Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Internal IRS Whitewash of the Great Tea Party Purge: We Need A Special Prosecutor

Meet William J. Wilkins -- 

the President's Man at the IRS

More probing reveals more questions.
On the time line (page 36), there is the following entry for August 4, 2011:
Rulings and Agreements office personnel held a meeting with Chief Counsel so that everyone would have the latest information on the issue [of developing new criteria for identifying which applications to send to specialists for more scrutiny]. 
In other words, the Chief Counsel of the IRS was informed about the issue on August 4, 2011.  So who is this Chief Counsel?
America, meet Obama appointee William J. Wilkins -- briefed on the political targeting of conservative groups as of 8/4/11.  Did he tell The White House about it at the time? Not that Jay Carney is aware of, as he told a skeptical press corps yesterday:
Q    And just one more thing.  The report also says that on August 4th of 2011, that the chief counsel at the IRS -- I believe that’s William Wilkins, appointed by President Obama in 2009; this is one of only two political appointees at the IRS -- that the chief counsel was briefed on this back in 2011.  Did he share that information with the White House?
MR. CARNEY:  I’ll have to look at that.  I don’t know that that’s the case.  I would point you to the Treasury Department for more information about I think the meeting that we’re talking about or that is represented in that.
Q    But shouldn’t he have?  This is one of the President’s political appointees, chief counsel.
MR. CARNEY:  What I can tell you is what I said yesterday:  The President found out about this through media reports on Friday.  That’s how I found out about it.  . . . .
Q    The purpose of briefing the chief counsel, according to the IG, was so that everybody would have the latest information on the issue.  As the President’s political appointee over there, shouldn’t there have been an effort for him to brief you?
MR. CARNEY:  Well, you can say what should have been or shouldn’t have been.  What I can tell you is what to my knowledge I’m aware of.
Two exit questions:
(1) Is it credible that William J. Wilkins, a well-trained lawyer with a history of counseling 501(c)(3)'s, would have learned of the political targeting of groups and not informed The White House?
(2) How is it that the systematic harassment of conservative groups continued at the IRS even after President Obama's man at the IRS knew of the previous targeting as of August 4, 2011?  For example, the timeline entry for January 25, 2012 reads as follows:
The BOLO ["be on the lookout"] criteria were again updated. The criteria was revised as "political action type organizations involved in limiting/expanding Government, educating on the Constitution and Bill of Rights, social economic reform/movement."

Rubio On IRS Scandal: Obama's Culture Of Political Intimidation

Marco Rubio delivers a speech criticizing the Obama administration for the recent IRS scandal that targeted conservative groups.



Family Talk founder says IRS targeted 'tea party,' 'Constitution' and 'Christian'

Dobson has been an outspoken lightning rod standing up for Christian values for decades as an author, broadcaster, speaker and adviser. He has written more than 30 books including, “The New Dare to Discipline,” “Love for a Lifetime,” “Life on the Edge,” “Love Must Be Tough,” “The New Strong-Willed Child,” Bringing Up Boys,” “Bringing Up Girls” and “Head Over Heels.”
He was an associate clinical professor of pediatrics at the University of Southern California School of Medicine for 14 years and on the attending staff of Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles for 17 years.
He has advised three U.S. presidents on family matters, and holds 17 honorary doctoral degrees. In 2008 he was inducted into the National Radio Hall of Fame and recently he received the “Great American Award” from The Awakening.
In a statement released through his FamilyTalk Action headquarters in Colorado Springs, it was confirmed the organization was set up two years ago “for the purpose of spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ, of providing Christ-oriented advice and education to parents and children; and of speaking to cultural issues that affect the family.”
The group’s Form 1024 was filed with the IRS requesting 501(c)4 status, which is a nonprofit status but with permission to comment on political issues. Its contributions and donations are not tax deductible to donors. It is not the same status as the ministry itself, where donations are tax deductible, and the arrangement represents a common setup for ministries that want to engage in limited political activity on issues such as marriage, family, abortion, same-sex “marriage,” civil rights and freedom.
FamilyTalk Action said, “The attorney completing this form had submitted scores of similar applications over his 26-year career with none being rejected. In January and February 2013, Family Talk Action’s counsel called the IRS reviewing agent, R. Medley (ID no. 52402), to inquire regarding when there would be a determination of the application. Her voice mail box was full on each of these calls so no message could be left. On March 6, he called Ms. Medley again and got routed to her voice mail again. This time, he was able to leave a voice mail message and requested a return call.
“Ms. Medley did not call back until March 19. Family Talk Action’s attorney asked her when the IRS would issue its determination letter. Ms. Medley responded saying, I don’t think your Form 1024 (application for exemption) will be granted because Family Talk Action is ‘not educational’ because it does not present all views. She continued, saying that Family Talk Action sounded like a ‘partisan right-wing group’ because, according to Ms. Medley, it only presents conservative viewpoints. She then added, ‘you’re political’ because you ‘criticized President Obama, who was a candidate.’”
The organization said it had submitted sample radio programs after the IRS had demanded them, although none was aired during an election year.
“It was the opinion of Family Talk Action’s legal counsel that these samples were not only 501(c)(4) qualified but 501(c)(3) qualified,” the statement said.
“Family Talk Action’s legal counsel had never heard an IRS agent express biased statements like those he heard during the March 19 call. He also felt that the this agent did not understand the difference between 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) entities,” the report said.
“The American people deserve better treatment from its government than this. Christian ministries and others supporting the family must not be silenced or intimidated by the IRS or other branches of the government,” Dobson said.
President Obama fired the acting commissioner of the IRS today over the war against conservatives and Christians, members of Congress demanded that all those responsible lose their jobs and it has been revealed that nearly 500 groups were targeted in the “don’t-disagree-with-Obama” effort.
Documentation suggests the attacks started as early as 2010, shortly after Obamacare, which now is mandating that Christians in business violate their faith and pay for abortifacients, was adopted.

Read more at 

The Internal IRS Whitewash of the Great Tea Party Purge: We Need A Special Prosecutor

This is a terrible report. Just begin reading it and you will quickly realize that you are in the the swamp of obfuscation and CYA.
On the "Highlights" page there are more questions raised than answered --questions such as who ordered "donor information received in response to a request destroyed" and who at the IRS, specifically, rejected some of the IG's recommendations and "alternative corrective actions?" Mixed into the first page of sanitized disclosures is the "request that social welfare activity guidance be developed by the Department of the Treasury," an invitation to Obama Administration appointees and senior bureaucrats to issue regulations that include or exclude groups from tax exempt status --from the very same agency that has been unable to stop a campaign of intimidation against Tea Party groups that reached far and wide and which extended back to "[e]arly in Calendar Year 2010."
What is most remarkable about the report is the wholesale lack of detail about who, what, where and when? Take page 3, for example, when the report states "During the 2012 election cycle, some members of Congress raised concerns to the IRS about selective enforcement and the duty to treat similarly situated organizations consistently." There is no footnote citing which members or to copies of their complaints or to transcripts of hearings at which such concerns were voiced. Readers are thus unable to judge if the report is referring to a couple of complaints that arrived via form letter from low level Congressional staffers or if this reference is intended to cover the willful deception of Senator Hatch.
On page 4 the report states that this "review was performed at the EO function Headquarters office in Washington, D.C., and the Determinations Unit in Cincinnati during the period June 2012 through February 2013." No detail is provided on the IG personnel who conducted it, who was interviewed by those personnel and when those interviews occurred, and who was kept informed of the progress of the report. No list of interviews, no record of transcribed depositions --if any occurred-- and no schedule of meetings between investigators and IRS personnel is included. No one can read this and conclude whether the investigation is a complete whitewash and cover-up or a bureaucratic exercise in carefully calibrated CYA.
No one can read it and say "Well, they certainly got to the bottom of that!"
Beginning on page 5 comes the maddening use of non-specific terms like "the Determinations Unit." This is creepy, Orwellian cant, and instead of learning "that on June 21, 2010, Joe Bag-of-Donuts in the Cincy office ordered Sally Slow-starer to make a pile of all the Tea Party apps," we learn instead that the "Determinations Unit developed and began using criteria to identify potential political cases for review that inappropriately identified specific group..."
More of the same follows:
"EO function officials stated that, in May 2010, the Determinations Unit began developing a spreadsheet that would become known as the "Be On The Look Out" listing (hereafter referred to as the BOLO listing), which included the emerging issue of Tea party applications."
Who in the "EO function" stated that? When did the EO function become aware of this spreadsheet? Did anyone at anytime realize this was at a minimum wrong and quite possibly a federal crime? Did anyone in the "EO function" call the DOJ and blow a whistle?
On page 31 we learn that on April 1-2, 2010 (!) the "new Acting Manager, Technical Unit, suggested the need for a Sensitive Case Report on Tea Party cases. The Determinations Unit Program Manager agreed." Who was this "new Acting Manager," and was he or she a long-time IRS GS 10 employee with a stellar record promoted to fill a vacancy, or a new hire from the non-federal workforce, and if the latter, why was he or she hired and by whom? This April 1-2, 2010 sequence appears to be the "original sin" and it is astonishing that no detail is provided on this incident and people involved with it. Imagine not knowing who broke into the Watergate Hotel and not caring?
The heart of this mostly meaningless exercise in CYA is on pp. 6 and 7, which gives the barest of outlines of what happened within the IRS, and the announcement of the most cursory of inquiries into political motivation:
We asked the Acting Commissioner, Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division; the Director, EO; and Determinations Unit personnel if the criteria were influenced by any individual or organization outside the IRS. All of these officials stated that the criteria were not influenced by any individual or organization outside the IRS. Instead, the Determinations Unit developed and implemented inappropriate criteria in part due to insufficient oversight provided by management.
Right. No names, no dates, no transcripts of the questions. Nothing to worry about, just imprecise guidance. No record of whether senior IRS management told anyone outside of IRS about the "low-level" practices in Cincy, and no details on who developed the policies in the first place and whether those people were lifers in the IRS or relatively recent hires.
What we know from this report is that the IG of IRS labored a long time at a very slow pace to produce a nearly worthless report. We also know that the Congress has a lot of work ahead of it, and that lawyers from the DOJ will conduct an investigation into a very old crime scene long after the elections impacted by the suppression of legitimate political activity have passed, and long after the stories have been straightened out and files dumped and emails deleted.
We need a Special Prosecutor, period. Congress should insist and hammer Eric Holder and President Obama until they consent. Use all tools to accomplish this, as the American people understand the threat posed by a politicized IRS and they understand why the Chicago gang cannot be trusted to investigate this. The IRS is an enormously powerful agency and one that causes quite a lot of fear in Americans. It went badly off the rails, and credibility has to be restored. It won't be restored by the Obama-Holder DOJ. If Speaker Boehner has to use the debt limit to force this, it is a show down worth having. The vast majority of IRS employees are hard-working, ethical civil servants and they will rally to any genuine effort to clear their own names and restore the agency's credibility. If the agency has been infiltrated by political hacks, they will be quick outed by the serious career people if the career folks are protected along the way.
On Friday the House Ways and Means Committee holds the first of what will be many Congressional gearings into this scandal. The House GOP members need to tamp down their desire for some air time and YouTube video, and ask very specific questions about the conduct of the IG investigation, getting into the details about who knew the investigation was underway and why it took so long, who was interviewed, by whom, and under what circumstances. Crucially, we need the names of the people who came up with the criteria, and dates on when they were interviewed and answers on whether those interviews were recorded.
The Democrats want this to be a story of bad management and incompetent front-line staff "that did not consider the public perception of using politically sensitive criteria when identifying these cases." (p. 7) Perhaps that is all it is --that is how the New York Times is spinning it this morning-- but it could be much, much more sinister, and getting to the answer of what it was and what went on will never emerge if this pace and these techniques are used as the cover-up ball is lateraled to DOJ.

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