Greetings to the Faithful,
Your intercessions and activism is the only hope for America and never count yourselves short in value and necessity. Our victories are due to the diligence of all who take the time to bend their knees to pray to the God of Moses to let "my people go" Pharaohs kingdom seems to be under siege with scandal and whistle blowing defectors who are really patriots and persons of principle. I often remember God being voted out of the Democratic Convention platform and when polling showed a degree of disdain God got a second chance to be invited in but with very little to say. It was a scene seemingly from the twilight zone when the Mayor of Los Angeles Antonio Villaragosia, attempted to hold a vote with the quorum present to vote God back in and was booed for doing so. National television covered this and all knew of this outrage but the party that booed God won the election.
Their appears to be no fear for the God of Martin Luther King and James Meredith and Rosa Parks but a bowing down to the Democratic Deity of demagoguery.
America is witnessing the implosion of an administration that sought to snub its nose at God and unfortunately America wasn't righteous or engaged enough to reject that party. Thus we have the present chaotic conditions.
The civil rights of the unborn must still be our priority and to defend the union that best ensures their success and safety marriage between one man and one woman.
Fox News stepped up to the plate and traveled to our church in Montclair to interview me on the systemic disregard for women of color and the ever lurking "Gosnell" clinics in urban communities. This Fox news Special report was aired May 31st. I am grateful to speak of the behalf of those whose voices have been cut off and whose mothers have been victimized. (View Interview)
The women's equality act is a bill that presidential hopeful Cuomo hopes to make law in New York. This ill conceived bill calls for an expansion of late term abortions and no further need for a doctor to perform an abortion but allowing lay persons to perform the operation. Why no outcry from women's groups who exist supposedly for the health and well being of women. It should be shocking but yet it’s quite predictable. It is never about women's health and safety when it comes to abortion.
LEARN Northeast continues to stay on the front line of activism and training. I had the wonderful opportunity to discuss Black Genocide at the Cardinal Spellman High School with 3 classes of seniors and a class after school for special credit. I didn't realize that Cardinal Spellman is also the Alba Mata of Supreme Court justice Sonia Sotomayor.
We finalized the quarter by political action in the African Heritage Parade in our Hometown. LEARN continues to engage the Christian community to be engaged in the political process unashamedly. Our next efforts will be protest in NYC, PA, NJ, and Maryland at state legislatures to demand assurances of Abortion clinics being properly inspected and expose the mistreatment and Gosnell like conditions in urban communities.
Your support is crucial for our work to be effective and consistent. Our radio outreach has reached many pastors and activist and is informing the urban community on the betrayal of their perceived leadership and what they can do to make a difference. Please go to our safe and secure website or mailing your benevolent donation to LEARN a PO BOX 157, Montclair NJ. 07042. If you have never given before this would be a great time. Please consider being a consistent supporter to an organization that is key to ending abortion.
Thank You In Advance,

Rev. Clenard H. Childress Jr.
Rev. Clenard H. Childress Jr.
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