Monday, April 8, 2013

Obama War Religious :Army Training Session Lists Evangelicals, Catholics, Mormons as ‘Extremists’

An Army Reserve unit undergoing training on religious extremism recently in Pennsylvania was told by an Army instructor that Evangelical Christians, Catholics, Mormons and Orthodox Jews are on the same level with Hamas, al-Qaida and the Ku Klux Klan.

The training was part of the Army Reserve Equal Opportunity program. The slide that listed examples of “religious extremism” put Evangelical Christianity as the first entry and included the Jewish Defense League, Catholicism and even “Islamophobia” alongside the Muslim Brotherhood, Sunni Muslims and Hamas.
When a soldier complained, the Army ducked and covered. Army spokesman George Wright said the slide was not produced by the Army and was removed from the instructional program for future uses.
“This slide was not produced by the Army and certainly does not reflect our policy or doctrine. … It was produced by an individual without anyone in the chain of command’s knowledge or permission,” Wright said. “… We consider the matter closed.”
Ron Crews, executive director of the Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty, said, “It is dishonorable for any U.S. military entity to allow this type of wrongheaded characterization.”

The Army may deny it, but this is typical thinking of the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI and other elements of the liberal Administration. Remember the DHS has issued reports about the alleged threat of terrorism posed by Christians, Tea Party members and military veterans.

It follows that the Army would want to have its soldiers all ready to take on the terrorist threat, so you’ve got to wonder how “unintentional” that slide really was.

The Army isn’t exactly encouraging of independent thinkers, so the slide’s appearance in a training session is most likely indicative of the prevailing “groupthink” on the subject.

All of this stereotyping filters down from the top. The paranoid narcissist in the Oval Office may call himself Christian, but he has never been comfortable with all those people bitterly clinging to their Bibles and guns.
During the course of his Administration, Obama has slighted Christian leaders on several occasions, downgraded White House Christmas celebrations, tried to force Christian churches to abandon their beliefs under threat from the Health and Human Services department.

At the same time, the military under Obama has become a laboratory for social experimentation, from homosexuals and women in combat to Wicca covens and atheist ministries.
To say that this Administration’s views of what constitutes “religious extremism” are eclectic would be an extreme understatement. Bizarre would be more accurate.

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