We are all aware of the negative changes taking place in our county. Our President and his soldiers are literally tearing down the basic fabric of our nation. For years Barack Obama’s predecessors have been on a mission to destroy everything this country stands for and education has long been their target.
The most recent assault on the education system is a set of national standards called Common Core State Standards. These are curriculum standards prescribed by the federal government for grades K-12. Each State is not required to adopt the Common Core Standards but as always the federal government has tied money to adoption. Forty-seven States have followed the money carrot into the Common Core abyss.
There are many critics of the national Common Core Standards John Whitehead president of The Rutherford Institute and author of A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State. said, “Essentially, these standards, which were developed through a partnership between big government and corporations, in the absence of any real input from parents or educators with practical, hands-on classroom experience, and are being rolled out in 45 states and the District of Columbia, will create a generation of test-takers capable of little else, molded and shaped by the federal government and its corporate allies into what it considers to be ideal citizens.”
What does Common Core have to do with Mississippi and Guns?
So you may be asking yourself just what does all this education stuff and Common Core have to do with guns? One of the problems with the adoption of the Common Core Standards is that curriculum, books, and test are controlled outside of the state. The political agenda of those developing the standards find their way into the material. One issue that is important to us here at Mississippi Gun News is the Second Amendment.
The Tennessee Firearms Association issued a statement calling for legislators to stop or delay implementation of Common Core Standards because of errors in the material about the Second Amendment. “We are already seeing textbooks and teaching assignments that are a part of Common Core intentionally or recklessly misrepresenting the Second Amendment in schools across the country,” noted John Harris, Executive Director of the TFA, “and we want to insure that the liberal anti-gun agenda is not allowed to invade Tennessee schools.”
“The Second and Third Amendments — grant citizens the right to bear arms as members of a militia of citizen-soldiers and prevent the government from housing troops in private homes in peacetime,” the book’s summary reads. In a separate box on the same page it paraphrases the amendment as “the right to bear arms,” not the right to “keep” and bear arms.
As gun owners we must pay attention to what is happening in the education system. Those who oppose liberty and freedom are making a concerted effort to indoctrinate a generation of kids in their socialist ideas. If we want to maintain our freedom to “keep and bear arms” we’ve got to stop the adoption of Common Core Standards in our schools.
Find more information about Common Core atwww.TheEducationReport.net
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