Being concealed by ice would seem like passing away. But certain moss lately freed from the deep freeze after four eras seems to be doing just fine. That’s according to a report in the Accounts of the National Academy of Sciences.
Ice sheets the world over are melting back and that’s for the most part true in the Arctic. The meltdown is picking up speed, too.
As the ice melts it exposes the vegetation it had entombed. Scientists collected a sample of such vegetation in the Canadian territory of Nunavut to test its condition. Carbon seeing showed that the flora had not seen the sun from the time of the start of the Little Ice Age, specifically 400 years ago.
Back in the labs kindlier restrains, the moss picked up where they’d left off—the gathered sample extended out into a lively green blanket.
Harry Reid: ‘No more important issue in the world’ than global warming:
Uttered today by Harry Reid as he reclaimed the floor after the climate speech by Sen. Sheldon “Daffy Duck’ Whitehorse.
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