Over the years women have occasionally chosen life for their babies when they heard the songs of Christmas outside the abortion facility, and on Saturday four women that we know of cancelled their abortion appointments!
Three Babies Saved at Planned Parenthood Aurora
The day started outside Planned Parenthood’s Aurora, Illinois mega-center where we’ve been caroling since it opened in 2007 under a cloud of controversy and deceit.
This Saturday, high school students from the Live Pro-Life group from Christian Liberty Academy in nearby Arlington Heights were sidewalk counseling as we sang, and as we were leaving, the group’s leaders ran over to say that a woman had just told them that she had cancelled her abortion appointment after hearing the caroling!
Then, on our way to Advantage Women’s Health abortion facility in Downers Grove, Illinois, we received a call from them saying that another woman had done the same just after we left! A huge “Thank You” to Live Pro-Life for their faithful, life-saving witness!
Fighting Couple Receives Pro-Life Literature
Fortunately, League Executive Director Eric Scheidler had his sidewalk counseling bag in the car from our time counseling at Planned Parenthood the previous day, so I took them some pro-life literature and a list of local pregnancy resource centers and told them we were here to help or just talk if they wanted to.
They thanked me, though they were clearly not in a mood to talk, so I left it at that. We began our caroling and they went back into the clinic, which was a let down for our pro-life crew, but we paused and offered a prayer for them before our next song.
We presumed they had decided to go through with the abortion, but a few minutes later they exited the clinic and a car came to pick them up and they left. Though we can’t be 100% sure, they were not in the clinic long enough to have a procedure and the woman showed none of the signs of having had one!
We finished the DuPage County tour at Aanchor abortion facility in Glen Ellyn, Illinois and later heard that yet another woman had cancelled her appointment at Planned Parenthood in Aurora after we left, making for an amazing four turnarounds all day—certainly a record for a caroling day!
Pro-Lifers of All Ages Join Caroling in Chicago
The Chicago caroling tour began as it has every year since its inception: with the unfurling of a 10-foot banner saying, “All I want for Christmas is an end to abortion.”
At the tour’s first two sites—Family Planning Associates and Planned Parenthood, both in downtown Chicago—carolers ranging in age from five to 87 sang standards such as Away in a Manger, The First Noel, O Come All Ye Faithful, and Silent Night.
Thanks be to God, All Women’s closed in early October, so we positioned our banner directly in front of the door (which still bears a “For Rent” sign) and sang carols there with particular gusto.
Abortion Patient Carted Away by Ambulance
From there, it was on to American Women’s Medical Center, where we were joined by a young woman who learned about our caroling day after hearing a recent interview with the League’s Eric Scheidler on Relevant Radio.
The last stop was Albany Medical/Surgical Center, where a crowd of 30 carolers gathered on the sidewalk. As they arrived, they saw a woman being loaded into an ambulance through the abortion facility’s back door. This ambulance provided an all too real reminder of the importance of bearing pro-life witness outside abortion clinics: not only because we want children’s lives to be spared, but also because we don’t want their mothers to be harmed.
Caroling Saves Babies Nationwide
Ours was just one of 30 days happening nationwide this season, with some still to come. See the complete list here. At one caroling day in Columbus, Ohio on Saturday, two other babies were saved from abortion! And we’ve put together a set of tools so that anyone can host a pro-life Christmas caroling day. Click here to get all the resources you need to plan your own caroling day for next year, and you might just save a life!
- See more at: http://prolifeaction.org/hotline/2014/carolingrecap2014/#more-39539
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