LOS ANGELES, March 26, 2013—President Obama
visited Israel and returned to America just before the Jewish
celebration of Passover. Recounting the ten plagues that God inflicted
upon Egypt to get Pharaoh to free the Jewish people is one of that
celebrations rituals.
Despite six thousand years of history, President Obama told the world in 2009 that Israel was born out of the Holocaust in 1948.Unlike American liberals, Israelis are not fooled by President Obama and a modern Democratic Party that is held hostage by it’s leftist anti-Israel wing. So in the spirit of Passover, here are the ten Passover plagues inflicted upon Israel by liberals, led by Barack Obama.
Blood—Chuck Hagel, Samantha Power. People are judged by the company they keep. Obama has anti-Israel people in top positions. When Jewish blood is spilt, it is because he has people around him that deliberately make excuses for Palestinians and other Arabs at every turn.
Frogs—Helen Thomas, Joy Behar. These two ladies should have stopped speaking decades ago. They are both ideological bigots, with Thomas adding anti-Semitism to her resume. Both of these amphibians saw danger in “Radical Christianity” while making excuses for Radical Islam. Radical Islam actually exists.
Lice—Edward Said, Rashid Khalidi. These pests are informal advisors to President Obama. “Informal” is a fancy way of saying that Obama embraces them but wants plausible deniability in case he needs to shove them under his bus. These anti-Israelites teach in universities, leading to the next generation of imbecilic college students thinking Israelis are the bad guys.
Wild Animals—Mahmoud Ahmedinejad and Bashar Assad. These savages murder their own people and plot, like Marvin the Martina, to blow up the world. Obama tried dialogue and diplomacy, which as expected utterly failed. Assad was told he had days left. That was almost two years ago.
Pestilence—Dianne Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, Chuck Schumer. Leftism has infected Judaism. This disease takes liberal Jews and turns them into self-loathing pathological victims. The NAZIs seized the guns of the Jews before murdering them during the Holocaust. American liberals want to destroy the Second Amendment and trust the government to benevolently care for the people.
There is fear in history repeating itself.
Boils—Hillary Clinton. Boils can be a major pain in the rumpus and other areas. So can a grating voice from a fake feminist, fake heroine, and fake virtually everything. This comparison may not fit permanently because boils eventually go away. Hillary just kisses Suha Arafat and smiles as Israelis are blood libeled with accusations of poisoning Palestinian drinking water.
Hail—Al Jazeera Gore. This man became a screaming lunatic who claimed that President George W. Bush “betrayed his country.” Bush worked to crush Islamists. Gore does business with them. The damage from the Gore storm is just beginning.
Locusts—Palestinians. Some people will say that they are not all terrorists. 80% of them voted for Hamas, a terrorist organization. If 80% of whites voted for the KKK in 2012, liberals would understand the issue. Locusts attack property that is not their own and devour it until there is zero value left. This is what this fictional invented people indigenous to Jordan and Egypt want to do to Israel.
Darkness—Arab Spring. Had the Arabs opted for secular democracies, they would have had a chance of escaping the dark ages. Instead they opted for the Muslim Brotherhood and Sharia Law. The rest of the world is in the twenty-first century, but Arab Muslims in the Middle East want to party like it’s 622 AD. They will keep killing each other because a non-violent approach is lost on their leaders.
Slaying of the First Born—Benghazi. Jews put an “X” on every Jewish home so that their homes would be spared. In modern times, most of the world has modern security systems. However, the American embassy in Libya was harmed by an American President more interested in going to sleep early and fundraising in Las Vegas than in saving his own Ambassador and Navy SEALs.
Radical Islam is a cancer, and the biggest plague is liberals in our government refusing to publicly acknowledge its existence.
Jews will celebrate Passover, knowing that they are always one step away from annihilation. Liberal Jews will either deny the problem exists, blame themselves, or blame conservatives, the people actually willing to solve the problem. Meanwhile, Obama and other liberals in government will pretend to care whether Jews live or die while enhancing friendship with those either indifferent to or overtly hostile to the world’s only Jewish state.
Read more: http://communities.washingtontimes.com/neighborhood/tygrrrr-express/2013/mar/26/10-passover-plagues-barack-obama/#ixzz2OmMUgQtB
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