Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Racist Obama Caused Dems' Downfall, Not Hillary!

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he press is starting to pile on Hillary Clinton for losing to President Trump, but the real cause of the Democrats' defeat is never discussed.  It is Obama himself.

According to Gallup, averaging his two terms, Obama was the most unpopular President since President Truman, save only for Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford.  Even Nixon was more popular.  That poll will never be reported in the liberal press.  But Democrats can’t ignore this astounding precinct map, that shows how tiny the blue islands have become in a sea of red voters.

Obama thinks Democrats should continue to write off those red voters.  They don’t have long to wait for the demographics of immigration to turn America's majority non-white.  Obama is unfazed because he dreams about this: we already have a non-white majority among Americans under age 5.  Obama foresees a permanent Democratic government, based on minority immigration rates, coupled with ginning up racial and gender divisiveness. 

Trump won the Democrat heartland?  A short-term setback.  Soon progressives can tell the heartland to get lost.  As Obama told David Remnick, he ‘believes in demographics.’
The hyper-partisan media will never criticize Obama.  This week, the DNC’s number two guy, Keith Ellison, broke the rules and shocked everyone by blaming Saint Barack Obama for the party’s diminished, sorry self. 
“Given we lost a lot of statehouse seats, governorships, secretary of states… he can’t say that he wasn’t part of those losses. Who else, right?”

Ellison understated the problem.  There are fewer Democrats in Congress than since 1929, fewer Democrats in state and federal offices than since the Civil War.  Democrats can beat up on Hillary Clinton all they want. It has nothing to do with Hillary’s campaign and everything to do with Obama’s radical agenda as President. Hillary is just the biggest Democrat politician of them all who followed Obama’s polarizing priorities right off the cliff. 
Mainstream America wanted jobs and racial healing, secure borders and safety from jihad.  Obama gave them the opposite.  Once elected, he went further and repeatedly dissed his white voters as bigots.  Obama’s radical millennial shock troops, financed and trained during his eight years in office, now pipe the tune to which the Democrats dance.  (See my columns, Obama’s Snowflakes and Obama Fundamentally Transformed America the Democrats.) 

Americans have had enough progressive politics to see they don’t like it. Voter flight from Democrats started with Obamacare and the corrupt stimulus.  They were losing their jobs by the millions.  It doesn’t get worse than that.  Except it did get worse, as Americans began to lose their lives to jihadis and cop killers and illegal criminal aliens.  If you didn’t like it, you were called a racist and Islamophobe.  Progressives boasted that whites would soon be a minority in America.  People could see the exploding Hispanic and Muslim population in their towns and cities, brought into this country for the good of the Democrat Party, not for America’s good.  The culture war Obama launched against religious freedom was the coup de grace

During Obama’s two terms, ordinary Republicans and independents turned to Tea Party conservatives, at every level of government.  They wanted leaders to fight Obama’s re-do of America, and go-along Republicans.  Trump was the first fighter they had a chance to vote for in a Presidential race, and the crowds flocked to him.   

Hillary’s failure is supposedly that she ignored the white working class.  The entire Democrat party thought that calling Trump supporters names was the way to go – they still do. 

Since her loss, the DNC and the Democratic leadership have doubled down.  They are still not talking about jobs or national security or the immigration problem.  They’re too busy screaming that Trump is a Russian stooge, based on fake leaks apparently orchestrated by our exiting President.  They’re still yelling that businessman Donald Trump and his working class voters are white nationalists.  They’re blaming Hillary, because her identity politics flopped, all the while continuing it themselves. 

Obama’s polices didn’t even work well for Obama, as the Gallup Poll shows, but they served the purpose of his radical takeover of the party.  Eight years is a long time.  Obama abused federal funding and threats of lawsuits to yank campus culture hard left.  He forced the black community left by purposely inflaming racial grievances in Florida and Ferguson, Missouri, and from there across the country.  It was Obama who awarded the Marxist Black Lives Matter power and legitimacy. Hillary was stuck with them.  Obama even promoted pro-jihadi Islamists to positions of power and influence. 

As president, Obama started a private foundation, which he calls Organizing for Action, which trained 30,000 millennial street activists, as many as half from immigrant families.  He funneled his campaign experts and donors to this left-wing army, leaving normal liberal politicians on their own.  Most of them went down to defeat, but Obama never changed course.   He was not interested in building the Democrat Party, but in taking it over. 

Thanks to Obama’s community organizing from the White House, America now has a hardcore, violent, progressive vanguard, which the useful idiot Democratic Party leaders and media are applauding as “the Resistance.”   This is Obama’s lasting legacy.

With the help of a partisan, unethical press, the Democrats normalized Obama’s every aberrant trait.  But Obama is aberrant.  He is a Democrat in name only – in reality, he is a hard left “red diaper baby” – as were Valerie Jarrett and David Axelrod.  Obama has had literally lifelong radical ties, starting with his grandfather and mother, as well as his Kenyan father, and Obama’s beloved teenage mentor, child molester Frank Marshall Davis, a member of the Communist Party.  (According to Paul Kengor, Frank Davis’s political work for the Soviets got him placed on the FBI’s Security Index, so he could be immediately arrested in a national emergency – the Cold War equivalent of our terrorist watchlist.)

In college Obama tells us, he only associated with radicals.  After law school, he moved to Chicago and began radical left “community” organizing.  He entered politics as the chosen successor to a socialist state senator.
Out of sight of the public, President Obama’s actions continued those of the professional agitator he was in Chicago.  He funneled half a billion dollars in federal fines to leftist groups, using a “a shakedown system eerily reminiscent of the ACORN “Muscle for Money” program that he was a part of in Chicago.”  On campuses, he forced colleges to hire radical blacks and feminist thought police and start a rape witch-hunt against white men, using the threat of civil rights suits and loss of federal funds. 

After his re-election, Obama flirted with what he called going “Bulworth” – that is, revealing that he is a socialist.  How galling for him Sanders’ acclaim by millennials must be, but Sanders is a loser.  By hiding his Marxism, Obama made it to the White House, twice.

Ominously, Obama says he will devote his post-presidency to funding, training and organizing more activists.  That is not normal.  Presidents in America retire from politics.  They have since George Washington.  It is crucial to our democracy.  

Happily, the rest of us are not stuck in Obama’s scenario.  America is not as racist as he is.  We have a unified vision of success for the whole country, based on our common American values. A renewal of freedom and personal responsibility has the potential to unleash enormous prosperity for every American citizen.
If Trump succeeds in doubling and tripling the GDP growth rate, easily within his grasp with sensible pro-growth policies and reining in the administrative state, he can blow Obama’s race-based strategy to bits.  Trump has sworn he will be the greatest job creator the world has ever seen – not just for white Americans, for all Americans.  If he succeeds in bringing jobs to our unemployed white working class, minorities and millennials, it will be a game changer.

Racial demographics need not be destiny.  We are all Americans and want the best for each other.  America is better than Obama’s dark radical vision of us. 

What a wonderful thought:  Democrats will play the race card, and no one will listen.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Dems Demand Legal Justification for Syria Strike? Where, The Liberal Demand Legal Justification For Obama MARCH 21, 2011 Libyan air defenses and government forces.

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Two top Democrats are demanding President Trump provide legal justification for his decision to launch 59 tomahawk missiles on a Syrian airfield earlier this month - the base believed to be the source of a deadly chemical attack. Evidence points to the Assad regime.

Most of Congress - even Democrats - appeared to support the strike. Yet, Democratic leadership wanted Trump to seek an Authorization of the Use of Military Force before taking any further military actions. Now, Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA), who served as Hillary Clinton's vice
presidential running mate, and Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), have sent a letter to Trump on Monday seeking an explanation for the airstrike.
"It has now been over two weeks since you ordered the strike on the airfield, and your Administration has yet to put forward any detailed legal analysis or justification for that action under domestic and international law," the Democrats wrote.

"The legal justification for an attack on the Syrian government is not an afterthought, but rather a first order consideration, and something that is vital for the American people to understand at the outset," they added.
The majority of Americans approved of the president's decisive action - perhaps because they witnessed years of inaction and empty threats from the Obama administration.

Other One Of Obama And Hillary Abortion Facility SHUT DOWN": Louisiana abortion facility that killed 7,482 babies closes for good

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BOSSIER CITY, Louisiana, April 24, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) -- Pro-life intercessors have claimed a victory with the closing of a Louisiana abortion business.

40 Days for Life has sponsored prayer vigils outside the Bossier City Medical Suite and now local leader Chris Davis says the abortion mill has ceased operations.

“After five years of standing in prayer outside the Bossier abortion facility, God has answered those prayers in a big way!” Davis declared. “Thanks to 40 Days for Life … and all the local volunteers who have an untold number of hours on the sidewalk!”

Documents obtained by Louisiana Right to Life reveal that the facility's operators returned their medical license to the state Department of Health.

The document also states that Dr. James Degueurce, who apparently was the abortionist there, "intends to continue providing abortion care to Louisiana women at a clinic yet to be determined."
“With the closure of Bossier City Medical Suite, there is one less facility in Louisiana destroying the lives of innocent unborn babies,” Louisiana Right to Life Executive Director Benjamin Clapper said.
Republican Congressman Mike Johnson of the 4th District issued a statement calling the closure a "wonderful development." "I believe we have a moral obligation and duty to defend the most defenseless among us and to stand up for innocent unborn children."

Clapper reflected on the many lives the abortion business cut short. "From 2006 to 2015, this facility sold 7,482 abortions," he said. "We mourn for these lives that will never enjoy life in Louisiana, but we rejoice that this facility will no longer be in the business of abortion."

The closure brings the number of abortion businesses in the state to three. Those include Women’s Health Care Center in New Orleans, Delta Clinic in Baton Rouge, and Hope Medical Group for Women in Shreveport.

The closure of Bossier City Medical Suite is not expected to slow down the local abortion industry. The Shreveport abortion business is only six minutes away.

Early last year, the Bossier City clinic stopped doing abortions for a brief time because of a pro-life law protecting women's health by requiring local hospital privileges. Clinic owners petitioned for and received a "stay" of enforcement of the pro-life law.

40 Days for Life lists 85 similar closures and attributes the trend to the power of peaceful prayer.
“We encourage the pro-life community to continue its efforts to provide help to mothers and babies, both before and after birth. We look forward to a day when all babies are protected by law and welcomed with joy,” Clapper said.

Davis confirmed the closure with a picture of a moving truck outside the clinic as the staff packed the business into boxes.

Obama Planned Parenthood Bracing For nationwide pro-life protests this weekend

KALAMAZOO, Michigan, April 25, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) — With the National Day of Prayer and Protest against Planned Parenthood coming this weekend, the abortion giant is encouraging its supporters to remain calm.

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On Friday and Saturday, pro-lifers across the country will gather at local Planned Parenthood clinics to pray. #ProtestPP is sponsoring prayer vigils, marches, demonstrations, and rallies for life.
"We will call on our leaders in Washington to defund Planned Parenthood — the nation’s largest abortion provider — and redirect all their federal taxpayer funding to comprehensive health centers that are not involved in abortion," the ProtestPP website explains.

In the past, however, peaceful, praying pro-lifers were met with angry and sometimes violent counter-protesters. The pro-abortionists sought to disrupt pro-life prayers.

One example was caught on video February 11 in Detroit, where Planned Parenthood supporters became "obnoxious, vulgar, obscene and rude — indeed they acted like bullies toward those with whom they disagree," a video poster related. "Notice the 'F' word shouted out by abortion supporters in an attempt to drown out the pro-lifers peacefully praying."

In light of past incidents, at least one Planned Parenthood official is asking supporters not to counter-demonstrate.

Megan Zapinski, program manager for Planned Parenthood Advocates of Michigan, sent out a notice to supporters urging them to stay away.

"Planned Parenthood of Michigan has non-engagement and No Counter Protest Policies, especially as it pertains to demonstrations at our health centers," she wrote. "These demonstrations, whether in support of or opposition to Planned Parenthood, are disruptive to daily operations and intimidating for our patients."

One pro-life leader explained why Planned Parenthood would be afraid to encourage counter-protesting. “They let their real concern slip in a Cosmopolitan interview: 'All it takes one person to react to an "anti" and things can escalate very quickly.' They know that if (when) their supporters get violent, it will reflect badly on Planned Parenthood."

"I recommend having a designated person record video at every location," the pro-lifer concluded.
Zapinski's notice to supporters asked them to show support for abortion "in other ways than counter-protesting." She suggested an "action or rally" at a local Congressional office, asking questions at a member of Congress' event, gathering signatures in support of Planned Parenthood, writing to members of Congress, calling a radio talk show, writing a letter to the editor, and donating money to the ucrative abortion conglomerate.

To find a pro-life #ProtestPP in your area, click here.

Hawaii on verge of forcing pro-life pregnancy centers to advertise abortion? So Much For So It Show That Again Pro Choice IS Dead, Whhen The Left IS Forcing all Women To Support Abortion,, Now

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All five pro-life pregnancy help organizations on the Hawaiian islands are the stroke of a pen away from being forced by law to advertise abortions, following a vote by Hawaii’s house of representatives a couple weeks ago in Honolulu.

With only 10 of Hawaii’s 51 state representatives voting against SB 510, the measure will now go back to the state senate for a review of amendments before landing on the desk of Democratic Gov. David Ige.

Backed by Planned Parenthood Northwest and Hawaii, the edict mirrors a 2015 California law that is likely on its way to the U.S. Supreme Court because, as pro-lifers argue, it forces them to choose between denying conscience by posting pro-abortion signage and defying the government by refusing to comply with the law.

If the law were to take effect, all community-funded pregnancy centers offering free services such as ultrasounds would be forced—at the threat of a $500 first-time fine and a $1,000 subsequent fine—to post and distribute to clients the following statement:
Hawaii has public programs that provide immediate free or low-cost access to comprehensive family planning services, including, but not limited to, all FDA-approved methods of contraception and pregnancy-related services for eligible women.
To apply online for medical insurance coverage, that will cover the full range of family planning and prenatal care services, go to

Only ultrasounds performed by qualified healthcare professionals and read by licensed clinicians should be considered medically accurate.
While supporters of the bill, including state Rep. Chris Lee, argued that its intent is to provide “basic transparency,” opponents to the law argued that it was not likely to pass constitutional muster on First Amendment grounds, and pointed out that the state should use its own resources to advertise its own taxpayer-funded programs.
One lawmaker, Reb. Bob McDermott, was far more direct in his criticism.
“Ultimately, what was the whole point of this whole thing? Where did it come from? Why is it even before us? It’s before us because there’s Christian centers that offer alternatives to abortion,” McDermott said. “They don’t believe in abortion. So, a woman comes in there and they’re encouraging, they offer alternatives but they don’t do abortions. And that’s what this is about.
“These pregnancy centers offer the ultrasound… the young lady will not have the abortion—she won’t—and Planned Parenthood loses money.”
Trampling on Free Speech
Arguing that the law is a threat to free speech, Hawaiian pro-lifers have seen their rights evaporate even while the bill has made its march through the state legislature.
Their testimony opposing the bill has been held back from relevant committees, an issue the state’s attorney general has said is a violation of First Amendment rights.
At issue in the censorship was testimony from a former client at one center, A Place for Women in Waipio—an outreach of Calvary Chapel Pearl Harbor—who now works with Planned Parenthood. The woman had testified to the senate’s Ways and Means Committee that her experience at the center had left her feeling like “the only thing they cared about was the baby.”
Click "like" if you are PRO-LIFE!
While that testimony—even if true—has nothing to do with the law, A Place For Women submitted rebuttal testimony citing a voluntary exit survey the same woman had filled out saying her visit was, "very comfortable." The senate president squelched the rebuttal testimony before it was passed onto committee members, however, denying A Place for Women a chance to plead its case.
That action, the attorney general asserted in a March 29 letter, infringed on the pregnancy help center’s First Amendment right to petition the government.

“The fact that we did not have a voice in that decision is very concerning,” Joy Wright, executive director at Malama Pregnancy Center, said. “Even if they’re for the bill, it’s very important that we have a voice. We are abiding by the process put together by the state legislature, and so if it’s not followed through on the other side, then we have a problem that needs to be addressed."

Legislation by Anecdote
Testifying in favor of the bill prior to the vote, Lee relayed an anecdotal example of a woman he claimed to know who went to a pregnancy center—though he didn’t specify which center, or if it was even in Hawaii—and wasn’t able to access the morning-after pill at the center.

Plan B One-Step, commonly called the morning-after pill, has been available for sale over the counter since 2013, and pregnancy centers do not refer for abortions or abortifacient drugs such as the morning-after pill.

At a hearing before the state’s House Committee on Health on March 16, one supporter of the bill, Michael Golojuch, Jr., chair of the state’s All five pro-life pregnancy help organizations on the Hawaiian islands are the stroke of a pen away from being forced by law to advertise abortions, following a vote by Hawaii’s house of representatives a couple weeks ago in Honolulu.
With only 10 of Hawaii’s 51 state representatives voting against SB 510, the measure will now go back to the state senate for a review of amendments before landing on the desk of Democratic Gov. David Ige.
Backed by Planned Parenthood Northwest and Hawaii, the edict mirrors a 2015 California law that is likely on its way to the U.S. Supreme Court because, as pro-lifers argue, it forces them to choose between denying conscience by posting pro-abortion signage and defying the government by refusing to comply with the law.
If the law were to take effect, all community-funded pregnancy centers offering free services such as ultrasounds would be forced—at the threat of a $500 first-time fine and a $1,000 subsequent fine—to post and distribute to clients the following statement:
Hawaii has public programs that provide immediate free or low-cost access to comprehensive family planning services, including, but not limited to, all FDA-approved methods of contraception and pregnancy-related services for eligible women.
To apply online for medical insurance coverage, that will cover the full range of family planning and prenatal care services, go to
Only ultrasounds performed by qualified healthcare professionals and read by licensed clinicians should be considered medically accurate.
While supporters of the bill, including state Rep. Chris Lee, argued that its intent is to provide “basic transparency,” opponents to the law argued that it was not likely to pass constitutional muster on First Amendment grounds, and pointed out that the state should use its own resources to advertise its own taxpayer-funded programs.
One lawmaker, Reb. Bob McDermott, was far more direct in his criticism.
“Ultimately, what was the whole point of this whole thing? Where did it come from? Why is it even before us? It’s before us because there’s Christian centers that offer alternatives to abortion,” McDermott said. “They don’t believe in abortion. So, a woman comes in there and they’re encouraging, they offer alternatives but they don’t do abortions. And that’s what this is about.
“These pregnancy centers offer the ultrasound… the young lady will not have the abortion—she won’t—and Planned Parenthood loses money.”
Trampling on Free Speech
Arguing that the law is a threat to free speech, Hawaiian pro-lifers have seen their rights evaporate even while the bill has made its march through the state legislature.
Their testimony opposing the bill has been held back from relevant committees, an issue the state’s attorney general has said is a violation of First Amendment rights.

At issue in the censorship was testimony from a former client at one center, A Place for Women in Waipio—an outreach of Calvary Chapel Pearl Harbor—who now works with Planned Parenthood. The woman had testified to the senate’s Ways and Means Committee that her experience at the center had left her feeling like “the only thing they cared about was the baby.”
Click "like" if you are PRO-LIFE!
While that testimony—even if true—has nothing to do with the law, A Place For Women submitted rebuttal testimony citing a voluntary exit survey the same woman had filled out saying her visit was, "very comfortable." The senate president squelched the rebuttal testimony before it was passed onto committee members, however, denying A Place for Women a chance to plead its case.
That action, the attorney general asserted in a March 29 letter, infringed on the pregnancy help center’s First Amendment right to petition the government.

“The fact that we did not have a voice in that decision is very concerning,” Joy Wright, executive director at Malama Pregnancy Center, said. “Even if they’re for the bill, it’s very important that we have a voice. We are abiding by the process put together by the state legislature, and so if it’s not followed through on the other side, then we have a problem that needs to be addressed."
Legislation by Anecdote

Testifying in favor of the bill prior to the vote, Lee relayed an anecdotal example of a woman he claimed to know who went to a pregnancy center—though he didn’t specify which center, or if it was even in Hawaii—and wasn’t able to access the morning-after pill at the center.

Plan B One-Step, commonly called the morning-after pill, has been available for sale over the counter since 2013, and pregnancy centers do not refer for abortions or abortifacient drugs such as the morning-after pill.

At a hearing before the state’s House Committee on Health on March 16, one supporter of the bill, Michael Golojuch, Jr., chair of the state’s LGBT Caucus, testified that pregnancy centers are dangerous for women based on his own third-hand account of the sister of one of his friends.

Without providing any substantiating details or even establishing that the pregnancy center had made a mistake of any kind, Golojuch’s testimony was markedly similar to the sweeping claims often made by abortion lobby groups and one “undercover reporter” whose vague allegations formed the backbone of California’s 2015 law.
“We don’t make policy based on anecdotal stories,” McDermott said. “The biggest thing that these centers do is—the ones that have it—provide an ultrasound opportunity for the young lady to see the child. Once the young lady sees the child, the abortion option is almost always off the table, because they see this living, breathing human being.”
Past attempts by local authorities to compel pro-life pregnancy centers to post signage either declaring the services they do not offer or referring patients—even indirectly—to abortion providers have been struck down in New York City, Austin (TX), Baltimore (MD) and Montgomery County (MD), the latter of which cost taxpayers $330,000 in attorneys fees.
Meanwhile, another law in Illinois forcing pro-life medical professionals to refer for abortions is facing similar challenges in court.
As one pro-abortion lawmaker, Joy San Buenaventura, said Tuesday, the potential redirecting of federal taxpayer dollars away from Planned Parenthood to federally qualified health centers makes cracking down on pregnancy help centers a must for the abortion industry.
“In this federal climate that we have here, where the defunding of Planned Parenthood seems to me highly likely, there’s going to be a number of consumers who’ll be flocking to these limited pregnancy centers,” Buenaventura said. “What we have produced here is… the best of all possible options.”
Reprinted with permission from Pregnancy Help News.
s, testified that pregnancy centers are dangerous for women based on his own third-hand account of the sister of one of his friends.

Without providing any substantiating details or even establishing that the pregnancy center had made a mistake of any kind, Golojuch’s testimony was markedly similar to the sweeping claims often made by abortion lobby groups and one “undercover reporter” whose vague allegations formed the 

backbone of California’s 2015 law.
“We don’t make policy based on anecdotal stories,” McDermott said. “The biggest thing that these centers do is—the ones that have it—provide an ultrasound opportunity for the young lady to see the child. Once the young lady sees the child, the abortion option is almost always off the table, because they see this living, breathing human being.”

Past attempts by local authorities to compel pro-life pregnancy centers to post signage either declaring the services they do not offer or referring patients—even indirectly—to abortion providers have been struck down in New York City, Austin (TX), Baltimore (MD) and Montgomery County (MD), the latter of which cost taxpayers $330,000 in attorneys fees.

Meanwhile, another law in Illinois forcing pro-life medical professionals to refer for abortions is facing similar challenges in court.

As one pro-abortion lawmaker, Joy San Buenaventura, said Tuesday, the potential redirecting of federal taxpayer dollars away from Planned Parenthood to federally qualified health centers makes cracking down on pregnancy help centers a must for the abortion industry.
“In this federal climate that we have here, where the defunding of Planned Parenthood seems to me highly likely, there’s going to be a number of consumers who’ll be flocking to these limited pregnancy centers,” Buenaventura said. “What we have produced here is… the best of all possible options.”
Reprinted with permission from Pregnancy Help News.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Obama Blames Gerrymandering, Special Interests, & Money in Politics for Not Getting A Lot Done

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Obama Blames Gerrymandering, Special Interests, & Money in Politics for Not Getting A Lot Done

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Obama Blames Gerrymandering, Special Interests, & Money in Politics for Not Getting A Lot Done

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Obama was a likely cause behind the Democratic Party losing every branch of the U.S. government (and most state ones too). The fact that the media won't tell you is that Americans didn't actually appreciate his progressive policies. That's why they lost in such a spectacular way! But, rather than internalizing Americans' distrust in his first major post-presidency speech, Obama blamed gerrymandering, special interests, and money in politics. Oy gevalt! Turns out Obama is just as delusional out of office as he was in office.

Obama Prompts Laughter From Audience In fFrst Public Remarks Since Leaving Office, What BE Believe, IS What We Know, Obama Your A Liar, That What We Know,

Barack Obama, in his first public remarks since leaving office, drew laughter from an audience Monday when he said his previous comments that there were no red states or blue states were meant as an “aspirational comment.”

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Speaking before a group of students at the University of Chicago, Obama reflected on the current political divide in the country, acknowledging how many Americans are “listening to people who already agree with them and are further and further reinforcing their own realities to the neglect of a common reality.”

The former president recalled saying before he became president that there was no such thing as red states or blue states. But on Monday, Obama added that when he made that comment, he was speaking not realistically, but ideally.

“When I said in 2004 there were no red states or blue states. They are the United States of America, that was an aspirational comment,” Obama said.

That comment prompted laughter from the audience. But Obama doubled down.
“But I think it’s — and it’s one by the way that I still believe in the sense that when you talk to individuals one on one, there’s a lot more that people have in common that divides them,” Obama said. “But obviously, it’s not true when it comes to our politics and civic life. And maybe more pernicious is the fact that people just aren’t involved. They get cynical. And they give up. And as a consequence, we have one of the lowest voting rates of any advanced democracy and low participation rates then translate into a further gap between who’s governing us and what we believe.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

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Image result for barack obama is a marxist
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Barack Che Guevara Obama Back to Kick Off the Revolution

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Barack Che Guevara Obama Back to Kick Off the Revolution

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The curse of Marxist Revolution is upon us with the return to the pubic spotlight of Private Citizen FORMER President Barack Obama at the University of Chicago where he will fill the ranks of the Revolution by luring university students into lifelong Community Organizer duty.
‘You can be a rich Community Organizer like me’ will be Obama’s easy sell when he holds forth in an address to the University of Chicago on Monday.
Taught Marxism all the way through school, the university students of Chicago, like the students of most other universities, will be a captive audience

Like the Conquering Hero he always imagined himself to be, fast-talking Barry Soetoro,  who rose all the way from the ranks of a rabble-rousing street fighter to the Oval Office, will lure the graduates into the now lucrative career of community organizing.
The law of the land no longer deals with community organizers or violent protesters.
Best of all for recruitment, Obama who all but brought the country he hated to its knees ,got rich doing it. 
Penguin/Random House, the same publisher who published Saul Alinsky’s Marxist manifesto, ‘Rules for Radicals’, is paying $65 million for books by Obama and his activist wife, Michelle.
And the $65 million is just the advance.
‘Rules for Radicals’, published in 1971 is the book that drew Obama and Hillary Clinton into Marxist poisonous politics.
“While the exact terms of the deal haven’t been released, the Financial Times reported that the Obamas will be paid at least $65 million — which appears to be an unprecedented advance for presidential memoirs (although details were not available on how much each author will receive individually). The previous record was held by Bill Clinton, who received $15 million for writing My Life from Knopf, according to the Guardian. (Clinton’s book wound up selling more than 1.2 million copies, CNN reported. (Vox, March 1, 2017)

Obama, a bigger megalomaniac by far, returns to the revolution from months long vacations at billionaire’s tropic compounds and kingly yachts

Being an on-the-take community organizer certainly beats working for a living.
“Obama and young leaders will hold a conversation on civic engagement and discuss community organizing at the university’s Logan Center for the Arts, his office announced Friday. (, April 21, 2017)
“Hundreds of people are expected to attend, chosen from area universities that were given tickets for distribution, said Kevin Lewis, a spokesman for the former president. About six young people will appear on stage with him for the 11 a.m. discussion, Lewis said.
Revolutionaries of yesteryear like Castro and Che Guevara came down on their people from the Cuban hills, promising Utopia to the poor.
Obama, a bigger megalomaniac by far, returns to the revolution from months long vacations at billionaire’s tropic compounds and kingly yachts.
While he was gloating and plotting on South Sea vacations, his surrogates back in the States were sowing the seeds of his coming revolution.

or Obama’s Community Organizer Revolution THE MOMENT IS NOW

America’s burgeoning Protest Movement was kicked off within hours of his departure from the White House with the Pink Pussy Posse numbering in the millions out on the Big Women’s March.  Backing the ‘Impeach Trump’ clarion call of Dem. Rep Maxine Waters,  thousands marched last Saturday, hiding their M.O. behind a ‘Tax’ March,  and today it’s thousands of “reluctant”, “non-partisan” scientists taking to the barricades in Washington and in more than 600 other American cities.
Sending the scientists is a move to legitimize a protest movement held so far by millennials, feminists and celebrities.
For Obama’s Community Organizer Revolution THE MOMENT IS NOW.
No one knows how many loyalists he left behind waiting to strike from the White House woodwork.
University professors and celebrities are openly calling for Trump’s assassination; conspiracies of Trump being a Soviet double agent kept alive by the Fake News of the New York Times and Washington Post; the students of Notre Dame supposedly cowering in fear at the spectre of being addressed by Vice President Mike Pence;  the wearing of a Make America Great Again cap capable of having counter protesters physically attacked; Hillary still throwing hissy fits about who cost her the election, and the Coast is now clear without Bill O’Reilly, with still more to come from Liberal-managed FoxNews. 
The time couldn’t possibly be more opportune for the Return of Rabble Rouser Barack Obama, aka Barry Soetoro.
Protest-weary citizens longing for a break from being smeared as misogynist lovers and hoping for Peace in the Valley, aren’t going to get it.
For Obama who took the easiest way to fame and fortune, revolutionizing the West, starting with America, will be a walk in the park.
The success of his long-planned Marxist globalized revolution will be easily seen by the fact that none of the “young people” he’s recruiting to the cause will see through the Disney-like haze that the leader of this revolution is the biggest capitalist pig of them all.
Brace yourself all who care about the future of the West, Lulu’s Back in Town.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Obama Operatives Direct Town Hall Disruptions Nationwide

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Obama Operatives Direct Town Hall Disruptions Nationwid





Image result for obama sheepAs members of Congress wind up their Easter break back in their districts, a website honoring former President Barack Obama is providing “progressives” with the information and tools they need to disrupt town hall meetings that lawmakers are holding over the remainder of this week.

Visitors to the website can find everything from detailed information on each scheduled town hall meeting to how to make signs and even specific questions to ask to push the agenda on a range of talking points including: investigating President Donald Trump, Trump’s “starvation budget” on foreign policy, climate change, supporting illegal aliens, and LGBT rights.
By clicking on the “about” icon, t

e first thing that pops up is a quote from Obama’s farewell speech in Chicago on Jan. 10, 2017.
“It falls to each of us to be those anxious, jealous guardians of our democracy; to embrace the joyous task we’ve been given to continually try to improve this great nation of ours. Because for all our outward differences, we all share the same proud title:  Citizen,” Obama said.
The website states:
Town Hall Project empowers constituents across the country to have face-to-face conversations with their elected representatives. We are campaign veterans and first time volunteers. We come from a diversity of backgrounds and live across the country. We share progressive values and believe strongly in civic engagement. We research every district and state for public events with members of Congress. Then we share our findings to promote participation in the democratic process.
The page also reveals the kind of progressives who are manning the town hall effort by naming its “sponsors,” including and the Center for American Progress — the latter under direction from John Podesta, longtime Obama operative and Hillary Clinton campaign manager.
The town hall website links to the websites of both organizations as well as the sponsoring “Indivisible” website, which features a video of Rachel Maddow on MSNBC reporting about the power of the town hall “movement.”

“If the Tea Party was able to take on a historically popular President Obama with a Democratic supermajority to slow and sometimes defeat his federal agenda, we can surely take on Donald Trump and the members of Congress who would do his bidding,” the Indivisible website states.
All three of the sponsors of the Town Hall Project website offer instructions.

On the Indivisible website, protesters are told: “Your job isn’t to convince your MoC (member of Congress) of anything. It is to create the political conditions necessary to force them into a new position—or to replace them. This is a marathon, not a sprint and every mark against them will matter—especially footage of them flailing in a town hall with you and your group.”

The instructs protesters on “bird-dogging” lawmakers — “Bird-dogging is fun and easy!” — the website states.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Keith Ellison Blames Obama For Democratic Failures?

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Rep. Keith Ellison did not shy away from placing the blame on former President Obama for the Democratic Party’s recent losses.

At a University of Minnesota event Wednesday, moderator Rachel Stassen-Berger asked Ellison if he thought the former president “was responsible for some of the failures of 2016.”
“Yeah, he was,” Ellison replied.

While he noted that he is supportive of Obama and many of his policies, he acknowledged he “could have been a better party leader” –and that, he said, has “put his legacy in jeopardy.”
“Your legacy is not a building that he’s going to construct in Chicago housing his presidential papers,” Ellison continued. “His legacy is the work he’s done which I believe is tremendous. But given we lost a lot of statehouse seats, governorships, secretary of states, his true legacy is in danger and I think he can’t say that he wasn’t part of those losses. Who else, right?”

Ellison argued that Obama should have worked harder campaigning for congressional elections.
“He should have been far more out there in 2010, which was a year when we were going to be doing redistricting. He should’ve been campaigning like he was on the ballot and should have been very visible,” said the DNC deputy chair. “He’s great at getting himself elected but should’ve worked much more closely with Congress and I think in 2014 we had record low voter turnout….and I think that too really was a time when he needed to be visible and present and very engaged…he needed to raise money for state legislative races.”

Ellison is currently on a unity tour with DNC Chair Tom Perez and Sen. Bernie Sanders to “rally supporters and local grass-roots activists around a progressive agenda.”

Mika Begs Jarrett: Tell Obama to ‘Come Back,’ ‘Save the Party,’ Tell Dems 'What to Do!’

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MSNBC’,Mika Brzezinski, Tell Obama to ‘Come Back,’ ‘Save the Party,’ Tell Dems 'What to Do!’

 Republicans decided very early on from day one, that they were going to put their short-term political interests ahead of what was good for our country? wrong . what this mean's is that Republicans political interests of the Dems firth , so look at it now, let flip
Mika Statement, Dems,  decided very early on from day one, that they were going to put their short-term political interests ahead of what was good for our country? really? Liberal women, so lost in space, it un real!

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MSNBC’s Morning Joe host Mika Brzezinski gave an fawning interview to former Obama Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett Thursday morning in a harsh reminder of just how differently reporters treated the Obama Administration compared to the current administration. Mika couldn’t contain her excitement at getting to talk to Jarrett even begging the former advisor repeatedly to get herself, Michelle or Barack involved in politics again, to “save the party.”

She began the sympathetic interview by empathizing how “rough” election night was for Democrats. She cooed to Jarrett, There were some rough -- I mean, election night, what was that like for you?

After Jarrett answered that it was “gut-wrenching” but work still had to be done so they needed to move on, the MSNBC host harped on the election night “devastation” again:
 I still, though, wonder like, is there any flash in time, election night or in the days after, God, I saw some brutal pictures of some really devastated faces, could you ever have imagined and was there a moment when you realized the next president is going to be the man who rose to power on the birther movement, of all things?
Though there’s no denying Trump did help spread birther conspiracies prior to his campaign, so did Hillary Clinton. Her campaign was actually the first to raise these conspiracy theories during the 2008 election when she was running against then Senator Obama.

Mika then asked Jarrett what she wish she’d known before her first days in the White House. Jarrett responded with a scathing rebuke of “partisan” Republicans who had obstructed Obama from “day one” and were “terrified” at giving the “power back” to the “hands of the American people.”
As you heard President Obama say before he left, one of his biggest disappointments was this toxic nature in Washington and how I think the Republicans decided very early on from day one, that they were going to put their short-term political interests ahead of what was good for our country. Just think about it Mika. When President Obama took office we were losing 750,000, 800,000 jobs a month, the unemployment rate up to 10%. Wouldn't you think that's a time where people would say let's come together and try to solve these big problems. I think I just didn't fully appreciate coming in just how the entrenched special interests would hold on with a stranglehold to that status quo and that change, it was terrifying to them and it meant giving up power and putting it back in the hands of the American people and there was a lot of resistance to that.
Mika then begged Jarrett in a series of questions for her to run or Michelle Obama.
Is it possible to have an impact post-White house and is there a political future for you? There was once potential Senate run?
After Jarrett said that she was more interested in encouraging the next generation to run for political office, an earnest Mika wondered,

“What about encouraging your friend Michele [Obama]?”
Mika then sympathetically asked Jarrett, “When you see the attacks on his legacy, do you get angry?”

Not a terrible question in and of itself but it’s nearly impossible to imagine Mika asking Karl Rove this same question about Bush.

Mika also asked Jarrett what she thought about the “amazing” “Women’s March” and what the “next” step was. She ended the interview by begging Jarrett again to persuade the former president to get involved in politics again.

Obama Cashes In on Wall Street Speeches