Saturday, May 10, 2014

Rush Explains Why Obama is Pushing the Global Warming Hoax

Rush Limbaugh, the most popular radio talk show host in the nation for nearly a quarter of a century, explained why Obama is rolling out a new shift and focus to the phony, fear-mongering global warming narrative, and it has nothing to do with “climate change” or science (Listen Below). 

“There is a desire on the part the Democrat Party and the left for the president to once again assume dictatorial-like powers to do what must be done in the area of climate change and global warming to accomplish whatever it is they want to accomplish,” said Limbaugh. “It’s not ‘saving the planet.’ That is not what global warming is about, he contended.” 


“They want you to think it is, but it is not,” said Rush on Tuesday, while explaining that the motive of the political Left, in order to create their socialism/communist Utopia, is to first destroy capitalism. 
“Let us review how the left has attempted to corral people to agree with them and sweep them up into this political movement that’s called climate change. It used to be called global warming, and then when the warming stopped they had to change the term. The main technique that they’ve used is fear combined with guilt, and it has worked well. They have approached people, not directly, but in the form of just everyday news stories, blog posts, movies, cartoon shows, television shows.” 

“The idea is that humanity’s destroying the planet, and not just any humanity, but highly advanced, economically highly advanced humanity is destroying the planet, primarily the United States. Capitalism, where people’s progress, economic progress, is destructive to the planet. This has been the message. We’re destroying it, greenhouse gases, with the giant cars and trucks that we drive and all the airplanes that we’re flying and all the miles we’re flying and all the fossil fuels that we’re burning. We’ve got 10 years or 20 years or 30 years or 50 years or a hundred years, depending on the report, to fix it or we’re all gonna die.” 

“And then the polar bears are dying, and they put up fraudulent pictures of polar bears on little ice floes, three square feet, claiming that’s all that’s left for Little Timmy the polar bear. And of course giant, total, fraudulent lies, all designed to impose guilt and fear, even among kids. I mean, Ted Turner was one of the early entrances into this with his cartoon series on Saturday morning called Captain Planet. It was about a guy saving the world from evil corporate CEOs who were destroying it simply by running their businesses. Capitalists, Republicans, conservatives didn’t care what they destroyed, didn’t care who they destroyed. All they wanted was to get rich and make everybody else poorer.”
h/t:  Daily Rushbo 

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