Monday, July 8, 2013

The Country's Future Hangs On the Congress House Our Last Hope for Justice in the Illegal Aliens Bill the Senate Has Approved:

Sometime this week beginning July 08, 2013, when our Congress returns from their Independence Day (week) vacation, the last hope for Conservatives to stop a wholesale abandonment of guiding nation’s founder’s principles will happen whenthe House of Representatives gather and hopefully stop the national suicide of granting amnesty to untold millions of illegal aliens who broke our laws coming here and now DEMAND to be granted citizenship which our unprincipled Congressional Senate socialistic liberal Democrats plus FOURTEEN turncoat traitor Republicans chose to act in 

conspiratory agreement. 
Our national debt, thanks to the excessive generosity of our Usurper president and his profligate spending socialist liberal Democrats, has skyrocketed to a point very close to SEVENTEEN TRILLION DOLLARS; an amount that is obscenely irrational and extremely certain to eventually result in out and out national BANKRUPTCY.

But even with this knowledge of sure doom if allowed to continue, these Democrat spendthrifts want to break the camel’s back by heaping more billions and trillions of indebtedness just for the sake of gaining more votes in upcoming elections which will SURELY cause the absolute downfall of our country.  The ultra sad part of this dichotomy is the mainstream body of the Democrat Party which believes and goes along with the principle of total bankruptcy for the entire nation just on their Party leaders verbal assurance all will rosy and peachy.  One wonders just how much crud they’ll believe.

In an online presentation on June 27, 2013, Breitbart via the showed that Agents from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) have called on the public and members of the U.S. Senate to oppose the “Gang of Eight” immigration bill on the eve of its expected vote in the Senate.  As you know by now, the Senate Democrats along with fourteen RINOs voted and passed handily a bill, S. 744, that will forevermore be called by those who love this country and do not want to see its demise, the “Death Knell on Our NationalDebt.”

The federal government agents from the departments mentioned in the foregoing paragraph, were not intimidated by higher government administration officials and also as reported by Breitbart “In a joint statement. USCIS National Council president Kenneth Palinkas and ICE National Council president Chris Crane said the bill, if it ever became law, would be putting politics over public safety.

“ICE officers and USCIS adjudications officers have pleaded with lawmakers not to adopt this bill, but to work with us on real, effective reforms for the American people,” Crane and Palinkas said in their statement.”

Please take note of the sincerity in these two directly involved government officials when they “pleaded” with lawmakers (Senate) “not to adopt this bill.”.  Those two high ranking officers of our system of rules and regulations involving immigration and in the case, illegal alien involvement, are pleading with these politicians NOT to put politics over public safety.  This is very important to ALL Americans to take note as well, because if our government defaults by reasons of bankruptcy we will ALL be doomed; even those uncaring politicians who are striving for more votes from these illegal aliens. 

Those government officials, Crane and Palinkas went on to say, “The Schumer-Rubio-Corker-Hoeven proposal will make Americans less safe and it will ensure more illegal immigration-especially visa overstays-in the future. It provides legalization for thousands of dangerous criminals while making it more difficult for our officers to identity public safety and national security threats.”

“The legislation was guided from the beginning by anti-enforcement special interests and, should it become law, will have the desired effect of these groups: blocking immigration enforcement,” the statement claims.

These two high ranking government employees are speaking from a love of country and are certainly in risk of offending higher ranking Executive Branch (White House) occupiers.  We should all be grateful to them for bringing these TRUTHFUL facts to light over the gloss, glitter and noise of the politicians who would go to any lengths to gain more votes; even our lives
They finished their statements on this subject by saying:  “They believe this is an “anti-public safety bill and an anti-law enforcement bill.

“We urge all lawmakers to oppose the final cloture vote and to oppose the bill. And we call on all Americans to pick up the phone and call their members of Congress: (202) 224-3121,” Crane and Palinkas said.  Two high ranking government officials who are working for YOUR benefit, opposing the Obama Administration and the U. S. Senate.  We should heed them and remember their outstanding bravery.

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