Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Opposition to Immigration Reform Bill Growing – 150 Sign Letter Saying NO!

Senate Bill 744 (SB 744) is better known as the immigration reform bill.  It is the brainchild of the infamous Gang of 8 (Democratic Senators Chuck Schumer (NY), Dick Durbin (IL), Bob Menendez (NJ), Michael Bennet (CO) and Republican Senators Marco Rubio (FL), Lindsey Graham (SC), John McCain (AZ), Jeff Flake (AZ)).

Similar to the Patient Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) passed by the Democrats in 2009, SB 744 is huge and contains so many different provisions that it’s almost impossible to know what’s really contained in the bill.

Analysts have been wading through the 800+ pages of the bill and they are telling us that it is going to cost over $6 trillion in benefits to all of the illegals covered by it.  They are also telling us that the bill lacks the necessary measures to secure our international borders prior to extending the path to citizenship to over 11 million criminals.

Earlier this week, immigration enforcement unions and law enforcement officials sent a letter of warning to every member of Congress.  Their letter warned the politicians that the immigration reform bill will make it more difficult to establish a safe legal immigration system.

Now, a group of more than 150 conservative leaders and organizations have signed a letter stating their opposition to SB 744 and insistence that it not be passed because of so many design flaws and loopholes.  They state that it would be better to scrap the entire bill and start from scratch rather than try to fix the current immigration reform bill.]
Among the signers of the letter are:
  • Monica Crowley – Fox News
  • Erick Erickson – Red State
  • Victor Davis Hanson – Hoover Institution
  • Laura Ingraham – radio host
  • Mark Levin – radio host
  • Mickey Kaus – The Daily Caller
In part, their letter reads:
“We write to express our serious concerns regarding the Gang of Eight’s immigration bill, S. 744. We oppose this bill and urge you to vote against it when it comes to the Senate floor.  No matter how well intentioned, the Schumer-Rubio bill suffers from fundamental design flaws that make it unsalvageable. Many of us support various parts of the legislation, but the overall package is so unsatisfactory that the Senate would do better to start over from scratch.”
“Reforming our immigration system is an important priority. But S.744 is such a defective measure that it would do more harm than good. We urge you to vote against it and against any cloture vote to bring up the bill. Only then can a constructive, measured debate take place on how to improve America’s immigration policy.”
Contained in their letter was a list of some of the problems they found with the bill:
  • Is bloated and unwieldy along the lines of Obamacare or Dodd-Frank;
  • Cedes excessive control over immigration law to an administration that has repeatedly proven itself to be untrustworthy, even duplicitous;
    • Hurts American job-seekers, especially those with less education;
    • Threatens to bankrupt our already strained entitlement system;
    • Expands government by creating new bureaucracies, authorizing new spending, and calling for endless regulations;
    • Contains dangerous loopholes that threaten national security;
    • Is shot through with earmarks for politically connected interest groups;
    • Overwhelms our immigration bureaucracy, guaranteeing widespread fraud.
    One of the signers of the letter, radio host Laura Ingraham explained further why she signed the letter:
    “[The] heroes of battle for our sovereignty [have been Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley and Alabama Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions] who are fighting every day in the Senate to expose the glaring inadequacies of this legislation, which affords huge and unreviewable discretion to DHS to waive admissibility and deportation rules.”
    “The Republicans who parrot the mindless ‘we must do something’ mantra might wish to review how the Democrats responded to Obamacare criticism in 2010. I recall the liberal cries of ‘We must do something…the health care system is broken….What is broken is our system of government whereby the elites in both parties consistently ignore the will of the people on an issue as important as border enforcement.  This bill will make life more difficult for middle class Americans and legal immigrants who are already struggling to find decent-paying jobs that cover the bills.  Some Republicans are desperate to agree to anything in hopes of winning the Latino vote.  They are on a fool’s errand, will infuriate their grass roots supporters, and will compromise their remaining credibility as a ‘law and order’ party.”
    Immigration agents and law enforcement officials see SB 744 as being a dangerous piece of legislation and now over 150 conservative leaders and organizations have also come out against it.  The Heritage Foundation has also come out against the bill stating it will cost trillions of dollars that we don’t have.
    From everything I’ve read and seen so far, SB 744 could be a worse nightmare than Obamacare as it not only will further bankrupt the country, but it also allows millions of illegals to legally take jobs away from Americans and the bill fails to secure our borders.  It’s a very bad piece of legislation and you need to let your Senator and Representative know that you insist they vote NO.  Do it now before you forget!

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