It’s no secret that Obama has a strong anti-Christian agenda. Since becoming president six years ago, Obama has been doing everything he can to make life difficult for Christians all across America.
Many have wondered why Obama hates Christianity so much, and a new video has revealed the surprising reason why.
In the end, the reason Obama is anti-Christian is surprisingly simple. If you think about it, you’ll realize that many of the teachings of Jesus Christ directly contradict what Obama believes in.
For example, Jesus promoted the idea of “servant leadership,” meaning that anyone who wishes to lead the people must first serve their needs. “But whoever would be great among you must first be your servant,” he says in the Bible, Mark 10:43.
Obama hasn’t served the needs of the American people at all during his years as president. Instead, he has focused completely on serving himself and the federal government. He fueled racial tensions in order to justify a federal takeover of U.S. police. He also constantly goes around congress by writing his own legislation into laws as executive orders.
Jesus’s believe that we are all equal in the eyes of God led directly to our founding father’s writing in the Declaration of Independence that we are all equal in the eyes of the law. Obama has contradicted this with his socialist tendencies that give his minions more freedom and prosperity than the average American.
In the end, when you take a closer look at the teachings of Jesus, it quickly becomes very clear why Obama hates Christianity so much. Christians are dangerous to Obama because we see right through him, thanks to the fact that we were raised with the teachings of Jesus.
Because of this, Obama sees it as crucial that he gets rid of Christianity and everyone who adheres to the faith as soon as possible. Unfortunately for him, however, we aren’t going anywhere!
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