Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Obama lied about Sequestrtion


his is a rush transcript from "Special Report," February 12, 2013. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
BAIER: All right, Jay. Last thing. The president said this during the election, during the debate October 22nd. 
OBAMA: Comments on this. First of all, the sequester is not something that I propose. It's something that Congress has proposed. It will not happen. 
BAIER: So, on that statement, both things probably can be said are not true, right? 
CARNEY: Well, look, I love that the Republicans are trying to make this the Obama sequester. Let me remind you that on the day the sequester passed, the House of Representatives, 269 congressmen and women voted for it. How many were republicans? A 171. 
Among those Republicans, the speaker of the House, the Republican majority leader, the Republican whip, and the chairman of the budget committee who later became the vice presidential nominee. All of them voted for it. The speaker of the House that day said I got 98 percent of what I want. I'm pretty pleased. So, somehow, what they like then they don't like now. 
BAIER: Fair. 
CARNEY: And they're trying to say it was the president's idea. 
BAIER: Fair, but it was the president's idea. 
CARNEY: Look -- 
BAIER: You can concede that point, right? 
CARNEY: What I will concede is we were looking and the Republicans were looking for a trigger around which to build the mechanism to get us out of default possibility. 
BAIER: Right. 
CARNEY: And the sequester was one of the ideas put forward, yes, by the president's team. 
BAIER: Jack Lew is quoted in Bob Woodward's book "We have idea for a trigger and Harry Reid is quoted as saying -- 
CARNEY: And you can hang all you want on this. 
BAIER: No, I'm just quoting the book. 
CARNEY: -- to include revenue in that. And, shockingly, balance was imposed entirely by the Republicans at the time. That is why we have the situation we have now. 
And both sides agreed when the Republicans voted overwhelmingly for it, as I will remind you, that the sequester was designed to be terrible policy that should not come to pass. And what we hear from Republicans now, unfortunately, again, is it will would be better to have tens of thousands of people laid off for furloughs, to have thousands of kids thrown off of Head Start if the sequester kicks in than to ask corporate jet owners to give up their tax break, or to ask oil and gas companies who have been making record profits and who are, you know, again and again, year after year to give us taxpayers subsidiaries. That is just not good economic policy. It doesn't make sense. So the American people don't support it. 
BAIER: Jay, as always, thank you for coming on. I appreciate the patience in the breaking news tonight. 
CARNEY: I'm a former news guy. I know news when I see it. I totally understand. Thank you, Bret. 
BAIER: Thanks, Jay.

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