At a press conference marking 100 days into President Obama’s second
term, few in the press corps expected him to bring up an unmet campaign
promise from before his first term.
With 100 of the 166 inmates at Guantanamo Bay in the 12th week of a
hunger strike, though, the long-forgotten vow of a novice senator aiming
for the Oval Office was bound to rear its head.
Well, it is not a surprise to me that we’ve got problems in
Guantanamo, which is why when I was campaigning in 2007 and 2008 and
when I was elected in 2008, I said we need to close Guantanamo,” the
president said.
“I continue to believe that we’ve got to close Guantanamo. I think,
well, you know, I think it is critical for us to understand that
Guantanamo is not necessary to keep America safe. It is expensive. It is
inefficient. It hurts us, in terms of our international standing. It
lessens cooperation with our allies on counter-terrorism efforts. It is a
recruitment tool for extremists. It needs to be closed,” he continued,
sparking a host of online headlines that he suddenly had a bold renewed
commitment to shut the prison camp.
Last month the Pentagon requested nearly $200 million for
improvements for Guantanamo, including a new building to house
high-level detainees such as professed 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh
Mohammed and accused USS Cole mastermind Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri. Both
al-Qaeda operatives are still in the process of pretrial motions that
have been dragged out by their high-profile defense teams as much as the
Obama pinned the blame for the camp still being open on the same hill where he pins most blame.
“Now, Congress determined that they would not let us close it. And
despite the fact that there are a number of the folks who are currently
in Guantanamo, who the courts have said could be returned to their
country of origin or potentially a third country, I’m gonna go back at
this. I’ve asked my team to review everything that’s currently being
done in Guantanamo, everything that we can do administratively, and I’m
gonna reengage with Congress to try to make the case that this is not
something that’s in the best interest of the American people,” he said.
“And it’s not sustainable. I mean, the notion that we’re going to
continue to keep over 100 individuals in a no-man’s land in perpetuity,
even at a time when we’ve wound down the war in Iraq, we’re winding down
the war in Afghanistan, and we’re having success defeating al-Qaeda’s
core, we’ve kept the pressure up on all these trans-national terrorist
Obama claimed it was hard to make a case to close Gitmo to the
American public because of an “out of sight, out of mind” mentality.
“And it’s easy to demagogue the issue. That’s what happened the first
time this came up. I’m going to go back at it because I think it’s
important,” he continued. “I don’t want these individuals to die.
Obviously, the Pentagon is trying to manage the situation as best as
they can.”
Before the hunger strike began, though, one member of Congress told
PJM that he believes the administration is dragging out the tribunals
because it hopes the inmates will die there — and let it avoid
recriminations over indefinite detention and messy repercussions from
either capital punishment or acquittal.
“I understand that in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, with the
traumas that had taken place, why for a lot of Americans the notion was
somehow that we had to create a special facility like Guantanamo and we
couldn’t handle this in a normal, conventional fashion. I understand
that reaction. But we’re now over a decade out. We should be wiser. We
should have more experience in how we prosecute terrorists. And this is a
lingering, you know, problem that is not gonna get better. It’s gonna
get worse. It’s gonna fester,” Obama said.
“And so I’m gonna, as I said before, we’re — examine every option
that we have administratively to try to deal with this issue, but
ultimately we’re also gonna need some help from Congress. And I’m gonna
ask some folks over there who, you know, care about fighting terrorism,
but also care about who we are as a people to step up and help me on
Amnesty International said in a statement that Obama “is right to
recommit to closing Guantanamo,” but cautioned against more talk instead
of action. Human Rights Watch called his comments “encouraging after
his long silence on the issue.”
And HRW also called out the president on his finger-pointing at Congress.
“Though he blamed Congress for the problems at Guantanamo, there are
actions he could have taken and can still take now to end indefinite
detention there,” said Laura Pitter, counterterrorism adviser at Human
Rights Watch. The group noted that every restriction on the transfer of
detainees that originated in Congress was signed into law by the
House Armed Services Committee Chairman Buck McKeon (R-Calif.) took
umbrage at Obama’s claims from a congressional point of view.
“The president faces bipartisan opposition to closing Guantanamo
Bay’s detention center because he has offered no alternative plan
regarding the detainees there, nor a plan for future terrorist
captures,” McKeon said.
“For years, Congress has encouraged the president to develop a
comprehensive detention policy. In the administration’s failure to do
so, they have removed lawful options from our counterterrorism arsenal. ”
McKeon added that lawmakers have not been “idle” at trying to chart a correct path for the detention center’s future.
“For the past two years, our Committee has worked with our Senate
counterparts to ensure that the certifications necessary to transfer
detainees overseas are reasonable,” the chairman said. “The
administration has never certified a single transfer. Contrary to what
President Obama has implied, there are no restrictions on releasing
detainees who have won their habeas cases in federal court.”
Forty-six dangerous detainees have been flagged for indefinite
detention. Eighty-six of the current detainees at Gitmo have been
approved for transfer to their home countries or another nation willing
to take them under strict security conditions.
That counts out the country where the majority of those 86 are from —
Yemen — because of the administration’s freeze on transfers there
imposed after underwear bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab’s botched 2009
attempt to blow up an airliner. The plot was reportedly hatched by
Yemeni cleric Anwar al-Awlaki.
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) sent a letter last week to National
Security Director Tom Donilon asking the administration to “renew its
efforts” to transfer the detainees — and rethink the Yemen policy.
“The fact that so many detainees have now been held at Guantanamo for
over a decade and their belief that there is still no end in sight for
them is a reason there is a growing problem of more and more detainees
on a hunger strike,” she wrote. “This week, monitors from the
International Committee of the Red Cross who travelled to Guantanamo
recently told my staff that the level of desperation among the detainees
is ‘unprecedented’ in their view.”
“Although [al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula] still has a strong
presence in Yemen, I believe it would be prudent to re-visit the
decision to halt transfers to Yemen and assess whether President Hadi’s
government, with appropriate assistance, would be able to securely hold
detainees in Sana’a,” Feinstein continued. “Do you believe that we can
work with Yemen to develop an appropriate framework for the return of
all 56 Yemenis previously recommended for transfer?”
Feinstein offered her assistance to help find new homes for the “cleared” detainees.
But even some cleared detainees who have been relocated have scuttled
off to temporary locations with no permanent move in sight.
Six Uighurs who were transferred to the island of Palau as a temporary solution in 2009 told a Toronto Star reporter
in February that they’ve been given no hope of a permanent home as U.S.
support to the impoverished nation for taking the detainees has run
The Chinese Muslims can’t go home for fear of what the People’s
Republic would do to them, but they’re also not allowed passports to
leave the island.
Feinstein noted that the desk of the State Department’s Special Envoy
for the Closure of Guantanamo, who was helping the Uighurs, has been
cleared out and the Obama administration has no intention of filling
Ambassador Daniel Fried’s post.
“I urge the administration to fill this vacant position or to appoint
another senior Administration official with the specific responsibility
to achieve the conditions necessary to close Guantanamo,” she wrote.
Obama is no kings don’t like to be constrained. But all government should be.Obama is Pathological Liar, He is an Ideological Liar because the true objectives of his fundamental transformation of the United States are incompatible with American democracy and tradition Obama devotion to the Machiavellian dictum of "the ends justify the means" and lying as an instrument of government policy have been the tools of political extremists throughout history.
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