Just when you thought sexualizing children as a revenue plan, playing“healthcare hero” to maintain grip on the multi-million-dollargovernment dole, committing Medicaid fraud, advocating immoralbehavior, and snuffing out unborn life for profit wasn’t enough, thenation’s abortion behemoth stoops low again with a bizarre money-grubbing ploy.
Planned Parenthood has put out a promo with a customized s’more kit where the product’s maker will donate $5 to the nation’s largest abortion provider for every unique hash tagged-photo posted promoting Planned Parenthood, Wayne Dupree is reporting at Biz Pac Review.
The hash tag is #PPsmoresupport. Isn’t that cute?
The marshmallow in the kit has the Planned Parenthood double “P” logo on it. A clinical-looking confection promoting abortion -- yum.
The kit looks like sterile medical supplies somehow got mistakenly crammed in the wrong plastic baggie with someone’s sack lunch dessert.
So unappetizing on so many levels.
And weird. Not sure how the candy designer or Planned Parenthood thinks this could stimulate someone’s palette or their charitable inclinations, but then Abortions-R-Us never ceases to surprise in thesurreal arena.
It has pushed gift certificates for Christmas in the past, promoting them by saying they “allow you to give the gift of life to your loved ones.” What??
Planned Parenthood has had “Choice on Earth” Christmas cards for years, claiming at one point that Jesus Christ “was for choice.” Again, what?
Earlier this year Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richardspromoted abortion for Valentine’s Day. Nothing says “I Love You” like ending a life.
Go to its PAC Twitter page this holiday season and you’ll see cards with snowflakes designed with IUDs and the Pill. You can’t make that stuff up.
The messed-up marshmallow promotion got attention from Ebony magazine’s Jamilah Lemieux posting a pic encouraging support for ooey-gooey Planned Parenthood, saying, “Cute gift from my friends at@PPact (and I appreciate them for using a small WOC-owned business!) #PPsmoresupport.”
WOC stands for women of color, a demographic of which Lemieux and s’more abortion candy stylist Nila Nicholas both belong.
Did Lemieux and Nicholas miss the woolly mammoth in the room, which is the fact the abortion industry originated from the eugenicsmovement? And that Planned Parenthood targets minority women? Did they also miss when Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast’s Louisiana state director was forced to resign earlier this year for her racist remarks to a women of color gathering?
Santa brought poetic justice to those in the respect life movement this Christmas, as Dupree is also reporting that the Planned ParenthoodPlease Sir, May I Have S’more Money for Abortion campaign has backfired, with some great resulting humor.
There was one hashtag in the abortion marshmallow’s favor, as of Dupree’s reporting, and from what I saw it was Lemieux’s. But, and here’s the cue to look in your pro-life stocking, there’s many s’more making a mockery of it.
We won’t link because many are crude, but it begs the question, that gosh, if the abortion-and-destroying-lives-for-profit movement weren’t so dog-gone nasty, then why would those responding feel the need to meet it where it is?
I think a more honest marshmallow would tell the real deal aboutPlanned Parenthood, but that tale’s already been scripted in Hell, and the poor little guy would burn up before Cecile Richards could say, “Myginormous half-million-dollar salary helps low-income women.”
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