Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Emergency contraception will reduce abortions? Then explain these staggering numbers from Planned Parenthood’s latest report

With last week’s release of Planned Parenthood’s 2013-2014 annual report [PDF], we learn that the nation’s largest abortion chain is still the nation’s largest abortion chain.
To be precise, 327,653 babies were killed at Planned Parenthood facilities in 2013—a slight increase over the previous year. We also learn from the report that Planned Parenthood received over half a billion dollars in taxpayer funding in 2013, and that their figures for cancer screenings, prenatal services, and adoption referrals were all down from the previous year.
But one aspect in particular that has yet to attract much attention is Planned Parenthood’s statistics on the number of so-called “emergency contraception” (hereafter: EC) kits distributed in 2013, and how these figures compare in previous years’ annual reports, as well as to their abortion numbers for corresponding years.

Abortion Numbers Up, EC Numbers Way Up

In 2013, Planned Parenthood distributed 1,440,495 EC kits. Compare this with their figures going back to the beginning of this century:
  • 2001: 458,892
  • 2002: 633,756
  • 2003: 774,482
  • 2004: 983,537
  • 2005: 1,245,506
  • 2006: 1,436,846
  • 2007: 1,423,365
  • 2008: 1,436,808
  • 2009: 1,537,180
  • 2010: 1,461,816
  • 2011: 1,425,746
  • 2012: 1,590,133
  • 2013: 1,440,495
Note the staggering increase: between 2001-2006, the number of EC kits distributed annually by the “LensCrafters of family planning” more than tripled. Since then, there was an uptick in 2009, followed by a decrease, then another sharp uptick in 2012, followed by a decrease, although last year’s figure is still higher than the figure from 2011.
And let’s not forget that it’s we the taxpayers who are often the ones footing the bill for the EC kits distributed by Planned Parenthood. Is it any wonder they unload so many?
Now, if all of these millions of megadoses of the regular birth control pill were so effective, we could reasonably expect to see Planned Parenthood’s abortion numbers go down — significantly, even — right?
And yet we don’t.
Here are Planned Parenthood’s abortion numbers for those same years:
  • 2001: 213,026
  • 2002: 230,630
  • 2003: 244,628
  • 2004: 255,015
  • 2005: 264,943
  • 2006: 289,750
  • 2007: 305,310
  • 2008: 324,008
  • 2009: 332,278
  • 2010: 329,445
  • 2011: 333,964
  • 2012: 327,166
  • 2013: 327,653
Only twice (between 2009 and 2010, and between 2011 and 2012) did Planned Parenthood’s abortion numbers go down from one year to the next. In every other year between 2001 and 2013, Planned Parenthood’s abortion numbers increased from one year to the next. And this is to say nothing of the abortion-causing potential of EC itself.
To anyone who has followed the saga of EC and the hopelessly failed predictions surrounding it, these figures should come as no surprise.

1998 Prediction: EC Could Prevent 50% of Abortions and Unintended Pregnancies

Way back in the annals of the internet is a press release dated September 2, 1998 from a company called Gynétics (which at the time was based in New Jersey, but is now based in Belgium). The release announced that the their product, Preven, had just become the “first FDA-approved product for emergency contraception that can prevent pregnancy when used within 72 hours” after sex.
The press release contained this comment from one Dr. Anita Nelson, an Ob/Gyn professor at UCLA:
It is estimated that nearly 50 percent of all abortions and unintended pregnancies in this country could be avoided if women had access to emergency contraception.
That’s no small prediction. And looking back, it’s turned out to be not simply wrong, but hopelessly wrong.
The authors of an article published in the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management in November 2013 stated their central finding rather bluntly:
We find that expanded access to EC has had no statistically significant effect on birth or abortion rates.
And, a few weeks later came the news that EC is “completely ineffective” for women who weigh over 176 pounds.
Click "like" if you are PRO-LIFE
In moments of candor, even those who have been EC’s biggest cheerleaders for years — like Princeton’s James Trussell, who is actually one of Planned Parenthood’s own National Medical Committee members — will admit that the best that can be said of it is that it’s “better than nothing.”
That’s not exactly a ringing endorsement.
But Cecile “I Work Hard for My Salary” Richards and company still gush that it’s a wonderful thing whenever “access” to EC is expanded — and they expect us to be fool enough to believe them.

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