he press is starting to pile on Hillary Clinton for losing to President Trump, but the real cause of the Democrats' defeat is never discussed. It is Obama himself.
According to Gallup, averaging his two terms, Obama was the most unpopular President since President Truman, save only for Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford. Even Nixon was more popular. That poll will never be reported in the liberal press. But Democrats can’t ignore this astounding precinct map, that shows how tiny the blue islands have become in a sea of red voters.
Obama thinks Democrats should continue to write off those red voters. They don’t have long to wait for the demographics of immigration to turn America's majority non-white. Obama is unfazed because he dreams about this: we already have a non-white majority among Americans under age 5. Obama foresees a permanent Democratic government, based on minority immigration rates, coupled with ginning up racial and gender divisiveness.
Trump won the Democrat heartland? A short-term setback. Soon progressives can tell the heartland to get lost. As Obama told David Remnick, he ‘believes in demographics.’
The hyper-partisan media will never criticize Obama. This week, the DNC’s number two guy, Keith Ellison, broke the rules and shocked everyone by blaming Saint Barack Obama for the party’s diminished, sorry self.
“Given we lost a lot of statehouse seats, governorships, secretary of states… he can’t say that he wasn’t part of those losses. Who else, right?”
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