Barack Obama’s three-country visit to Africa stopped in Johannesburg, South Africa and was met by more than 1,000 protesters in nearby Pretoria.
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The protest was put together by “No You Can’t” or “Nobama.” Organizers managed to bring anti-Obama and anti-America protesters from labor unions, climate activists and the South African Communist party.
Ndlozi went on to accuse the president of failing to keep his campaign promises as well as continuing wars he promised to end; starting more wars (though without saying which ones); and continuing U.S. aggression and human rights violations (no specifics here either).
South Africa’s Communist party was also participating in the Pretoria protest. One member, Solly Mapaila told reporters that his group was marching because “We don’t share similar values with President Obama and the USA — which represent injustice, aggression, imperialism and an atrocious system of capitalism.”
Yousef Omar of eNews Channel Africa filed this report from the Pretoria protest:
In addition to the street protests in Pretoria, the Association of Young Communists plan on making their voices heard Saturday when Obama receives an honorary degree from the University of Johannesburg in Soweto. reports:
South African Students Congress and the Young Communist League will be protesting UJ’s “poor and undemocratic” decision to award Obama an honorary doctorate.
The president’s Africa trip wraps up with a visit to Tanzania on Sunday.
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