Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Note: i edit out some of the lyrics. full  AEROSMITH Lyrics can be found here


"Same Old Song And Dance"get yourself cooler, lay yourself low, with nothing to show with the judge, you're soon enough dead it's the same old story, same old song and dance, my friend it's the same old story, same old song and dance,fate comes a-knockin', doors start lockin' your old time connection, change your direction ain't gonna change it, can't rearrange it can't stand the pain when it's all the same to you, my friend when you're low down and dirty, from walkin' the street with your old hurdy-gurdy, no one to meet say love ain't the same, on the south side of town you could look, but you ain't gonna find it around

Good news for Americans: after five years and countless promises left unfulfilled, President Obama has declared (once again) that he will be focusing on fixing the economy that still remains in shambles.
However, this isn’t the first time Americans have heard his promise to fix the economy and, if I were a betting man, I would bet that it won’t be the last.
After a fabulous $100 million taxpayer-funded family vacation and 125 rounds of golf, the president who promised hope and change has decided that it’s time to focus his attention to immigration and fixing the economy.
The White House declared on Monday that the president will pivot back to the economy and focus this summer on immigration and economic issues.
The truth is that we have heard this promise before… many times.
On September 15th, 2009, Obama promised that he would not rest until Americans could find jobs. Speaking to a General Motors plant in Warren, Ohio, Obama stated,
“But I want you all to know, I will not rest until anybody who’s looking for a job can find one — and I’m not talking about just any job, but good jobs that give every American decent wages and decent benefits and a fair shot at the American Dream.”
Weeks later, he promised, “I will not rest until businesses are investing again and businesses are hiring again and people have work again.”
In January of 2010, he once again promised, “My administration will not rest” until jobs are created to replace those lost and America is back at work.”
Months later, in April, he claimed, “We will not rest until we reach a day when not one single veteran falls into homelessness.”
But then again, this is the same president who swore that he would relentlessly pursue justice for those murdered in Benghazi…
The fact is that this administration welcomes a distraction. The president has been under fire from every angle for his reprehensible domestic spying policies, the Benghazi scandal, the AP scandal, the IRS scandal and a variety of other issues that continue to plague his administration. So it would seem that now would be a particularly good time for him to refocus attention elsewhere.
Here we are, five years later, deeper in debt than ever and we are still hearing the same old song and dance about how the president intends to focus on the economy. And while it is endearing to hear that the president finally intends to shift his focus to the economy while millions of Americans have worked and struggled to survive and keep themselves, their families and their homes afloat, we must remain skeptical as it has been his “leadership” that delivered this nation from a bad economic situation to a worse economic situation.

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Obama Cashes In on Wall Street Speeches