Thursday, September 17, 2015

Must See: The Historic Connections Between Eugenicist Alfred C. Kinsey, Jed Bush And Obama Common Core and Nazi Pedophillia


A remarkable documentary, The Kinsey Syndrome, presented by Jude 3 Production by American History Films, uncovers the roots of a Nazi collaborator, pedophile, and psychiatrist who first introduced “sex education” into American public schools. The soft porn being taught today through Common Core to 10 year-old children exemplifies only one of Kinsey’s goals of indoctrinating and perverting young, innocent minors.

Eugenicist Alfred C. Kinsey is considered by some as “the father of the sexual revolution.” In 1948, Kinsey led the Institute for Sex Research at Indiana University. In a soundproof laboratory built with detailed specifications at Indiana University, Kinsey sexually abused at least 317 infants and young boys as part of “scientific protocol,” which formed the basis of his “research.”

Dr. Judith Reisman exposed his crimes in her 1981 book, Kinsey: Crimes & Consequences, in which she details the crimes of child sex abuse and fraud committed by Kinsey and others. She evidences how his fraudulent and criminal activities provided the alleged “scientific data” on human sexuality that is used in public school “sex education.” As a result, numerous law suits and legal actions were filed against the Kinsey Institute.
One victim who was “experimented on” by Kinsey says:
“Children are so innocent they don’t know about adults molesting them. Their world to them is safe, until somebody shows them differently. Then someone comes along and steals their innocence.”
One of Kinsey’s collaborators was Nazi officer Dr. Fritz von Balluseck. According to German court reports, which were printed on the front pages of German newspapers, Balluseck told presiding Judge Berger:
“Kinsey had asked the paedophile specifically for material of his perverse actions.He made statistics.and he sent the American sex researcher, Kinsey.[to whom he] repeatedly and explicitly reported his perverse crimes.  [They] corresponded for some time.”
German newspapers printed the Kinsey-Balluseck collaboration as the lede story (Der Morgenpost, 5/19/57, P1; Der Tagespiegel, 10/1/57, P1). American newspapers did not cover the trial or report on the connection between Kinsey and the Nazis.

The Kinsey Syndrome documentary illustrates a pre-Kinsey and post-Kinsey America. It also evidences that even today, Kinsey’s fraudulent data instilled the sexually deviant “education policy” still being taught in the public school system.

Matt Barber, Associate Dean and Adjunct Law Professor, Liberty University School of Law, teaches a class called “Sexual Behavior and the Law,” in which he highlights the documentary. Barber says, “Each chapter of this documentary addresses a different aspect of the work of the pseudo-scientist Alfred Kinsey whose fraudulent data laid the cancerous foundation for sex education, perversion, pedophilia, pornography, and the corruption of our culture.”
Barber adds,  “All of our major elitist institutions: the courts, the media, academia, the entertainment industry and others — rely on Kinsey’s wholly discredited research to move America away from adherence to the Judeo-Christian sexual ethic, towards a secular-humanist, morally relative worldview. The Kinsey Syndrome has helped to expose Alfred Kinsey and his life’s work as pure fraud.”

In additional to watching the documentary, more information about pornography, pedophilia and child abuse directly linked to Kinsey’s sex education efforts can be found here: The Kinsey Syndrome and here: Dr. Judith Reisman.


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