We have a chance to stop Common Core in Oklahoma.
Right now, HB 3399 is sitting on Governor Fallin’s desk, ready to be signed. The bill will kick Common Core out of Oklahoma immediately.
This is our chance to send a message: if we stop Common Core in Oklahoma, we can stop it across America. Oklahomans are working hard to stop the education takeover. They need you to stand with them.
HB 3399 will make sure that new state education standards DON’T mimic Common Core.
You know Common Core is a top-down takeover of schools that dumbs down education. It must be stopped. Oklahoma is where we begin to take our schools back.
Send a message right now to Gov. Fallin. Encourage her to sign HB 3399 and kick Common Core out of Oklahoma!
Big Opportunities this Tuesday
This Tuesday, grassroots activists across the country have a number of big opportunities to beat the Washington Establishment in primary races. They’re knocking on doors, making phone calls, and getting the word out for constitutional conservatives who will stand strong against Obama.
One of the hottest races is in Mississippi. Senator Thad Cochran – a 40 year incumbent – is being challenged by real Conservative Chris McDaniel. DC insiders are pulling out all the stops to make sure Cochran is reelected. Polling shows this race is neck and neck. But Chris McDaniel has the support of Mississippians and grassroots citizens like you. He plans to go to Washington and stand with Rand Paul, Mike Lee, and Ted Cruz.
In Alabama’s 6th Congressional District, Chad Mathis is running for Congress to repeal ObamaCare root and branch. He runs a successful medical practice in Alabama, and understands our health care system. Chad is endorsed by Senator Mike Lee and is prepared to do what it takes to save YOUR healthcare.
In Iowa’s 3rd Congressional District, Iowa Secretary of State Matt Schultz is running to stop the Obama Agenda and kick the Progressive influence out of Washington. Matt has consistently upheld conservative principles. He's fought corruption and special interests. And he’ll bring that same dedication to Washington.
Lastly, in Montana’s at-large District, Matt Rosendale is running to stop ObamaCare in its tracks. As a State Senator, Rosendale sponsored bills to stop Washington’s overreach and restore private property rights. He even voted for a bill to go through every federal law and nullify those deemed unconstitutional. Rosendale is the real Conservative in this race, and Montanans don’t need to look any further for someone who will vote with the Constitution every time.
On Tuesday conservatives across the country could take a big step forward in the fight to take our country back!
Come to FreedomFest
The world’s largest gathering of free minds.
That’s FreedomFest. This July 9-12, freedom fighters from across America will gather in Las Vegas for an incredibly important conference on liberty.
FreedomFest is a celebration of the America that was: when Washington didn’t interfere with everyone’s business. When taxes were low, and liberalism wasn’t destroying the American Dream.
Today, the government spies on everything we do. IRS bureaucrats tax us like crazy and throw us in jail when we don’t pay up. The President completely ignores the Constitution.
FreedomFest is about celebrating the limited government ideas that make our country great, and finding ways to restore them. Steve Forbes, John Stossel, Stephen Moore, and Peter Schiff will all speak. FreedomWorks President Matt Kibbe will also be giving a keynote address on how Americans must protect their privacy from the NSA.
You don’t want to miss this event.
A Big Grassroots Win in Texas
Last week, grassroots activists in Texas won big in three state elections. The three FreedomWorks for America-endorsed candidates that won include:
Ken Paxton for Attorney General
Konni Burton in State Senate District 10
Matt Shaheen in State Representative District 66
Grassroots activists worked extremely hard to elect these tough, Conservative fighters. Each of these victories was a big victory in the fight to keep Texas a Red State. The activists who helped elect these new Conservative voices should be proud. Texans are looking for bold constitutional conservatives who will walk the walk and keep their promises. With these victories, the Lone Star state will stay a symbol of freedom and limited government in America.
Check out FreedomWorks for America activists
Check out the latest boots-on-the-ground action from FreedomWorks for America activists. They are organizing across the country, and they're ready to put real Conservatives in charge of the Senate.
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