Friday, January 2, 2015


On the last day of 2014, Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) released its2013-2014 annual report, revealing an uptick in abortions performed and a drop in both contraceptive and cancer prevention services.
“We’ve come a long way since Margaret Sanger was jailed in 1916 for opening America’s very first birth control clinic,” tout Planned Parenthood chair Alexis McGill Johnson and president Cecile Richards as they introduce the report. “Today, 99 percent of sexually active American women at some point in their lives use birth control – and, thanks to Planned Parenthood and the Affordable Care Act, more than 48 million women are now eligible to receive it with no copay.”
“Until 1973, young healthy American women were dying because of illegal and unsafe abortions,” the Planned Parenthood leaders say. “Today, abortion is one of the safest medical procedures in this country.”
The pro-life Susan B. Anthony List (SBA-List), however, provides a fact sheet to interpret Planned Parenthood’s statistics.
According to its annual report, Planned Parenthood performed 327,653 abortions in 2013, up from its 327,166 performed in 2012. SBA-List states that, over the past three years, the abortion giant has performed nearly one million abortions.
Planned Parenthood hopes to draw attention instead to its sexually transmitted disease and contraception services (the latter of which dropped four percent in one year). The organization states three percent of its services were abortions performed, but SBA-List notes that abortions made up 94 percent of the organization’s “pregnancy services,” while prenatal care accounted for only five percent (18,684), and adoption referrals only 0.5 percent (1,880).
SBA-List concludes that, “for every adoption referral, Planned Parenthood performed 174 abortions.” The pro-life group also observes that “adoption referrals by Planned Parenthood dropped 14 percent in one year, and prenatal care services dropped 4 percent.” Additionally, Planned Parenthood’s cancer prevention services fell 17 percent in the past year.
Despite these declines in provided services, Planned Parenthood reports more than $127 million in excess revenue, and over $1.4 billion in net assets.
In fiscal year 2013-2014, Planned Parenthood was provided with more than $528 million – or 41 percent of its total revenue – in taxpayer funds in the form of government grants, contracts, and Medicaid reimbursements. The organization receives Obamacare “navigator” grants to help HHS bump up enrollment for President Obama’s signature healthcare law – upon which Planned Parenthood relies greatly, and “education” funding for sex ed. Since Obamacare is really all about expanding Medicaid, the abortion giant is extremely motivated to get as many people as possible on Obamacare Medicaid plans.
The abortion industry giant lists among its accomplishments helping “more than 125,000 young people in moments of crisis through our Chat/Text program,” helping to “increase use of long-acting reversible contraception,” and fighting “abortion stigma in popular culture,” particularly through the film Obvious Child, which Planned Parenthood describes as “an edgy, hip, funny, remarkably honest story revolving around one woman’s abortion.”
“The abortion rate may be declining across America, but not in Planned Parenthood clinics,” said SBA-List president Marjorie Dannenfelser in a statement regarding the report. “Their latest annual report is fresh evidence that Planned Parenthood remains an abortion-centered, profit-driven business.”
“In 2013, Planned Parenthood upped the number of abortions they performed to 327,653,” Dannenfelser noted. “Meanwhile, their already limited cancer screenings, prenatal services, adoption referrals – and even contraception services – continue to drop. Planned Parenthood claims to be an altruistic health care provider for women and girls but their bottom line is all about abortion.”

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