There are so many spinning plates of corruption, fraud, malfeasance, terrorism and treason originating within the District of Corruption that it is easy for many assaults to go unnoticed. Given the fact that the traditional media moguls are members of the puppeteer cabal attacking our republic from within, wouldn’t it be nice to have national, supposed ‘top tier’ talk radio hosts carve a portion of the time on their shows for self-adulation and/or petty attacks upon competitors within their industry to allow for reporting on the ‘below-the-radar’ assaults upon our rights and freedoms? One such assault is the White River National Blueway in Missouri and Arkansas. High Noon is rapidly approaching, not just for the more than 1.2 million people living within the boundaries of this watershed, but also for every red-blooded American citizen living within the U. S. High Noon is July 8, 2013, so acting upon this assault is URGENT!
This 17.8 million acre watershed is part of the National Blueways System, which is part of the America’s Great Outdoors Initiative. The global elites, including notable U. S. citizens, who are orchestrating the controlled demolition of our republic and way of life, use words as weapons in a manner similar to how a professional assassin uses his/her weapon of choice in eliminating the intended target. In this case, the intended target is the law-abiding, patriotic and faith-filled U. S. citizen. The following amalgam of a paragraph is an example of their verbal treachery:
The National Blueways System is a program created to conserve natural amenities, enhance recreational opportunities, and foster sustainable economic activities within significant river systems across the country. The America’s Great Outdoors Initiative establishes a community-driven conservation and recreation agenda for the 21st century. Blueways are extremely important resources for filtration of fresh water supplies, conservation of wildlife and wildlife habitat, sustainable economic activities and outdoor recreational outlets for millions of Americans.
These are just more lies within a lengthy litany of lies from the global elites, through their puppets, the Lying King and his court of hood rat anarchist collectivists. As troubling as these lies are, it is equally troubling that most people, including the 1.2 million who will be immediately impacted by this unlawfully imposed dictate, have never heard a word about this assault. This is a unilateral assault upon all residents within the watershed, regardless of political affiliation or leanings.
As you may have noticed, the words ‘sustainable’, ‘agenda’ and ‘21’ were highlighted within the elites’ verbiage above to draw attention to the not-so-subtle, in-our-face attack being perpetrated by those within our government against us. It is obvious this is a surreptitiously imposed phalanx of U. N. Agenda 21/sustainable development.
I have been aware of the nefarious activities involving federal, state and local agencies, in and around the Lake of the Ozarks, but I was unaware of this clandestine assault until I heard Doreen Hannes being interviewed by Joyce Riley on ‘The Power Hour’ radio program. Instead of highlighting the key points from this interview, I believe Doreen and Joyce offer a more compelling call-to-action, based upon their comments throughout their interview. You can hear their interview in its entirety via this link. Go to the 8-minute mark to catch the program coming out of a commercial break.
July 8th is fast approaching. It is the last day of a 180-day period before this ominous program ‘goes live’. People need to act decisively and authoritatively. Residents within the 21 counties in Missouri and 39 counties in Arkansas, who will be severely impacted by this clandestine assault, need to be in contactimmediately with their local, state and federal elected officials, Representatives and Senators. If you know of someone who lives within the area affected, contact him/her to alert him/her of what is going on under the radar within his/her backyard. This is one time when ‘Not in my backyard’ should be the rallying cry for everyone within this targeted zone.
If you don’t live within this area, use this as a warning that you need to be proactive in working with your local, state and federal elected officials, Representatives and Senators, to prevent a Blueway from ever being designated within your immediate area, throughout your state, and throughout all contiguous areas within the watershed area in which you live. It is time to pray for divine intervention and begin acting with the belief that the Holy Trinity is engaged with us in our endeavor to rescue our republic from the controlled demolition being orchestrated by global elites and their lapdogs within all levels of our government.
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