Sanctity of Human Life Sunday 2014 commemorates 41 years since the January 22, 1973 Roe v. Wade U.S. Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion in our country. Since then, more than 55 million* abortions have taken place in the U.S. The human lives lost to abortion exceed the number of people currently living in our Great Lakes Region!**
Twenty-nine years ago, a church congregation in the Greater Grand Rapids area took a stand by providing the initial financial foundation for the Pregnancy Resource Center. Today, many church congregations take a stand by getting involved with LifeWalk, volunteering, donating, and recognizing Sanctity of Human Life during the month of January.
As a resource, posters and bulletin inserts are offered at no charge. In addition, PRC newsletters and a DVD client story presentation are available to share the impact we are having in this community – both physically and eternally. The PRC will also provide a speaker or representative for your church or organization.
If you have questions, you wish to place an order for Sanctity of Human Life materials, or you would like to schedule a PRC speaker, please contact 616.259.1518or
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