Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Carney Claims Changes in Talking Points were ‘Stylistic,’ Blames GOP for ‘Politicizing’ Benghazi.

Claiming that the Obama Administration and State Department reported what they knew about the developing situation in the aftermath of the attack on Benghazi, White House Spokesman Jay Carney accused Republicans of “politicizing” the attacks and the ensuing apparent cover-up.
The talking points pushed by President Obama, Secretary of State Clinton and the United States Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice blamed the attack as being the result of a protest over a YouTube video. Annoyed by the continued questions regarding Benghazi, Carney claimed that the edits made to the talking points pushed into the media were “stylistic.”

“The fact that there are inputs is always the case in a process like this,” Carney said. “Edits made by anyone at the White House were stylistic and not substantive. They corrected the description of the building … from consulate to diplomatic facility. Ultimately, this all has been discussed and reviewed and provided in enormous levels of detail by the administration to congressional investigators. The attempt to politicize the talking points again is part of an effort to chase after what isn’t the substance here.”
However, the changes in the talking points were anything but stylistic; the entire narrative focused on a protest that got out of hand when testimony on Capitol Hill today revealed that not only was this definitely an orchestrated terrorist attack, but that those in Benghazi knew it right away and even Secretary of State Clinton was aware of this as she discussed the attack with Deputy Chief of Mission Greg Hicks at 2 AM the night of the attacks.

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