Math in schools is bullshit.
"Okay kids heres what we're going to do today. Open your books to page 200."
"But its the first day"
"We don't know how to do this"
"We're going to learn"
"We don't even know what we're looking at this is completely new"
"Why do we have to learn this? It only has practical application in a few fields of study"
"Shut up and do your work"
"Seriously? You're supposed prepare us for life, not jerk us around like fish on a line"
"For what?"
"Being disruptive"
Or alternatively it'd be outside the math class in "study hall"
"Do your math work"
"But I don't understand it. You're swamped and won't help me. Your assistant is too busy doing your job
so Joe and I are both left to our own devices. SO I'm going to do my science homework."
"But you're failing math"
"Yeah I'm failing math."
"... So do your work"
"And get an F on it because I don't understand it? I've got a better idea, I'll sit here and do my SCIENCE homework, which I will start failing if its not done before 6th period. But since I know I can do it, I'm going to get it done now."
"No, you're failing math, work on math"
"You stupid cow. Would you stick a five year old behind the wheel of a semi-truck and say 'Drive'?"
"Detention and no"
"Then shut the hell up and let me be you miserable crone"
And then in with the counselors
"Your teachers say you aren't absorbing the material"
"No fucking shit, neither is anyone else dumb ass. You hired retarded people to teach what is probably the most all around difficult class throughout school."
"But you need math to survive in life"
"NO FUCKING WAY!! I never would have guessed!"
"... Sarcasm isn't going to help yo-"
Shut the fuck up you god damned idiots. I have survived just fine knowing my current level of math. Would I like to be able to do the more advanced stuff and understand it? Yes, I'd love to. But I can't because I don't understand it by myself, and you refuse to teach it. No no no no, stay shut the fuck up. You don't teach math to anyone here. Hell barely anyone here teaches. What you do teach is bullshit. You've got at least two teachers actively recruiting for communist and socialist parties. One of them is a hardcore feminist that makes her male students feel like shit for things they've never even done. And both of them praise people who've gone on mass killing sprees. Your math teachers are fucking terrible. They don't even understand what they're teaching. They're constantly struggling to just keep ahead of us.
This isn't my fault. I'm making a fucking herculean effort on my part, as are most of my classmates. If you're going to call yourselves teachers I fucking expect to be taught. Not have bullshit rammed down my throat like I'm a fucking goose bound for the slaughter.
... I have a lot of issues with school. Mostly the math classes. The above is a fairly accurate representation of what I went through.
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