Thursday, September 18, 2014

Obama's Classmates At Columbia Didn’t Just Hate Capitalism. Obama's Classmates Were Also Atheists Who Openly Despised Judeo-Christian Values… Obama's Classmates Spent There Days Learning, Discussing And Debating A Plan To Destroy America from Within, Obama's Real Crime, His Out of Comtrol Gangster Government.

Obama is indeed the anti-American.

Everything in his background screams it! His mother hated American capitalism. She despised her white middle class background so much she got impregnated by the first black communist she met. Despite being dumped by Barack Sr. she somehow taught Barack Jr. his father was a man to be admired and emulated.

Barack was mentored in his teen years by Frank Marshall Davis a communist whose whole existence revolved around the idea of a capitalistic America enslaving blacks and the underclass.

Obama's college and university education was grounded in "hanging with the radicals and communists". He then spent 20 years in the pews of Rev. Jeremiah Wright who preached "Black Liberation Theology" which taught that Jesus was a black man and American whites are the enemy.

Any proper vetting of Obama would have resulted Barack being completely unelectable.

Obama's Real Crime

Yes, this book is about how Obama hates the country as founded and hates the middle class, but Root also outlines what has been happening to our country with a full list of Obama’s accomplices, and even writes an eye-opening chapter on the unindicted co-conspirators. He provides motive and opportunity, and of course he cites ample evidence of the crime. The magic of the book is how he uses the crime analogy established by his title and connects the dots from Obama to the unions to the education establishment to Warren Buffet to the Democrat Party to the media and so on. The book is not just a well-organized case against Barack Obama -- it is an indictment of the entire liberal media political crony business education complex that produced Obama in the first place.

The most salient part of the book takes us back to Columbia University, where Root himself was a political science and pre-law major while Obama was ostensibly in the same major at the same school at the same time. This is the part of the book where Root unveils his counter-intuitive and astonishing “reverse birther” theory. In the name of avoiding spoiler alerts, will leave the readers to unpack this themselves.

The bigger point about Columbia is that Root outs this Ivy university as being ground zero for the planning and hatching of the murder plot. As he says, “it all started at Columbia.”  He buttresses his argument with the fact that Cloward and Piven hatched their evil scheme in the 60’s -- as professors at Columbia.

Root adds that “my classmates at Columbia didn’t just hate capitalism. They were also atheists who openly despised Judeo-Christian values… we spent our days learning, discussing and debating a plan to destroy America from within.” These memories are seared into Root’s psyche, as he was apparently “THE one and only conservative student” at Columbia. He says “Obama was groomed to be the ringleader” of this conspiracy, and that his “exotic” background -- perhaps fabricated in the first place -- was the perfect back story.

Overall, a little over a third of the book establishes the crime in a well thought out and organized presentation of all of the elements of the crime. The rest is focused on solutions. While the book is by no means a “self-help” work – though there are elements of that in Part Two – there are ideas you can apply to your family, your business, your personal financial situation.

There is also some much-needed advice for the Republican Party. It is important to point out that Root is no GOP automaton -- he actually ran for Vice President on the Libertarian ticket at one time. He has a very good understanding of how the GOP establishment is tone deaf, weak and ineffective. Root’s game plan for saving the country focuses alternately on the macro and the micro -- the political and the financial -- and the personal and the moral. The only way to describe Root is as an American, one who loves the country as founded -- the free enterprise, the opportunity, the charity and the liberty. It is a mistake to try and pigeonhole him into any particular political niche, though his passions are very coincident with Tea Party values.

As a successful entrepreneur, sports gambler and speaker/author -- and the son of a middle class butcher -- Root draws from a wealth of experience and experiences. The book is written in the same high-energy style Root employs as a speaker, panelist or interviewee. That is who Wayne Allyn Root is -- and he is classic Wayne Allyn in this book.

Another testament to Mr. Root himself, and to the book, is the incredible list of diverse endorsers who were willing to put their name on the book. From Ben Carson to Ann Coulter to Allen West -- to D’Souza, DeMint, Faber, Forbes, Schiff, Paul, Viguerie, and Bohannan -- the list of those who recommend this must read is impressively expansive. I believe you will agree with all of the above when you read this book.  I also think you’ll vote “guilty.”

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