a group of abortion clinics in the Dallas area.
Dr. Anthony Levatino performed hundreds of abortions as an OB/Gyn. The tragic death of his adopted daughter helped him quit abortion.
Dr. Beverly McMillan was an abortionist and radical feminist until increasing anxiety over abortion led to her Christian conversion.
Joan Appleton was the head nurse at Commonwealth Women's Clinic in Wasthington, D.C., where she was befriended by a sidewalk counselor.
Joy Davis ran six regional abortion clinics for abortionist Tommy Tucker, who taught her to perform abortions herself without formal medical training.
Dr. McArthur Hill performed abortions as an Air Force surgeon, many of them before the Supreme Court's Roe v Wade decision.
Luhra Tivis worked as a medical receptionst for notorious late-term abortionist George Tiller.
Links and Related Pages
- Ex-Abortion Workers: Why They Quit—Article by Mary Meehan, first published in Human Life Review Spring-Summer 2002 issue
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