Saturday, March 30, 2013

This shit is sick! Planned Parenthood Official Endorses Right to Kill Babies Born Alive: Alisa LaPolt Snow, the lobbyist representing the Florida Alliance of Planned Parenthood Affiliates, testified that her organization believes the decision to kill an infant who survives a failed abortion should be left up to the woman seeking an abortion and her abortion doctor.

Sadly, you read that headline correctly. From The Weekly Standard:
Florida legislators considering a bill to require abortionists to provide medical care to an infant who survives an abortion were shocked during a committee hearing this week when a Planned Parenthood official endorsed a right to post-birth abortion.

Alisa LaPolt Snow, the lobbyist representing the Florida Alliance of Planned Parenthood Affiliates, testified that her organization believes the decision to kill an infant who survives a failed abortion should be left up to the woman seeking an abortion and her abortion doctor.
To be clear, sponsor of the bill Republican Rep. Cary Pigman has said his interest in the bill is “solely and strictly to provide care for that infant that is born alive, following any procedure, that it receives full and appropriate resuscitation.”

But Snow thinks politicians shouldn’t be the ones to decide “what constitutes the best medically appropriate treatment in any given situation.” Needless to say, the lawmakers were absolutely stunned:
"So, um, it is just really hard for me to even ask you this question because I’m almost in disbelief," said Rep. Jim Boyd. "If a baby is born on a table as a result of a botched abortion, what would Planned Parenthood want to have happen to that child that is struggling for life?”
"We believe that any decision that's made should be left up to the woman, her family, and the physician," said Planned Parenthood lobbyist Snow.

Rep. Daniel Davis then asked Snow, "What happens in a situation where a baby is alive, breathing on a table, moving. What do your physicians do at that point?”
"I do not have that information," Snow replied. "I am not a physician, I am not an abortion provider. So I do not have that information.”

Rep. Jose Oliva followed up, asking the Planned Parenthood official, "You stated that a baby born alive on a table as a result of a botched abortion that that decision should be left to the doctor and the family. Is that what you’re saying?”

Again, Snow replied, “That decision should be between the patient and the health care provider.”
“I think that at that point the patient would be the child struggling on the table, wouldn’t you agree?” asked Oliva.

"That’s a very good question. I really don’t know how to answer that," Snow said. "I would be glad to have some more conversations with you about this.”
Of course Snow doesn’t elaborate on what exactly she means by “decision,” or rather how the baby should be killed, but she certainly seems to be taking a page from the Kermit Gosnell playbook—hence the type of questioning she received and look of utter shock on many of the lawmakers’ faces.

If a baby is born alive and thus becomes the patient as Rep. Jose Oliva suggests, the pro-abortion mantra ‘my body, my choice’ completely falls apart—since it’s not her body anymore, it's no longer only her choice.

But perhaps most disconcerting about this video, and as Carol points out, is the “complete absence of any apparent discomfort at the prospect of post-birth abortion -- in other words, infanticide.” Planned Parenthood's position is not just extremely disturbing, it's absolutely abhorrent.

North Korea Threatens to Attack. North Korea: The Korean Central News Agency published another report about war preparations.

 Emphasis added by NightWatch.

"…After receiving a report from Lieutenant General Kim Rak Gyom on the technical conditions of the strategic strike means of the KPA, he (Kim Jung Un) made an important decision."
"He said he has judged the time has come to settle accounts with the U.S. imperialists in view of the prevailing situation."

"If they make a reckless provocation with huge strategic forces, the KPA should mercilessly strike the U.S. mainland, their stronghold, their military bases in the operational theaters in the Pacific, including Hawaii and Guam, and those in South Korea, he said."

"He examined and finally ratified the plan of the Strategic Rocket Force for firepower strike."
"The U.S. imperialists let B-2A make sorties over South Korea in succession, indicating once again that their hostile acts against the DPRK have entered a reckless phase, going beyond the phase of threat and blackmail, he said."

"B-2A's flight to the sky above South Korea is not a simple demonstration of forces in reaction to the tough stand of the DPRK but an ultimatum that they will ignite a nuclear war at any cost on the Korean Peninsula, he noted, underlining the need to put a definite end to the times when they could threaten and blackmail the DPRK with nukes."

"He declared the revolutionary armed forces of the DPRK would react to the U.S. nuclear blackmail with a merciless nuclear attack, and war of aggression with an all-out war of justice."
"He finally signed the plan on technical preparations of strategic rockets of the KPA, ordering them to be standby for fire so that they may strike any time the U.S. mainland, its military bases in the operational theaters in the Pacific, including Hawaii and Guam, and those in South Korea."

"He ordered the KPA to blow up and reduce everything to ashes at a single strike, if an order is issued."
Comment: There is less here than is apparent because North Korea has had a rocket and missile firing plan for years. All the forces are not always on high alert, but some are. The statement simply restates the normal command procedure: fire when ordered.

The statement almost belabors the point that no order has been issued. The threat of North Korean retaliation for a provocation is what armies are supposed to do. Somebody in the Agitation and Propaganda Department of the Central Committee apparently judges that every time the US makes any show of force, the North must put on another phony skit that makes Kim look defiant and unafraid.
This is theater and it is clumsy. Nevertheless the situation is dangerous because Kim has raised the tension higher than his father and grandfather dared, in abandoning the armistice and raising artillery, rocket and missiles units to full combat readiness and placing them on standby. He has made the situation accident prone with no fail safe mechanisms.

Kim Il-sung and Kim Chong-il took similar measures during periods of tension, but they maintained fail safe mechanisms. They also never publicized their decisions and actions because that would have given away the element of surprise. They intended to win, if war ever occurred, and knew they needed to catch the Allies unready and unawares as a force multiplier in order to succeed. Neither condition applies now because of all the bombast from the North.

The sensationalism and staged photo ops in North Korean media are the strongest indication yet that Kim's inner circle is engaged in public theater to show the populace and the geriatric Army leaders that Kim is a worthy leader; to discipline a society that has become complacent and to strengthen loyalty.
Nevertheless, the situation is dangerous. Kim and his advisors have brought parts of North Korea's forces to the brink of general war, even though the country is not ready for it.
The challenge now is to find a way to de-escalate the situation before people get hurt. Kim needs to have something to show for the expense, aggravation and inconvenience he has caused since December.
From the Allies he said he wants a permanent peace treaty, the end of sanctions and normal relations with the US. Kim's needs do not require the Allies to throw him a life line by making concessions without him making the first concessions.

He says he wants to settle accounts. It is time for him to come up with a bill of particulars.
Kaesong update.

South Korea's Unification Ministry said that 160 South Koreans traveled to the Kaesong complex from the South. The total number of South Koreans at Kaesong on Thursday was more than 1,000.
South Korean presidential official said about 1,300 regular phone and fax lines connecting the South to the Kaesong industrial complex are still operating normally without disruptions. North Korean officials at the complex worked with South Korean business managers to arrange today's crossing of the Demilitarized Zone.

Soliciting Tourism in China

The Daily NK reported today that North Korea recently sent its director of tourism to China to drum up hard-currency paying Chinese tourists with package deals. Air Koryo will add more flights to the number of weekly flights from Beijing to Pyongyang starting 12 April.

North Korean officials also have begun another round of working with Chinese officials in the provinces adjacent to North Korea to increase tourism and trade.

When asked whether it is safe to travel to North Korea because of the crisis situation, the tourism director said that war definitely will not break out so don't worry.

Mali-France: France will reduce its troop numbers in Mali to 2,000 by July and to 1,000 by the end of the year, down from 4,000 at present, President Hollande said on Thursday.
Comment: This staged withdrawal plan is much more protracted than the three earlier announcements about early withdrawal of forces. The French have learned they cannot just leave and do not intend to.  Thuss, the announcement  serves as a warning to the jihadists and terrorists, who reportedly have continued to plot their return after the French withdrawal. 
End of NightWatch

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Obama’s EPA Pick Threatens Market Stability: Obama will have a trusted lieutenant eager to execute his command-and-control energy policy through the executive branch. McCarthy has a long history as an enforcer for climate-change regulatory strategy.

Obama has made it clear, both in word and action, that climate-change regulation is a top priority for his second term. Putting aside the legitimate questions about the science behind climate-change alarmism, the nomination of Gina McCarthy as EPA administrator is just the latest sign that the president is determined to push a market-subverting, economy-handcuffing energy agenda on the American people.
Obama wasted no time in selecting climate change as a top priority. During his inauguration speech, he played to our emotions with the liberal talking point that failing to address climate change “would betray our children and future generations.”
Obama then went on to escalate his commitment to climate change by delivering an ultimatum that, “If Congress won’t act soon to protect future generations, I will. I will direct my cabinet to come up with executive actions we can take, now and in the future, to reduce pollution, prepare our communities for the consequences of climate change, and speed the transition to more sustainable sources of energy."
Climate-change regulation is the foundation of President Obama’s command-and-control energy policy, which will fundamentally transform our electricity market and put greater pressure on the wider economy.
Regulations targeting greenhouse-gas emissions (such as the carbon dioxide emitted from burning fossil fuels) result in higher prices for coal, oil and natural gas. Coal is by design the biggest loser with climate-change regulations, because it emits twice as much carbon dioxide as natural gas - its primary competitor for generating electricity. By raising the cost of coal through climate change regulations, Obama is forcing utilities to use natural gas and renewable energy.

With Gina McCarthy at the EPA’s helm, President Obama will have a trusted lieutenant eager to execute his command-and-control energy policy through the executive branch. McCarthy has a long history as an enforcer for climate-change regulatory strategy. Serving under then-Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, she formulated the state’s Climate Protection Action Plan and headed Connecticut's Department of Environmental Protection. She headed the state’s participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative – a cap-and-trade system for a group of Northeastern states.

Last March, working for former EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson, McCarthy’s group formulated a proposed rule to establish emissions standards for the future construction of power plants. The EPA’s proposal would essentially ban the construction of new coal power plants because the limit set for carbon dioxide can’t be met without utilities taking a huge risk on the cost of implementing unproven carbon capture and storage technology.

As the assistant administrator of the Office of Air and Radiation, McCarthy helped lead the attack against coal by developing a series of EPA regulations to reduce traditional emissions defined by the Clean Air Act.
She’ll have even more power to inflict harm if confirmed to head the EPA. Obama’s emphasis on climate change means McCarthy’s priority will be to crack down on greenhouse gas emissions like carbon dioxide, which the agency declared a dangerous pollutant in 2009. The Utility MACT Rule, in particular, is

responsible for forcing a significant number of coal-fired power plants to close. For utilities, it’s cheaper to close older power plants than incur the cost of upgrading to meet new regulatory standards.

In addition to finalizing the new power plant standard this year, the EPA is expected to issue a proposed rule to address existing stationary sources of carbon dioxide, such as power plants and refineries. Utilities, confronted with a regulatory certainty that using coal is going to be prohibitively expensive, will shift more power generation to natural gas and renewable energy sources, and pass the higher costs and lower reliability of those energy sources on to average consumers already faced with high energy bills inflated by the current regulatory burden.

Command-and-control polices from Washington dictating a massive shift away from coal-fired electricity will yield a number of adverse consequences. In testimony before a congressional panel last year, an Ohio EPA official said the closing of 11 coal power plants resulted in future electricity prices that were twice that of another region in the country. He also warned of possible power shortages.

The New York Times reported that New England, which gets over half of its electricity from natural gas, recently faced an energy squeeze. The natural gas pipelines supplying the region could not keep up with a surge of demand from a cold snap. Luckily, the region was bailed out by New York’s Indian Point nuclear power plant. New England is not alone. According to the Wall Street Journal, California is struggling to find ways to avoid energy shortages because the state’s surging use of solar and wind power does not have enough backup energy from fossil fuel sources.

Following Obama’s failure to deliver on his cap-and-trade legislation during his first term, it’s clear that he is determined to keep his promise to bankrupt the coal industry. With Gina McCarthy at the helm of the EPA, he’s poised to do just that at the expense of families nationwide.

The bad news in jobless claims came in the new seasonal adjustment, take this news as you like.

The Department of Labor reported some pessimistic news on the jobs outlook Thursday morning.
Sure, there was the 14,000 increase in initial jobless claims, and maybe that’s bad news — it could well suggest that perhaps the strong early start to the year has faded, as was the case for the two years prior — but it could well just be some holiday-related distortion. It’s too early to tell.

No, the unequivocal bad news came in the seasonal adjustment changes. To step back for a second, statisticians seasonally adjust data so they can better understand the trend. Of course, more houses are sold in the summer and more toys are sold in December so without seasonal adjustment the data would look so volatile as to be nearly useless.

But seasonal adjustment is as much an art as a science and on Thursday the DOL economists refined their seasonal factors.
Ian Shepherdson of  Pantheon Macroeconomic Advisors explains the bad news:
“On average, claims for each week of  this year have been revised up by 3K, with the biggest revisions coming in January, where the two sub-340K readings — we were  always suspicious of them — have been moved up by 15K and 13K  respectively. The underlying trend in claims is still falling,  but we expect the downtrend will stall or even reverse for a time in Q2/3 as the sequestration causes jobs to be lost. The labor  market has improved, but it is a long way from normal.”

Obama betrays America yet again by signing the 'Monsanto Protection Act' into law .

(NaturalNews) President Barack Obama campaigned on promises to end secret prisons, decriminalize marijuana, balance the budget, honor the Second Amendment and make health care affordable. But what really unfolded was an explosion in the national debt (now $16 trillion and climbing), the signing of the NDAA, a claimed new power to kill any American at any time, even on U.S. soil, the use of military drones to murder American children overseas, a full-on assault against the Bill of Rights, a doubling of health insurance rates and the destruction of the U.S. economy.

But that's not all.

Now Obama has signed the "Monsanto Protection Act" into law, stabbing America in the heart yet again and proving that no matter how convincing politicians appear on the campaign trail, they are still sociopathic liars in the end.

The Monsanto Protection Act, part of the HR 933 continuing resolution, allows Monsanto to override U.S. federal courts on the issue of planting experimental genetically engineered crops all across the country. Even if those experimental crops are found to be extremely dangerous or to cause a runaway crop plague, the U.S. government now has no judicial power to stop them from being planted and harvested.

As reports, the bill "effectively bars federal courts from being able to halt the sale or planting of GMO or GE crops and seeds, no matter what health consequences from the consumption of these products may come to light in the future."

GMOs now evade all regulations: America has become a grand Monsanto experiment

A Food Democracy Now petition now states:

With the Senate passage of the Monsanto Protection Act, biotech lobbyists are one step closer to making sure that their new GMO crops can evade any serious scientific or regulatory review.

This dangerous provision, the Monsanto Protection Act, strips judges of their constitutional mandate to protect consumer and farmer rights and the environment, while opening up the floodgates for the planting of new untested genetically engineered crops, endangering farmers, citizens and the environment.

Corporate-government conspiracy is fascism

This new law forces the USDA to automatically approve all GMO planting permits sought by Monsanto and other biotech firms, effectively granting Monsanto dominion over the U.S. government. This is the very definition of fascism, a form of tyrannical government where corporations conspire with the government to destroy or confiscate all rights, powers and assets, leaving the people impoverished and powerless.

What's interesting about this development is that now even democrats are starting to wake up and see how evil Obama really is. As ibtimes reports:

"In this hidden backroom deal, Sen. Mikulski turned her back on consumer, environmental and farmer protection in favor of corporate welfare for biotech companies such as Monsanto," Andrew Kimbrell, executive director of the Center for Food Safety, said in a statement. "This abuse of power is not the kind of leadership the public has come to expect from Sen. Mikulski or the Democrat Majority in the Senate."

Of course, for those of us who have been paying attention and warning everyone else about the dangerous power grab taking place under the Obama regime, this is exactly the kind of behavior we expected to see. The Senate has abandoned law. It has abandoned the Constitution, the rights of the People and even due process. We are now living under a corporate fascist tyranny where companies like Monsanto, General Electric and GlaxoSmithKline control the government and dictate policy. They literally write the laws.

This Monsanto Protect Act, says the Center for Food Safety, is "an unprecedented attack on U.S. judicial review of agency actions" and "a major violation of the separation of powers." (SOURCE)

But that's what Obama has always been about. He's the president who seized control of all farms, food and livestock across America. He's the guy who claims the power the decide who to assassinate anywhere in America. His administration has routinely conspired with Monsanto to endanger the American people and turn America's croplands into a grand, dangerous genetics experiment.

"Pandora's Box is unlocked, Obama just propped open the lid, and there's no way to cram the evil back in," wrote The Daily Sheeple. "I'm personally pledging at least one article per week about Monsanto, their incestuous relationship with the government, and their toxic grip on agriculture. I urge everyone to raise a deafening public outcry -- every voice adds to the noise that we can create."

Who is to blame? Senators Barbara Mikulski and Roy Blunt, among others

The chair of the committee that secretly slipped this provision into the bill was Sen. Barbara Mikulski, an absolute traitor to America for allowing the Monsanto Protection Act to become law. She could have stopped it, yet she did nothing to oppose it. She actually helped sneak it into law.

Like nearly all U.S. senators, Mikulski is now operating as an outright enemy of the People while selling out to corporate interests who are peddling poison and death.

There is hardly a U.S. senator remaining who respects his or her oath of office. While Senators Rand Paul and Ted Cruz are showing real courage in the face of federal tyranny and oppression -- and Sen. Ron Wyden honestly tries to protect the people of Oregon from outrageous federal aggression -- most senators are now little more than corporate puppets who obey the bidding of their masters.

Sickeningly, Sen. Mikulski recently praised the creation of a Harriet Tubman memorial, honoring the courage of a woman who stood against tyranny and defended the people by creating the Underground Railroad. Yet Mikulski herself does the exact opposite, selling out to Monsanto and betraying people of all races by overseeing the passage of what is essentially a "judicial nullification power" now granted to a dangerous and truly evil corporation. Her actions in this matter were anti-trade, anti-America, anti-human and anti-justice.

Harriet Tubman, a true American hero, would absolutely shutter at the thought that a U.S. Senator honoring her memory was simultaneously betraying the people of America by handing over extra-judicial powers to a corporation engaged in widespread genetic pollution and agricultural malfeasance.

Harriet Tubman was born a slave and risked her life to lead others to freedom. Sen. Mikulski was born a privileged woman who risked nothing to lead her constituents to corporate slavery. For Mikulski to honor Tubman is an insult to the memory of Tubman and the freedom she stood for.

Missouri Sen. Roy Blunt actively conspired with Monsanto to write the provision

Mikulski wasn't the only Monsanto sellout in the U.S. Senate, of course: Missouri senator Roy Blunt was also part of the conspiracy to stab America in the heart and poison our food. According to another article on

The provision's language was apparently written in collusion with Monsanto. Lawmakers and companies working together to craft legislation is by no means a rare occurrence in this day and age. But the fact that Sen. Roy Blunt, Republican of Missouri, actually worked with Monsanto on a provision that in effect allows them to keep selling seeds, which can then go on to be planted, even if it is found to be harmful to consumers, is stunning.

Who opposed the Monsanto Protection Act? Democratic Senator John Tester. As the NY Daily News reports:

Opposing the inclusion of the rider was Sen. John Tester (D-Mont.), who told Politico that the deal worked out with Monsanto was simply bad policy.

"These provisions are giveaways, pure and simple, and will be a boon worth millions of dollars to a handful of the biggest corporations in this country," Tester said.

Tester, of course, has been the voice of reason on several fronts in recent years, including the so-called Food Safety and Modernization Act of 2010 which granted the FDA vast new powers to terrorize gardeners and farmers across America. Sen. Tester proposed amendments that attempted to protect the freedoms of American farmers, but his efforts were of course thwarted by the evil corporate conspirators who now fill the U.S. Senate chambers.

America is lost... what now?

Voted into office by people whose hearts were filled with hope for real change, Obama now reveals himself to be a sinister serpent of deception who betrays the American people at every opportunity. The Obama Deception is the title of the film released by Alex Jones in 2009. At the time, Jones was ridiculed by Obama supporters who said Obama was their savior and anyone who criticized Obama was a racist.

Now, four years later, it's obvious that once again Alex Jones was right about Obama. Even democrats are increasingly realizing this shocking truth as they watch Obama betray the people of America on issues like GMOs, secret prisons, banker bailouts, due process and marijuana.

With deceivers like Obama at the helm, America has been turned over to corporate interests, and the rights and liberties of the People have been eviscerated. The U.S. federal government no longer represents the interests of the people. It has become a dominant, dangerous and arrogant machine of oppression and tyranny. It has abandoned law, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. It has violated the very principles upon which this nation was founded and now plays God with our seeds, our food and our future.

These are times of such treachery and betrayal that we cannot even imagine the web of deception being weaved to entrap and destroy truth in America. We the People are being deceived by false media propaganda and told everything is fine while Senators and bureaucrats march us into pits of death while corporate bulldozers stand by to quickly cover up the mass graves.

The United States government is at WAR with the American people, and that war is being waged with every poison imaginable: genetic pollution, disinfo propaganda, chemical fluoride poisoning, vaccine lobotomies, chemtrails, psychiatric drugs and twisted mental health initiatives. The battleground for this war is your dinner plate, your tap water, your medicine and your core beliefs. The goal of the war is the complete decimation of all cognitive awareness and the abolition of freedom of thought. Give this a few more years, and the mere utterance of any idea critical of the government will be considered an "act of terrorism" punishable by death.

Today I ask: What are YOU doing to defend truth, liberty and justice against the march of government betrayal? Whatever it is, find a way to do more, or we will lose everything.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The 10 Passover plagues of Barack Obama and associates.

Here are the 10 Passover plagues of Barack Obama and other liberals who are inflicting misery on the Jewish people. Photo: Ten Plagues of Liberal Democrats
LOS ANGELES, March 26, 2013—President Obama visited Israel and returned to America just before the Jewish celebration of Passover. Recounting the ten plagues that God inflicted upon Egypt to get Pharaoh to free the Jewish people is one of that celebrations rituals.
Despite six thousand years of history, President Obama told the world in 2009 that Israel was born out of the Holocaust in 1948.

Unlike American liberals, Israelis are not fooled by President Obama and a modern Democratic Party that is held hostage by it’s leftist anti-Israel wing. So in the spirit of Passover, here are the ten Passover plagues inflicted upon Israel by liberals, led by Barack Obama.

Blood—Chuck Hagel, Samantha Power. People are judged by the company they keep. Obama has anti-Israel people in top positions. When Jewish blood is spilt, it is because he has people around him that deliberately make excuses for Palestinians and other Arabs at every turn.

Frogs—Helen Thomas, Joy Behar. These two ladies should have stopped speaking decades ago. They are both ideological bigots, with Thomas adding anti-Semitism to her resume. Both of these amphibians saw danger in “Radical Christianity” while making excuses for Radical Islam. Radical Islam actually exists.

Lice—Edward Said, Rashid Khalidi. These pests are informal advisors to President Obama. “Informal” is a fancy way of saying that Obama embraces them but wants plausible deniability in case he needs to shove them under his bus. These anti-Israelites teach in universities, leading to the next generation of imbecilic college students thinking Israelis are the bad guys.

Wild Animals—Mahmoud Ahmedinejad and Bashar Assad. These savages murder their own people and plot, like Marvin the Martina, to blow up the world. Obama tried dialogue and diplomacy, which as expected utterly failed. Assad was told he had days left. That was almost two years ago.

Pestilence—Dianne Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, Chuck Schumer. Leftism has infected Judaism. This disease takes liberal Jews and turns them into self-loathing pathological victims. The NAZIs seized the guns of the Jews before murdering them during the Holocaust. American liberals want to destroy the Second Amendment and trust the government to benevolently care for the people.
There is fear in history repeating itself.

Boils—Hillary Clinton. Boils can be a major pain in the rumpus and other areas. So can a grating voice from a fake feminist, fake heroine, and fake virtually everything. This comparison may not fit permanently because boils eventually go away. Hillary just kisses Suha Arafat and smiles as Israelis are blood libeled with accusations of poisoning Palestinian drinking water.

Hail—Al Jazeera Gore. This man became a screaming lunatic who claimed that President George W. Bush “betrayed his country.” Bush worked to crush Islamists. Gore does business with them. The damage from the Gore storm is just beginning.

Locusts—Palestinians. Some people will say that they are not all terrorists. 80% of them voted for Hamas, a terrorist organization. If 80% of whites voted for the KKK in 2012, liberals would understand the issue. Locusts attack property that is not their own and devour it until there is zero value left. This is what this fictional invented people indigenous to Jordan and Egypt want to do to Israel.

Darkness—Arab Spring. Had the Arabs opted for secular democracies, they would have had a chance of escaping the dark ages. Instead they opted for the Muslim Brotherhood and Sharia Law. The rest of the world is in the twenty-first century, but Arab Muslims in the Middle East want to party like it’s 622 AD. They will keep killing each other because a non-violent approach is lost on their leaders.

Slaying of the First Born—Benghazi. Jews put an “X” on every Jewish home so that their homes would be spared. In modern times, most of the world has modern security systems. However, the American embassy in Libya was harmed by an American President more interested in going to sleep early and fundraising in Las Vegas than in saving his own Ambassador and Navy SEALs.

Radical Islam is a cancer, and the biggest plague is liberals in our government refusing to publicly acknowledge its existence.

Jews will celebrate Passover, knowing that they are always one step away from annihilation. Liberal Jews will either deny the problem exists, blame themselves, or blame conservatives, the people actually willing to solve the problem. Meanwhile, Obama and other liberals in government will pretend to care whether Jews live or die while enhancing friendship with those either indifferent to or overtly hostile to the world’s only Jewish state.

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North Korea orders military to combat ready; target U.S.

North Korea on Tuesday ordered its long-range artillery units to stand at combat ready, prepared to attack sites on mainland America, as well as Hawaii and Guam.

The order comes in response to U.S. bombers flying sorties perceived as threatening to North Korea, Reuters reports.

“From this moment, the Supreme Command of the Korean People's Army will be putting into combat duty posture No. 1 all field artillery units, including long-range artillery units and strategic rocket units, that will target all enemy objects in U.S. invasionary bases on its mainland, Hawaii and Guam,” the North's state-run news agency said, as reported by Reuters.

This is just the latest military threat issued by the North’s “supreme command,” Reuters says. But it’s likely just more talk. South Korea reports no signs of actual military action on the part of the North. The South said it will continue to monitor the situation, Reuters said

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Red dawn: Communist China stepping up drone deployment

China’s military is expanding its unmanned aerial vehicle forces with a new Predator-like armed drone and a new unmanned combat aircraft amid growing tensions with neighbors in Asia, according to United States intelligence officials.

New unarmed drone deployments include the recent stationing of reconnaissance and ocean surveillance drones in Northeast Asia near Japan and the Senkaku islands and along China’s southern coast. Drones also are planned for the South China Sea where China has been encroaching on international waters and bullying nations of that region in asserting control over international waters, said officials familiar with intelligence reports.

“Unmanned aerial vehicles are emerging as critical enablers for PLA long range precision strike operations,” said Mark Stokes, a former military intelligence official now with the Project 2049 Institute. “A general operational PLA requirement appears to be persistent surveillance of fixed and moving targets out to 3,000 kilometers of Chinese shores.”

Japan, meanwhile, is developing and purchasing military drone capabilities to counter what it regards as Chinese aggression and Beijing’s growing military capabilities as Tokyo’s dispute with China over the Senkaku islands intensifies, the officials said.

After Chinese aircraft intruded into Japanese airspace over the Senkakus undetected late last year, Tokyo stepped up efforts to seek drone capabilities. The efforts include building an indigenous missile-tracking drone and high-altitude U.S. drones.

So far, unlike Beijing, Tokyo asserts its drone will be unarmed, the officials said.
China has started deploying UAVs for reconnaissance and oceanic surveillance purposes in the vicinity of disputed maritime territories, such as the Senkaku Islands,” said one military source.
Of particular concern to U.S. intelligence agencies are two new missile-equipped drones known as the CH-4 and Yi Long. The aircraft were shown off along with six other military drones at a major Chinese arms show last November in Zhuhai.

Photos of the drones reveal the designs appear to be copied from the U.S. Predator armed drone that has been leading the Obama administration’s war on al Qaeda in Pakistan and elsewhere. Photos of the CH-4 show it armed with Blue Arrow-7 anti-tank missiles that appear similar in size to the U.S. Hellfire fired from Predators.

Even more of a concern, according to the officials, are intelligence reports from Asia indicating that China is well along in building a large stealth unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAV)—an upiloted jet—that was revealed recently in an online Chinese military video.

The drone combat jet is nearly identical in shape to the experimental batwing-shaped U.S. Air Force X-47B currently under development. The X-47B was tested on an aircraft carrier in December.
The Chinese UCAV is expected to have enough range to reach the U.S. island of Guam, some 1,800 miles from the Chinese coast and the hub of the Pentagon’s shift to Asia, officials said.

Video and photos of the Chinese UCAV were posted on Chinese military enthusiast Internet sites recently. Also, a model of the drone combat jet was on display at Zhuhai. The aircraft is being built by the China Shenyang Aerospace Institute and could be deployed on China’s new aircraft carrier, officials said.
Richard Fisher, a China military analyst with the International Assessment and Strategy Center, said the first prototype flying wing UCAV was completed at China’s Hongdu Aircraft Corp in mid-December. The drone weighs 10 to 14 tons and could be carrier based.

“This means that the U.S. attempt to ‘outrange’ an emergent PLA anti-access systems, like the DF-21D anti-ship ballistic missile, could soon be outflanked by a new PLA carrier-based UCAV,” Fisher said.
Japan, alarmed at fierce Chinese reaction to its efforts to solve the Senkakus dispute by nationalizing several of the uninhabited but oil-rich islands last year, is bolstering its military forces with both missile-detecting and maritime surveillance with drones.

Japanese Defense Ministry officials, quoted in press reports, have called the purchase of several long-range U.S. Global Hawk surveillance drones an urgent priority.

Tokyo is seeking up to three Global Hawks by 2015 but could speed up purchases in response to what it regards as growing Chinese aggressiveness toward Japan over the Senkakus.

The U.S. military currently has Global Hawks deployed at Guam.
The Japanese do not plan to develop armed drones and plan to limit initial purchases to the Global Hawk, which fly nearly 60,000 feet for extended missions. It is able to track vessels using sensors and radar.
Japan also is developing an unmanned drone aircraft that will be used to detect North Korean nuclear missile attacks and to counter the Chinese military buildup, the officials said.

The anti-missile drone program is being developed over the next four years with the first drone deployed by 2020. It will use infrared sensors designed to detect missiles shortly after launch.
China’s drone program is believed to have benefitted from its aggressive economic and cyber espionage operations against the United States. Those efforts have included breaking into both government and defense industry networks and stealing valuable drone technology.

Officials also said China’s drone program is receiving a boost from an unlikely source: Taiwan.
The largest Chinese drone production center is being built at Wuhan in Hubei province, site of a joint construction project by China’s Wuhan Visiontek Inc. and Taiwan’s Carbon-Based Technology, Inc.
Officials said China launched a crash program to develop military drones beginning around 2007. Beijing is planning a range of unmanned aircraft capabilities, including high-altitude, long-endurance drones, integrated air and sea warfare drones, sea-based drones and UCAVs.

More than 60 drones were on display in Beijing last June, including a drone helicopter, and a drone with simulated birds’ wings.

Additionally, officials have said drone bases are being set up in the South China Sea to monitor Scarborough reef, which is claimed by Philippines and China; Macclesfield Bank; the Paracel Islands; and the Spratly Islands. China also is using drone to monitor the Socotra Reef claimed by South Korea.
A report made public March 11 by the Project 2049 Institute on Chinese drones estimated that China has more than 280 military drones.

“The PLA has developed one of the largest and most organizationally complex UAV programs in the world,” the report stated.

For the immediate future, the Chinese drones are monitoring disputed maritime and land boundaries that are likely to “increase tensions” since other states in the region lack the same capabilities.
“Like any new capability, UAVs may encourage the inexperienced to overreach and engage in risk taking,” the report said. “There could be a sense that because human pilot lives are not at stake, operators can push farther than they otherwise might.”

An isolated UAV attack during a crisis also could lead to a major conflict. “In the future, PRC decision-makers might feel compelled to order ‘plausibly deniable’ UAV attacks as a means of sending a political signal only to inadvertently wind up escalating tensions,” the report said.
Over the long term, Chinese drones will support the expansion of Chinese military operational areas by pushing the ability to hit targets further into the western Pacific. The report said China likely will use its UAV force for targeting and guidance of the DF-21D anti-ship ballistic missile designed to strike U.S. aircraft carriers more than a thousand miles from China’s coast.

“While the potential for a large scale conflict in the region currently appears low, the lack of adequate preparation for worst case scenarios could encourage and invite adventurous adversary behavior, ultimately increasing risks to peace and stability,” the report stated.

U.S. intelligence agencies reported earlier this month that China plans to build 11 drone bases along its coastline by 2015, with each base deploying at least one unmanned aircraft.
The People’s Liberation Army currently has two drone bases in northeast Liaoning province. A third base was disclosed further south at Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province, also on the Bohai Sea.
The bases were announced in August by the State Oceanic Administration, which has been used as a proxy by the Chinese military to lay claim to international waters and islands as part of a strategy of pushing Chinese maritime control hundreds and eventually thousands of miles from the coast through what Beijing calls its two Asian island chain strategy. The island chains stretch from Northeast Asia through Southeast Asia.
The two bases in the Bohai Sea are located at Yingkou and Dalian to provide surveillance of the Bohai and Yellow Seas.

China called U.S. aircraft carrier exercises held in the Yellow Sea three years ago “a threat to China” even though the carrier maneuvers were carried out in international waters.

The maritime surveillance drones provide high-definition remote imagery and will be used by China to respond to emergencies in the region and also to identify what China claims are illegal resource extraction from undersea gas and oil deposits.

U.S. officials regard recent highlighting of attack drones as a sign that Beijing remains intent on taking control of the Senkakus.

The increased use of drones by both China and Japan is expected to increase tensions over the Senkakus, the officials said.

According to Fisher, China is also exporting two of its armed drones, the Yi Long and CH-3, to the United Arab Emirates and Pakistan.

The UAE government purchased the Yi Long, and a smaller CH-3 was sold to Pakistan and repackaged by Islamabad as the Shahpar.

Fisher said he is concerned China will sell the new and larger CH-4 to Iran.
“Because it is not connected to the Aviation Industries Corporation (AVIC) which wants to do business in the United States, the CH-4 stands a better chance of being sold to Iran,” he told the Free Beacon.
China’s willingness to sell UCAV technology to terrorist-linked states means that terrorists may soon have another deadly tool with which to attack the United States.”

How America is becoming a police state From drones to gun raids, under Obama law enforcement is being 'fundamentally transformed'

News reports that the federal Department of Homeland Security is stockpiling billions of rounds of ammunition have prompted many Americans to ask: Just who is the government preparing to go to war with?

To radio talker Mark Levin, the answer is that "our society is unraveling" and DHS is preparing for "the collapse of our financial system, the collapse of our society and the potential for widespread violence, looting, killing in the streets, because that’s what happens when an economy collapses." Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin agrees, saying, "We’re going to default eventually and that’s why the feds are stockpiling bullets in case of civil unrest."

But all this, dire as it sounds, is just the tip of the iceberg. As WND’s acclaimed monthly Whistleblower magazine documents in its March issue, "HOW AMERICA IS BECOMING A POLICE STATE," one major way Barack Obama’s "fundamental transformation of America" is manifesting in the changing face of law enforcement – local and state, but especially federal.

The signs are everywhere:

Drones are flying overhead – not in Yemen, but here in the U.S., above your house, perhaps photographing you. The FAA anticipates 10,000 domestic drones in the next few years, and at least one police chief has publicly announced he wants to arm his drones with tear gas and rubber bullets.

Meanwhile, the Transportation Security Administration, having traumatized countless air travelers with its signature nude X-ray imaging and invasive pat-downs of ailing grandmothers and crying 3-year-old handicapped children in wheelchairs, is now expanding from airports to bus terminals and subways.

Even local police forces increasingly resemble an occupying army, especially in the big cities – thanks in part to a federal program that supplies police departments with military equipment, everything from surveillance drones to machine-gun-equipped armored personnel carriers.

Although few Americans realize it, police have already gone door to door and confiscated citizens’ legally owned firearms (in New Orleans after Katrina), and right now politicians in certain areas are trying to pass legislation to make gun confiscation official policy – but only in the event of an "emergency," of course.


    •  "Cops and robbers: The problems of policing America when the federal government is the biggest thief" by David Kupelian

    •  "Obama’s troubling track record on civil liberties" by John W. Whitehead, who documents how, with each passing year, Americans’ basic freedoms have come under increasing attack under Obama

    •  "Why is the government stockpiling guns and ammo?" by Joseph Farah, who revisits Obama's mysterious call for a "civilian national security force"

    •  "Immigration cops: Feds are making us the 'enemy'" by Taylor Rose

    •  "Tanks on Main Street" by John W. Whitehead, on the increasing militarization of local police throughout America

    •  "Black helicopters? Army says don't worry" by Bob Unruh, on the military’s explanation as to why Special Ops units are conducting "urban training" in U.S. cities

    •  "Department of Homeland Security urged to patrol Chicago streets"

    •  "Sliding toward a police state" by Steven Greenhut, on the consequences of making security more important than freedom since 9/11

    •  "TSA expands its invasive grief beyond airports" by Art Moore, on casualties of the federal government’s security scheme, including one father of a crippled 3-year-old who says: "They treated her like a criminal"

    •  "States pile on against federal detention plan" by Alyssa Farah, on how the left and right have joined together in opposing the federal law’s "terrifying implications"

    •  "Stop it here, stop it now" by Bob Unruh, on Pulitzer-winning commentator Charles Krauthammer’s prediction of "rifles aimed at the sky all across America" in response to domestic surveillance drones

    •  "Feds: 10,000 drones to fly the friendly skies"

    •  "Is there a drone in your backyard?" by Andrew Napolitano, in which "the judge" warns invasion of privacy is just the beginning

    •  "Armed domestic drones?!"

    •  "It’s official: Obama can bomb you if he thinks you’re a terrorist"

    •  "Washington state residents say ‘No!’ to police surveillance drones" by David DiSalvo

    •  "Police state – we're almost there" by Jeff Knox, on how massive raids on a family-owned gun shop illustrate dangers of "standing army" of federal cops

    •  "Ready, print, fire"– on how 3-D printing is foiling laws banning high-capacity magazines

    •  "Gun-owner home searches 'Orwellian'" by Art Moore, on the provision of Washington state’s gun control law that would allow police to come into your home to check on your semiautomatic firearms

    •  "New Justice Department report concedes gun laws won't slow crime"

    •  "Hundreds of sheriffs tell Obama: We’re not confiscating guns" by Drew Zahn, on law enforcement officials who say, "We are prepared to trade our lives" to defend the Constitution

    •  "How Rodney King spawned Christopher Dorner" by Jack Cashill, on what happens when the "mainstream press" constantly pushes the narrative of "evil white racists" oppressing minorities

    •  "Immigration ‘reform’ will turn the U.S. into a police state" by Rep. Ron Paul, who says: "Imagine what’s left of the Fourth Amendment completely tossed into the trashcan"

    •  "‘Big Brother is watching’ in ways you can’t even imagine" by Steve Elwart, on a new artificial intelligence surveillance system more outlandish than sci-fi scripts.

"It’s not quite accurate to say the Obama administration is trying to disarm Americans," said Whistleblower Editor David Kupelian. "The government is attempting to progressively disarm one segment of the population – law-abiding, private citizens – while simultaneously arming to the teeth millions of Americans who work for, and are beholden to, government at all levels. This is not exactly what the Founding Fathers had in mind when they gave us the Second Amendment."

Kupelian added: "This issue of Whistleblower documents comprehensively, and in a balanced but no-holds-barred way, just what kind of country Americans are facing in the coming years."

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Second, you'll also receive one of the most eye-opening, thought-provoking DVD documentaries you’ve ever seen: "Shooting Back: The Right and Duty of Self-Defense."

Charl Van Wyk was just an ordinary Christian man until July 25, 1993 – the day that would become known as the St. James Massacre. It was on this date that Van Wyk shot back at the terrorists who were attacking an innocent church congregation gathered in prayer, and saved many lives in the process. More than just a remarkable story of courage under fire, "Shooting Back" deals forthrightly with the consequences of his actions that day, while addressing the concerns that plague so many God-fearing people in these lawless times:

    •  Should we carry arms?

    •  When is it appropriate to defend ourselves and our families?

    •  What can we do when our God-given right to self-defense is legislated away from us?

Top activist says environmental movement is failing, Can this be for real?

In advance of a talk at the University of Louisville, CBS News environmental contributor and lead scientist at the Nature Conservancy M. Sanjayan told the Courier-Journal that the environmental movement was failing.
“On virtually every measure, the environmental movement is not keeping up with the needs at hand,” Sanjayan told the Journal.

“Species extinction, deforestation, climate change — we are playing and have been for two decades a rear-guard action,” Sanjayan added. “We are slowing the decline, perhaps, but not nearly enough. We don’t have a movement. We have a niche. It’s mostly mono-chromatic in culture, in political belief, and in socioeconomic status.”

Sanjayan said that the environmental movement was fractured and that environmentalists needed to demonstrate the value of nature to businesses, include more rural people in the movement, and motivate young people.

“And we need the type of messengers who can be both thought- and inspirational- leaders to people from all walks of life, more representative of the planet we are trying to save,” he said.

“The cost of doing nothing is catastrophic,” Sanjayan said. “But for a relatively modest amount per person, basically a latte a week, we can dramatically alter our climate profile for the future.”

Sanjayan said that the developed world needed to invest in technology and tax carbon emissions to help address climate change. He added that people in developed countries needed to modify their behaviors as well.
“In the developing world we need leaders to acknowledge that they are part of the problem as well, and while their needs in absolute terms are great, their ability to leap-frog is also great,” Sanjayan said. “And investing in the future is better than following our path to development.”

Despite Sanjayan’s concerns, the Obama administration threatened to use his executive authority to tackle climate change, if Congress failed to act on the issue.

The administration has already used the Environmental Protection Agency to set stricter emissions standards for power plants. Last year, the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity reported that within the next three to five years more than 200 coal-fired electric generating units will be shuttered across 25 states due to EPA regulations and other factors, including low-priced natural gas.

Obama’s EPA nominee Gina McCarthy has drawn criticism for her role in advancing aggressive regulations on fossil fuel energy sources.

“Throughout her career McCarthy has implemented policies that attempt to constrain the use of reliable energy sources,” said Institute for Energy Research President Thomas Pyle. “As the EPA Assistant Administrator for the Office of Air and Radiation, McCarthy has played a large role in the shuttering of coal-fired power plants around the country, which has resulted in tens of thousands of layoffs and permanent job losses.”

Furthermore, efforts by environmental groups have led to the shutdown of coal plant across the country. Recently environmentalists won obtained a legal settlement forcing a utility to stop burning coal at plants in Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky,bringing the total of announced or actual coal plant retirements nationwide to 142 since 2010.

Coal-fired power makes up 79 percent of carbon emissions — a greenhouse gas — from electricity generation, according to the Energy Information Administration.

Read more:

The culture war is all Obama has left.

Then former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean began campaigning for the 2004 Democratic presidential nomination, he would regularly say in his stump speech, "I am tired of fighting elections on guns, God and gays. We're going to fight this election on our turf, which is going to be jobs, education and health care."
Fast-forward 10 years to the third month of President Obama's second term. Suddenly, the Democrats' turf doesn't look so friendly anymore. It's not hard to see why they're changing gears to fight a culture war of their own choosing.

The U.S. economy is still suffering through the weakest economic recovery since the Great Depression. Unemployment is stubbornly high, especially for Americans age 25 to 54, who make up the core of the nation's workforce. And the American public does not approve of Obama's bumbling and ineffectual attempts to handle the economy.

Meanwhile, Obama's failure to reach a grand bargain on deficit reduction has completely killed any hopes for new jobs or education programs. Instead of pushing for new stimulus spending or $10 billion a year for his proposed early education program, Obama is just trying to survive this year's $85 billion in sequester spending cuts.

Obama's signature domestic accomplishment, Obamacare, remains highly unpopular. Health care premiums are rising, as its opponents predicted, and numerous newspaper stories are now highlighting how the law is either discouraging new hiring altogether or forcing more Americans into part-time work involuntarily. The key component of the law, the state-based insurance exchanges, are supposed to be up and running in just over seven months, and no one believes they will be functioning properly. The federal bureaucrat in charge of implementing the exchanges recently told industry officials that he is no longer trying to make these exchanges provide a "world-class experience," but instead merely hoping they won't provide "a Third World experience."

Suddenly, guns, God and gays don't look so bad as key issues for the Democratic Party.
On Saturday, Obama devoted his weekly radio address to proposed new gun control laws, including background checks (which would not have prevented the tragedy in Newtown, Conn.) and the restoration of a demonstrably ineffective assault weapons ban that expired in 2004 after failing to prevent several of America's saddest and most memorable mass shootings. Given that nearly all gun violence is perpetrated with handguns -- not long guns and not so-called "assault weapons" -- it seems Obama's new focus on guns is designed not so much to prevent gun deaths as to energize Democratic voters who look down their noses at gun enthusiasts in flyover country.

And over the past week the most dangerous place to be in Washington was between a microphone and every Democratic politician looking to announce their newfound support for same-sex marriage. Democrats, detecting a sudden shift in public opinion on the issue, are just now starting to lead from behind.
Unless the economy markedly improves in the near future, or Obamacare is miraculously implemented without a hitch, expect Obama and the White House to turn the 2014 election into an all-out culture war centered around gun control and gay marriage. This is the only turf that appears remotely friendly to them these days.

CBO: America Will Never See Full Employment Under Obama - The Congressional Budget Office is now projecting that the U.S. economy will never achieve full employment during the eight years Barack Obama serves as president.
That would make Obama the only American president during the post-World War II era who never presided over a year in which the U.S. economy offered full employment to the American people.
The CBO defines “full employment” to be when the national unemployment rate is at or below what it calls the “natural unemployment rate.”

The natural unemployment rate, according to CBO, is the “rate of unemployment arising from all sources except fluctuations in aggregate demand. Those sources include frictional unemployment, which is associated with normal turnover of jobs, and structural unemployment, which includes unemployment caused by mismatches between the skills of available workers and the skills necessary to fill vacant positions and unemployment caused when wages exceed their market-clearing levels because of institutional factors, such as legal minimum wages, the presence of unions, social conventions, or wage-setting practices by employers that are intended to increase workers’ morale and effort.”

In a blog entry published last week, CBO Director Doug Elmendorf said “we think it will take four more years to get back close to full employment.”

In fact, baseline data CBO released last month indicate that the “natural unemployment rate” will be 5.5 percent through the rest of Obama’s presidency and that actual unemployment will never drop below 6.0 percent in any quarter between now and the end of 2016.

According to CBO, unemployment will remain above 7.0 percent through the third quarter of 2015. It will then drop to 6.8 percent in the fourth quarter of 2015, and gradually decline to 6.0 percent by the fourth quarter of 2016.

In the first quarter of 2017, when the next president is being sworn into office, the unemployment rate will drop to 5.8 percent, CBO projects. That would still be above the natural unemployment rate of 5.5 percent.
Finally, in the first quarter of 2018, according to CBO’s projections, unemployment will drop to 5.5 percent. At that point, a year after Obama has left office, the U.S. economy will finally achieve full employment for the first time since 2007.

Thus, according to CBO's projections, America will never see full employment under Obama even though the CBO has increased what it considers to be the natural unemployment rate during Obama’s tenure. From the first quarter of 1999 through the first quarter of 2008, CBO calculated that the natural unemployment rate was 5.0 percent. Thus, for the economy to achieve full employment during that nine-year span, actual unemployment had to fall to 5.0 percent or lower.

Despite this higher standard, the economy did achieve full employment on a number of occasions from 1999 through 2008. This included, on average, the entire years of 2000, 2001, 2006 and 2007.

During the tenures of each American president from Harry Truman through George W. Bush--according to the average annual unemployment rates published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the natural unemployment rate calculated by CBO--there was at least one year in which the U.S. economy achieved full employment.

To see a complete list of the average actual annual unemployment rates compared to the natural unemployment rate for the years from 1988

Sources: Actual average annual unemployment rates for 1998 through 2012 are from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The projected average annual unemployment for 2013 through 2012 and the natural unemployment rates are from the Congressional Budget Office. Years of full employment are bolded.

Year               Actual Unemployment         Natural Unemployment
1988                5.5                                     5.9
1989                5.3                                     5.9
1990                5.6                                     5.8 to 5.9
1991                6.8                                     5.7 to 5.8
1992                7.5                                     5.7 to 5.6
1993                6.9                                     5.6 to 5.5
1994                6.1                                     5.4
1995                5.6                                     5.3
1996                5.4                                     5.2
1997                4.9                                     5.1
1998                4.5                                     5.1
1999                4.2                                     5.0
2000                4.0                                     5.0
2001                4.7                                     5.0
2002                5.8                                     5.0
2003                6.0                                     5.0
2004                5.5                                     5.0
2005                5.1                                     5.0
2006                4.6                                     5.0
2007                4.6                                     5.0
2008                5.8                                     5.0 to 5.1
2009                9.3                                     5.2 to 5.3
2010                9.6                                     5.4 to 5.5
2011                8.9                                     5.5
2012                8.1                                     5.5
Year               Projected Unemployment      Natural Unemployment
2013                7.9                                     5.5
2014                7.8                                     5.5
2015                7.1                                     5.5
2016                6.3                                     5.5
2017                5.6                                     5.5

Obama Cashes In on Wall Street Speeches