Saturday, December 21, 2013

Mississippi Legislators Turn Backs On Students, Parents & Educators , Opponents to Common Core are now planning a rally on the steps of the state capitol building for January 7

As the Common Core Standards are being adopted by more and more states and school districts, more and more problems with curriculum have been surfacing.  We’ve heard about it promoting the reading of pornography to hormonally challenged teens.  We’ve also read that Common Core undermines parental authority and the family structure by teaching kids to love and obey their government and to turn to the government for everything.  In math, Common Core doesn’t care about right answers as much as getting those answers their way and no other.  When it comes to human rights issues, Common Core turns from the Christian and biblical human rights that once prevailed throughout our nation and teaches human rights as defined by the United Nations.

Common Core is so socialist oriented that it would make Karl Marx look like a moderate.  At least one governor has said that he is having second thoughts about signing onto Common Core standards for his state.  Gov. Paul LePage of Maine is discovering that the single act of signing the Common Core into law has resulted in a significant part of his support base abandoning him causing doubts about his ability to be re-elected in 2014.

Hopefully, lawmakers in Mississippi will soon find the same thing is happening to them with losing their support base.  The Mississippi Faith and Freedom Coalition Common Core Forum was recently held to discuss the many problems found with Common Core.  The forum was attended by a number of school board members and school superintendents.  They even had one person show up that is considering a run for the governor’s office in 2014.

However, the sponsors of the forum and many of those in attendance were disappointed at the lack of showing by members of the state legislature.  Of the 170 members of Mississippi’s legislature, only 10 showed up.  Rob Chambers, a consultant with the Christian Action Commission, based in Jackson, Mississippi, commented about the lack of legislative attendance, saying:

"For an issue of grave concern for our state and our children, for less than a dozen legislators to show up is disconcerting."

Attendees were hoping to be able to educate the state’s politicians about what Common Core is really doing to their children in an effort to get them to take action during the next legislative session.  Parents and educators in Mississippi need to make the lack of concern of the 160 legislators that couldn’t be bothered to show up, an issue in the next election.

Opponents to Common Core are now planning a rally on the steps of the state capitol building for January 7.  They are going to call on their state senators and representatives to take action against Common Core and protect their kids from the heavy government socialist brainwashing that is at the heart of the standards.  If they don’t listen, then I hope that it will be their last term in office.

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